时间:2017-08-16 17:30 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
本文为作者对今年8月逝世的美国著名翻译家尤金·奈达的怀念文章。作者回忆了与奈达相识后32年中的几次交往,表达了作者的缅怀之情。奈达的翻译理论,在中国以“翻译科学”、“动态对等”和“读者反应”3点最为著名,影响最大,也最有争议,作者梳理和回顾了国内对奈达的这3个概念的误读和误判,指出,“某个翻译理论的提出,一般都会有其语境性、特殊性和针对性。反过来,任何好的理论,不管它有何语境性、特殊性或针对性,一般也都同时会有它的合理性、普适性和超时空性”。“当我们在肯定或赞扬奈达的理论时,我们需要意识到它可能存在的局限和不足,不要盲从;而当我们在批评它的局限或不足时,却又不能妄加指责,把那些本来合理、优胜的部分也否定掉。尤其是,有些人在后言必称奈达时期,常常对奈达的一些核心理论横加批评、甚至彻底否定,如对他的动态对等论和读者反应论,可是他们又不拿出、或拿不出可以用来替代的更好的理论。对此,大家是需要忌讳的。” 奈达翻译理论研究》对奈达的翻译理论作了较为全面、系统的研究,对译界对它的研究状况和接受情况进行了梳理、分析,澄清了译界对奈达理论的种种错误认识,探讨了译界围绕奈达理论进行的论争及其根源。《奈达翻译理论研究》以奈达理论指导下的(现代英文圣经)和(现代中文圣经)中的诸多译例论证了奈达理论对翻译实践,尤其是对外汉翻译实践的指导意义,证明了我国译界认为奈达理论不适合外汉翻译的观点是错误的。《奈达翻译理论研究》对奈达理论和金陧理论的异同之处及其原因进行了深入探讨,对金译<尤利西斯)的得与失进行了分析,证明了奈达理论能够指导荚汉文学翻译实践。《奈达翻译理论研究》对奈达理论在汉英文学翻译实践中的局限性进行了有益探索,指出了奈达理论在文学作品的美学价值的再现上存在不足,并从美的形式特征和非形式特征两个方面阐明文学翻译如何再现原作美学价值的问题。 ~CHAPI.ER ONE INTRoDUCTION 1.1 REASONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH oN NIUA'S TRANSLATION THEORY 1.2 A PROFILEOFNIDA 1.2.1 Nida's Earlier Study 1.2.2 His Involvement in the American Bihie Society 1.2.3 His Academic Contributions to Modern Linguistics and Translation Theory 1.2.4 Nida's Association with Chinese Translation Scholars 1.3 A SURVEY OF NIDA'S TRANSLATION THEORY 1.3.1 Nida's Scientific Study of Tran~~ating 1.3.2 The Principle of Dynamic Equivalence 1.4 THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF THE RESEARCH 1.5 THE METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH CHAPTER TWO REVlEWS OF NID A.S TRANSLATIoN THEORY 2.1 A SURVEY OF CHINESE TRADITIONAL TRANSLATION THEORY BEFORE THE 1980S 2.1.1 Debate over Literal and Free Translation ln Buddhist Translation 2.1.2 Translation Principles in the Late Qing Dynasty 2.1.3 The Dehares on"Fairbdufness"versus"Sraoothness" in the 1930s 2.1.4 Translation Criteria Acknowledged from the 1940s to the 1960s 2.1.5 Translation Studies During the"Cultural Revolution" 2.1.6 The Features of Chinese Traditional Translation theories 2.2 NIDAS TRANSLATION THEoRY IN CHINA 2.2.1 Popularity of Nidgs Theory from 1981 to the Late 1980s 2.2.2 Rethinking Nida's Theory from the Late 1980s through the Mid-1990s 2.2.3 Denial of Nida's Theory from the Mid-1990s to the Present Time 2.2.4 Problems in the Studies of Nidgs Theory in China 2.3 AN OVERVIEW oF WESTERN TRANSLATION THEORIES REFORE NIDA 2.3.1 Early Statements on Translation During the Period of Roman Empire 2.3.2 From the Renaissance to the Eighteenth Century 2.3.3 The Nineteenth Century 2.3.4 The First Half of the Twentieth Century 2.4 NIDAS TRANSLATloN THEORY IN THE WESTERN WORLD 2.4.1 Influence ofNida'sTheory 2.4.2 Criticism of Nida's Theory 2.4.3 Rejection ofNidgsTheory 2 4.4 Problems in the Studies of Nidgs Theory in the West CHAPTER THREE A STUDY ON NIDA'S TRANSLATl0N THEORY 3.1 NIDRS VIEWS OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 3.1.1 NidgsView of Language 3.1.2 Nida'sView ofCulture 3.2 NIDAS SCIENCE oF TRANSLAIoN 3.2.1 The Nature of Nida's Science of Translation 3.2.2 The Distorted"Science of Translation"in China 3.2.3 Nida's Science of Translation and ChomskCs TG Grammar 3.3 NIDAS CONCEPT OF TRANSLATloN EQUIVALENCE 3.3.1 Translation Equivalence in Western Countries 3.3.2 Translation Equivalence in China 3.3.3 Nida's Concept of Equivalence 3.4 DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE/FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE 3.4.1 Phase I Dynamic Equivalence and Formal Equivalence 3.4.2 Phase II Dynamic Equivalence and Formal Correspondence 3.4.3 Phase III:Functional Equivalence and Formal Correspondence 3.5 CONTROVERSIES oVER DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE/FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE 3.5.1 Dynamic Equivalence and Reader-Response Theory 3.5.2 Content and Form 3.5.3 Naturalization and Foreignization 3.6 TESTING NInA'S THEORY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BIBLE TRANSLATIoN 3.6.1 The History of Bible Translation into English 3.6.2 Testing Nidgs Theory with Examples from Today's English Version Translating Idioms Reconstructing Formal Structures Translating Figurative Expressions Making Explicit Implicit Information 3.6.3 The History of Bible Translation into Chinese 3.6.4 Testing Nidgs Theory with Examples from Todays Chinese Version Translating Idioms Reconstructing Formal Structures Translating Figurative Expressions 3.6.4 4 Making Implicit Information Explicit 3.6 5 Problems in the TEV andtheTCV CHAPTER FOUR A CoMPARATIVE STUDY OF NIDA'S THEORY AND JIN DI'S THEORY 4.1 JIN DI'S TRANSLATl0N THEORY 4.1.1 A Survey of Jin's Translation Activity and Translation Study 4.1.2 Jin's View on Translation Before His Reception of Nida's Theory 4.1.3 Jin's Theory of Equivalent Ef~~ct and Its Relationship with Nida's Theory 4.2 RETHINKING NIDA'S DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE 4.2.1 The Relationship between Dynamic Equivalence and the Principle of Equivalent Effect 4.2.2 The Scientific Basis of Dynamic Equivalence/Functional Equivalence 4.2 3 The Immediate Concern of Dynamic Equivalence 4.3 JIN'S RoLE IN PoPULARIZING NIDA'S THEORY 4.3.1 Jin's Contribution to a Better Understanding of Nida's Theory 4.3.2 Problems with Some of Jin's Views about Nida's Theory 4.4 DIFFERENCE BETwEEN JIN'S THEoRY AND NIDA'S THEORY 4.4.1 Reader-Oriented vs Text-Oriented 4.4.2 Flexible vs Inflexible 4.4.3 Ideal Objective vs Realistic Goal 4.4.4 Reasons for the Differences between Jin's Theory and Nida's Theory 4.5 COMMENT ON JIN'S CHINESE VERSION OF ULYSSES 4.5.1 Successful Representation of Stream of Consciousness 4.5.2 Successful Representation of Normal Narratives 4.5.3 Problems in Jin's Chinese Version of Ulysses 4.5.4 Implications of Jin's Translation Practice for the Applicability of Nida's Theory to Literary Translation CHAPTER FIVE ATIlEMPTS TD FURTHER AMEND NIDAS TRANSLATlON THEORY 5.1 THE APPLICATIONOF NIDAS THEORY TO LITERARY TRANSLATIoN 5.1.1 The Application of Dynamic Equivalence 5.1.2 The Significance of the Concept of the Decoder's Channel Capacity 5.1.3 The Important Role Receptors Play in Evaluating Literary Translation 5.2 THE LIMITATIoNS OF NIDAS THEORY IN LITERARY TRANSLATION 5.3 THE IMPORTANCE OF TRANSFERRING AESrHETIC VALUES IN LITERARY TRANSLATl0N 5.4 TRANSFERRING AESTHETIC VALUES IN LITERARY TRANSLATION 5.4.1 Transferring Formal Aesthetic Mafres 5.4.2 Transferring Non-formal Aesthetic Markers 5.4.3 Transferring Aesthetic Values of a Literary Text as a Whole 5.5 TESTING THE REPRESENTATION OF AESTHETIC VALUES IN LITERARY TRANSLATION 5.5.1 Objective Factors Partiality of Translation 5.5.2 Subjective Factors the Translator and the Reader 5.5.3 Questionnaire Analysis of Literary Translation CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION NOTES APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY~ 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |