时间:2021-02-07 08:55 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
1、目 的(purpose)![]() 确保能及时查清并消除实际或潜在不合格原因,防止类似问题的再发生或预防问题的发生,不断改进质量体系、提高产品质量。 This procedure is for discovering and removing actual or potential non conforming factors, Preventing problems or similar problems to occur gain and is aimed at the continuous improvement of the quality system of the company. 2、适用范围 (Procedure Work flow) 输入:评估不符合条件的个体,避免将来出现
3、职 责(Management of the corrective and preventive measures ) 各部门负责确认、评审相关不合格,调查、分析不合格产生的原因,评价纠正/预防措施的需求,评审所采取的纠正/预防措施的有效性。 Responsible for confirming, reviewing the relevant non-conformities by each department. Survey and analyze the reason for the non conformities. Review the effectiveness of the corrective and preventive measures. 纠正措施是为了解决不合格品,而预防措施是防止潜在的不合格发生。 Corrective measures represent the measures which have to be taken in order to solve the non conformities, whereas the preventive measures are the ones that are targeted to prevent potential non conformities to happen. 总经理项目经理在战略评审会议和专门会议项目经验总结会议(M35)上确认所有措施。 The GM PM establishes all the measures during the “Strategic Review Meeting” and during dedicated meetings Project Lessons-learned Review Meeting (M35). 每月至少举办一次战略评审会议 The Strategic Review meetings are hold regularly on a monthly basis. 每个项目终验收后,项目经理组织项目组成员、生产经理、机械部门经理、电气部门经理及总经理召开项目经验总结会议(M35),通过项目获得的经验总结理解分析对项目有利的及阻碍的因素。 After final-acceptance of each project, PM orginize ‘Project Lessons-learned Review Meeting’ with project team members, PDM, MEDM, EEDM and GM, use this Lessons Learned as an aid to understanding and analyze those factors that either helped or hindered project. 专业英文建筑翻译-专业英文机械翻译-专业英文合同翻译 质量负责人项目经理在战略评审会议上项目经验总结会议(M35)收集C20表格 The table C20, which is made by QA PM during the Strategic Review Meetings Project Lessons-learned Review Meeting, collects:
除了内审和外审(观察结果-不合格区域)外,表格中要记录由第三方制作的观察结果。[s1] In the table are reported also all the observation made by third parties as well as during internal audits and external audits (Observations – Non Conformities area) 在会议上更新的表格C20转发到总经理及所有部门经理由项目经理保存原件,电子版存放在服务器项目文件夹内 The table C20 is updated by the QAP during the meetings and is forwarded to GM and all the department managers. M35 is updated by PM who is keeping orginal files, store the electrial one in the project folder on server. 部门经理负责执行,并向总经理和 建议纠正/预防措施。部门经理每天参与核对 The department managers are responsible for the implementations of the actions and are also responsible to suggest new corrective and preventive actions to the GM and AQL. The department managers are daily involved in the verifications of the actions and their efficiency. 项目结束后,任何时候提供参考。 Used anytime as an aid to discusstion and used during Project Close as the Learned exercise. 在战略评审会议项目经验总结会议上,根据目标和真实成绩制做出纠正/预防措施的效率评估 During the “Strategic review Meeting” Project Lessons-learned Review Meeting, the evaluation of the efficiency of the corrective/preventive measures is made according to the target and the real achievement. 其他重要的审核,在内审时制定。为公司质量体系的不断改进,审计报告的结果要注册、记录下来。[s2] Another important moment of verification is made during the Internal Audit: on the audit report all the results of the actions can be registered and recorded for continuous improvement of the company’s quality system. 4资料汇总 Documents Summary 1) Strategic Review meeting (C20) 2《客户服务及售后服务管理程序》 Service and Customer Claims Manage Procedure 3《内审管理程序》 Internal audit procedure 4《不合格控制程序》 Non-confirming control procedure