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8.1 公司备库物品采购:机械、电气、气动标准件,常规刀具、劳保相关用品、车间消耗品及低值易耗品采购
All the materials managed according to the ‘Minimum Quantity Management’ such as ‘ mechanical – Electrical – Pneumatic Standard Parts’, general cutting tools, labour protection supplies, Workshop consumables and Low-value consumption goods
  1. 仓库负责人填写<库房标准件申请单>,(要求中英文对照)
WP fills in the <Warehouse standard parts application form>, bilingual (English and Chinese), <Low value goods application list>, bilingual (English and Chinese). WP shall clearly fills in. 1. application time,  2. Name of materials, 3. type, 4. quantity, 5. expected delivery time, 6. application reason.
  1. 财务经理根据用友系统中的库存情况进行审核,签字审批后交给采购。由采购部执行采购流程。
AFDM checks and verifies the real warehouse stock status in UFIDA, signs for approval <Warehouse standard parts purchase application form>, then hands it over to PUD for suppliers equity and order finalization. The related PO is then input in the UFIDA system
  1.   车间相关非公司常备库存表中的加工刀具、安全用品、劳保相关用品、车间消耗品及服务;
Workshop related purchase applications:
Special Cutting tools for Internal Machining Department (outside the “Minimum Quantity System”, managed by WP), Safety Products, labour protection supplies, Workshop consumables and services
  1. 项目协调员填写<生产消耗品采购申请单>,(要求中英文对照), 需清楚标注1. 申请时间,2. 名称,3. 品牌,4. 规格,5. 数量,6.要求到货日期, 7. 申请原因, 经生产部经理审批签字后,交给采购。
PC needs to fill up the <Production Consumables Application List> both in English and Chinese, clearly mark below information:
  1. Application Date, 2. Material Name, 3. Brand, 4. Type, 5. Quantity, 6. Expected arrival date, 7. Application Reason
Production Manager signs for approval then handover to PUD.
  1. 公司相关办公用品、后勤业务采购,包括保安,保洁,班车,员工餐等;
Company office stationary, logistics, such as guarding, shuttle bus, cleaning services, lunch supplier and etc.
  1. 由行政人员填写《办公用品采购申请单》(要求中英文对照)签字及日期,并交于行政人员部门经理签字及日期,由部门经理在每周二下午交由总经理签字后转给采购。由采购执行采购流程。
Applicant fills in  <Office supplies purchase application list>, bilingual, English and Chinese Language, with signature and date, and send to department manager for signature approval, department manager receives the GM’s approval on each Tue afternoon, and then hands it over to PUD for suppliers equity and order finalization. The related PO is then input in the UFIDA system
  1.    公司固定资产采购Company Fixed Assets purchase;
  1. 申请人填写《固定资产采购申请单》(要求中英文对照)签字及日期,并交于申请人部门经理签字及日期,由部门经理在每周二下午交由总经理签字后转给采购。
Applicant fills in  <Fixed assets purchase application>, bilingual (English and Chinese), signature and date, and send to department manager for signature approval, Department manager receives the GM’s approval on each Tue afternoon, and then transfer to PUD.
  1. 采购根据申请选择供应商, 执行采购流程。
According to the commercial conditions, PUD chooses the suppliers and implement UFIDA purchase procedure.
  1. 在货物到达后将货物交与申请人验收,验收无误由申请人在《固定资产采购申请单》中签字确认,采购合同执行结束的前提条件为:申请人签字,确认验收合格。采购将带有申请人签字验收的申请单交给财务。执行付款流程。
Once the Fix Asset has been delivered, Applicant signs on 《Fixed assets purchase application》for final acceptance of the fixed Asset (in case no compliances happens). This document represents the final release for the finalation of the contractual terms of the PO. Once copy of the “Fixed Assets Purchase Request”, with final acceptance signature, has to be delivered to AFD (see AP Policy)
  1. 设备、器具、器材租赁,固定资产维修、维护,
Renting equipments, facilities, and tools, FA maintenance ,
  1. 申请人清楚填写<设备/固定资产租赁维护申请单>
Applicant clearly fills in all related items on <Equipments /FA renting maintenance application>
  1. 部门经理签字批准Department manager signs for approval.
  1. 采购部执行采购流程。PUD implements the Purchase procedure.
  1. 设备/固定资产维护或租赁工作完成后,验收无误由申请人在<设备/固定资产租赁、维护申请单>中签字确认,采购合同执行结束的前提条件为:申请人签字,确认验收合格。采购将带有申请人签字验收的申请单交给财务。执行付款流程。
After maintenance or renting of equipment/fixed assets, the applicant should sign the <Equipments /FA renting maintenance application> in case of acceptance without any problem. The premise of finishing a PO is: the applicant confirm the acceptance with his signature. Purchase department hand the <Equipments /FA renting maintenance application list > with applicant's signature to financial department, and then payment procedure begins.
  1. 售后服务项目采购Purchase for after sale service
8.6.1. 由生产协调员填写<售后服务申请单>,签字并填写日期。
PC fills in  < Technical Service Application > with signature and date.
  1. 申请单由部门经理签字批准
Department manager signs for approval.
  1. 经审批后的申请单,交给采购,执行采购流程。
PUD implements the Purchase procedure.
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