时间:2021-02-22 08:36 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
2.1 留美使我成为回国办医院第一人,建肿瘤医院是我事业的起步![]() 2.1 Studying in the USA made me the first man coming back to operate a hospital in China and building a cancer hospital was the starting of my career 中国是我的家,我血脉里流动的是中国人的血液,只有回到这片土地,我周身的血液才会温热而畅通。集大学本科、研究生学历和美国深造于一身的我,梦想办个自己的医院,以展示我治疗癌症的概念、理论、方式和方法,在临床上治疗癌症的疗效。疗效对病人至关重要,治疗效果如何,病人最有体会,能感觉出哪一种方法是最好的治疗。 China is my motherland, and Chinese blood flows in my bloodline, so blood in my whole body was not warm and smooth until I returned to this land. I as an integration of bachelor's degree, postgraduate diploma and American studies dreamed operating a hospital of my own to show my concept, theory, mode and method on cancer treatment as well as the clinical effect. The curative effect is great important to patients, they had most experience to it, and could feel which the best treatment was. 一个人的学历和履历固然重要,但能力更重要,一个人只要有了能力,才能使自己的才智得以发挥。回国创业前,无论在国内还是在国外,验证的只是我的学习能力和研究能力。从1996年回东平老家创业,开办第一家肿瘤医院到今天,验证了我有一定的创业能力。所以我要特别感谢老家东平县政府的各级领导对我的支持,使我有机会施展自己的才能,验证自己多方面的能力,并有机会为家乡人民做点事。 Education and experience is important for a person, while his competence is more important. As long as a person is with ability, then he can give play to his own talents. Before returning, it only validated my ability of learning and research. While it validated that I had entrepreneurial ability since I had opened my first tumor hospital after I returned my native place to pursue my careers in 1996. So I want to especially thank the support from leaders at all levels of the government of Dongping County, so that I have the opportunity to display my talent, verify my ability in many aspects, and have the opportunity to do something for the people of my hometown. 回国后,我把第一家医院建在了养育我的东平县农村。那个时候,国内的改革开放正如火如荼,为了吸引资金,加速当地的经济建设,各地都纷纷出台了相应的优惠政策。但政策再优惠,把医院建在贫困的农村,在许多人眼里是个不明智之举。作为新生事物,此举在山东见报了,一位外省的朋友看了报道,给我写了一封信:“于保法,你是不是想出风头啊?你的小九九打错啦!你把医院建在这么落后的农村,风头是出了,可是你的投资什么时候收回来呀?提醒你一句,基础设施你是带不走的!……我看啊,你不是一个疯子,就是一个傻瓜……” After returning home, I made the first hospital built in the rural of Dong ping County where I was grown. At that time, China's reform and opening up is growing vigorously, in order to attract capital, accelerating the local economic construction, all local government have introduced a corresponding preferential policies, though, it was not wise to set the hospital in poverty rural. 作为新生事物,此举在山东见报了,一位外省的朋友看了报道,给我写了一封信:“于保法,你是不是想出风头啊?你的小九九打错啦!你把医院建在这么落后的农村,风头是出了,可是你的投资什么时候收回来呀?提醒你一句,基础设施你是带不走的!……我看啊,你不是一个疯子,就是一个傻瓜……” As a new thing, it appeared in the newspapers of Shandong, a friend in other province read the report then wrote a letter to me: "Yu Baofa, are you seeking publicity? You do wrong the multiplication table. You built the hospital in so backward rural areas, you are out of the limelight, while what time is your investment back? Remind you a word, you cannot take away the infrastructure...... I see, you must be a fool if you were not a madman......" 专业外语翻译中心-专业外语翻译-专业外文翻译 不理解我这个大胆举动的,不只是这个外省人,我的好多同学朋友,甚至亲戚都不理解,极力劝阻。 Not only the mainlander do not understand my bold move, but also many of my classmates and friends, even my relatives don't understand and strongly discourage me. 我主意已定,在东平建肿瘤医院,理由有四。其一,东平是癌症高发区,贫困落后,一般人患上癌症后,根本没有能力去大医院治疗;其二,当时筹集的创业资金少,想在大中城市建一所肿瘤医院还远远不够;其三,国内对于开办民营医院没有相应的政策,卫生部门控制得非常严;其四,东平是我的家乡,人熟地熟,凡事都好办些。 I had made up my mind to build tumor hospital in Dongping, there were four reasons: First, Dongping was the high incidence of cancer, poverty and backwardness, most people suffering from cancer had no ability to the big hospital; Second, as the venture capital raised was little which was not enough to build a tumor hospital in large or a medium-sized city at that time; Third, there was no corresponding policy domestic to open private hospital, and the Departments of health controlled very strictly; Fourth, as Dongping was my hometown where people and the land were familiar to me, so everything was relative easier to do. 当时我跟朋友们说:“我对东平感情深厚,县委县政府的领导支持我,就应当选在东平作为我创业的起步。” While I said to my friends at the time: "I am with deep feelings to Dongping, and the leaders of Party committee and government in county supported me, so I should choose Dongping as my venture starting." 我开始筹备建医院了,先期征得十多亩地。在对建楼一窍不通的情况下,找人设计了一张图纸,一栋三层小楼,看上去还可以。记得当时有个朋友说:“从图纸上看,就像北京火车站。”啊,这不是风马牛不相及吗?就这样吧,只要是医院,至于像什么并不重要。 I began preparations for building a hospital, advance with 10 acres of land. As I was utterly ignorant of the construction of buildings, looking for someone to design a drawing, a three storey building which looked well enough, I remembered a friend said: "It looks like Beijing Railway Station from the drawing." Ah, is this no relevance? Be it so, as long as the hospital, it was not important what it looked like. 当地一位亲戚带领建筑队垫资盖楼,并再三表示让我放心,一定完成任务。结果盖起来,就像一个小鸟笼子,质量差,特别是门窗通风效果差。但不能全怨建筑队,当时我们没钱,也没提什么要求。其实我也知道,在他们心里,有自己的想法:楼盖得好与孬没有关系,我是帮了你的忙,你地拿不走,楼也搬不走。你没钱了,你的医院办不起来了,楼就是我的了。直到开业以后,有记者问他们:“你们怎么把这楼盖成这样?质量如此的差?”他们这才道出了实情:“哪能想到于保法真能把医院开起来。” A local relative led a team built the hospital with loaning, to make me rest assured, he said to me repeatedly that he was sure to finished the task. While the building was completed which was like a bird cage with poor quality, especially the poor ventilation effect of the doors and windows. But it should not to blame entirely the construction team, as we had not much money at that time, also we did not mention some requirements. In fact, I know they had their own ideas in their mind: it doesn't matter for a good building or a bad one, I helped you, you can't take away the land as well as the buildings. As you don't have money to run the hospital, then the building will be mine. They did tell the truth until a reporter asked them: “Why did you make the building like that, so poor quality?” They said: “How can we think about that Yu Baofa can really open up the hospital really?” 征得的土地我们没有足够的钱一笔付清, 是分期付款。我成功地使用了“空手倒”,分期付款,节约建设成本,完成了我初期的目标。没办法呀,自己的启动资金实在是太少了。就这样,算是过了创业的第一道坎,至于创业中有几道坎,我认为步步有坎,至少我的创业初期是这样的。 We paid for the land by installment as we didn't have enough to pay with one lump sum. I successfully used "operation with empty hands", by installment, I saved the construction cost and completed the initial target. I had really no other ways, as we own had too few startup funds. So, I at last strided over the first threshold of running a business, as for how many thresholds there were in my venturing, I thought there were thresholds every step, at least it was so in the venturing in my early days. 随着医院发展的需要,建设用地逐步扩大到了八十多亩,医院的二期工程进程就比先前要顺利得多,质量也要好得多。 With the need of hospital development, construction land gradually expanded to more than 80 acres, the second stage of the project of hospital proceeded much more smoothly and much better in quality than the previous. 东平是癌症高发区,经济又比较落后,农民们平日缺医少药,患上癌症后,由于没有支付昂贵医药费的能力,大多数患者都是在中小医院做简单的保守治疗,根本无济于事,还有的病人被医生判了死刑,就回家等死。这样的一些病人,在我的医院开业后,纷纷前来求治,甚至有的病人家属带着送终的寿衣把病人送到泰美宝法肿瘤医院,意思就是能治就治,治不好就听天由命。 Dongping is the high incidence of cancer, and the economy is relatively backward, the farmers were usually lack of medical treatment, ,most of the patients who suffered from cancer were always went to middle and small hospitals to make a conservative treatment as they could not afford the expensive medical expenses, which was basically of no avail, even a few patients was announced to death by the doctor and went home to wait for death. Some of these patients come to seek treatment one after another after my hospital opening, and even some family members of patients sent the patient to the Tai'an Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital with the shroud, meaning that cured if it were be cured, otherwise by his/her fate. 没有一个人能够想到,这些危重的病人经过我们的治疗,竟能走着回家。 泪水滚动在那一张张憨厚、质朴的脸上,没有过多的感激之言,也没有客套,有的只是一双双紧握着医护人员的大手,传递着那份朴素的真情;有的是一句“这孩子救了我”。朴实无华的语言,让我真切地感受到了做医生的幸福。 No one could think of that these critically ill patients unexpectedly could walk home after our treatment,. Tears rolled on the faces of simple and honest, plain, with no more grateful words, neither any polite, but a couple of and another hands holding the hands of medical staff with delivery of that simple truth; there was a word "The kid saved me". The chaste language truly made me feel the happiness as a doctor. “保法治癌不用全身化疗,花钱不多,效果又好,简直神了!”这样一传十、十传百,泰美宝法肿瘤医院门庭若市。120张床位的病房区,床位利用率始终没有低于百分之八十五。 "Baofa treated cancer without systemic chemotherapy, a lot of cost, while with good effect, which was amazing!" So it was spread from mouth to mouth, then Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital was bustling. The ward with 120 bed had the rate of bed utilization never less than eighty-five percent. 开医院的,病人多了,经济效益就会好,照理说我应该高兴,可我却怎么也高兴不起来,浑身不舒服,好像什么东西缠着我的心,使我有些心事重重。因为来院治病的人,大多是东平的农民,癌症如此的高发,压抑着我,令我内心不安。于是我决定下村入户搞癌症普查,普查的目的是早发现早治疗,一是可以为病人省钱,二是可以减少痛苦,提高治愈概率。 General speaking I should be happy as running a hospital, the patients were so many and the economic benefit was to be good, they said I should be happy, while I was not happy and felt general discomfortable, as if something was wrapping around my heart, making me be preoccupied by some troubles. As most of the people came to seek treatment in the hospital were farmers in Dongping, the incidence of cancer so high depressed me, made me anxiety in my heart. So I decided to engage in cancer screening at households in the villages with the purpose of early detection and early treatment: firstly to save money for the patients and secondly to reduce pain for them, improving the cure probability. 从1998年11月开始,我和医院的职工们利用双休日,对东平县18个乡镇78万人口进行了下乡义诊及肿瘤普查活动,其结果令人震惊:癌症发病率是千分之二点八! Starting from November 1998, I and hospital staff using two-day weekend engaged in the activities of gratuitous treatment and cancer screening among the population of 780,000 of 18 towns in Dongping county, and the results were alarming: the incidence rate of cancer was 2.8/1000! 除了义诊,我还在医院经费相对紧张的情况下,挤出钱来捐助贫困学生,并专门成立了一个救助贫困学生的基金。 “整天和癌症病人打交道,你不会因此感到灰暗吗?”很多人这样问过我。 In addition to gratuitous treatment, I still extruded some money to help poor students, and set up a fund specially for the poor students under the situation that the hospital funds was relatively tense. "Dealing with cancer patients all day, won't you feel so gloomy?" Many people asked me. 奇怪,在真正接触这些高危病人之前,我反而不时会因一些令人困扰的问题而自寻烦恼。因为刚建医院的时候,医院名气不大,来就医的大多是癌症晚期病人,都是没有了指望的人。那时候我紧张过——本来都是快死的人了,如果死在我的医院里,我就全完了,我的确是有过这样的苦恼,但很快就不烦恼了。因为活着会比任何时候更明朗、更有意义,正是因为我那么惊心动魄地接触到了死亡,也正是因为我看到了病人们的笑脸,我才更深刻地体会到了活着的意义,我比任何时候都更珍惜生命和伴随我生命的一切,我觉得人人都该善待自己,善待家人,善待朋友,善待这一生与己有缘的所有人。 Strangly, before the real contact with these high-risk patients, I sometimes brought troubles on myself because of some troubling questions. As the hospital was just opening and was not known by more people, while most patients coming to medical treatment were at late stage of cancer with hopeless, then I had ever been nervous – if the patients who were almost dead had died in my hospital, I was to be over, I really had such a misery, while soon I didn't worry. As being alive was more clear and more meaningful than any time, and just because of my contacting with death with soul-stirring, seeing the smile faces of the patients, then I felt deeply the meaning to life, and I cherished life and everything with my life more than ever, I thought that everyone should treat well to themselves, treat well to his families, treat well to his friends and all the people destined to his life. 在全国上下都在讨论集资、生财、创造财富时,在我的医院急需资金的时候,我却在行“散财之道”。因为我始终认为,人嘛,除了发财致富之外, 还有更加重要的事情要做。 At the time when the people all over the country were discussing raising funds, making money and creating wealth, and the time that my hospital was badly in need of money, while I was engaging in the way of " distribution of wealth ", as I was always thinking that as a person, there were more important thing to do in addition making a fortune.专业外语翻译中心-专业外语翻译-专业外文翻译 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |