- 翻译公司资讯
发布时间:2018-08-07 08:58 点击:
世联翻译公司完成新闻稿-多功能支付中文翻译Launch of B2B app marketplace based on multifunctional payment tablet
Wincor Nixdorf is extending and bundling its portfolio of solutions for processing cashless payment transactions. At Wincor World, the company will present a B2B marketplace for Android-based apps that retailers can use to manage their stores, enhance their sales and payment processes and provide value added services. A multifunctional payment tablet is the enabling technology for this innovative software platform concept. The "Aevi" portfolio – an ecosystem of integrated solution components – represents the culmination of all Wincor Nixdorf's experience and know-how in the area of cashless payment transaction processing.
Recently, Wincor Nixdorf established a new business unit, Cashless Payment Solutions, to focus on the needs of the strongly growing cashless payment market. Its Aevi portfolio comprises three solution blocks: Aevi Pay, Aevi Money and Aevi Marketplace.
最近,德利多富公司成立一个新的业务部门——无现金支付业务部,该部门专注于无现金支付市场强劲的增长需求。其Aevi组合由三个业务模块组成: Aevi支付,Aevi货币和Aevi市场。
Aevi Pay delivers software and processing solutions for connecting EFTPOS devices that enable businesses to operate their payment landscape comprising terminals from different manufacturers. Aevi Pay is already being used by leading service station companies to process transactions. Wincor Nixdorf’s solution for processing mobile payments is the white label wallet: Aevi Wallet. It is based on using QR codes, but is now also ready for the future's contactless NFC payments.
The solution Aevi Money covers the acquirer and issuer processing services, such as authorization, switching and routing of ATM transactions, including the operation of ATM networks. For this purpose, market leading software was integrated into Wincor Nixdorf's solution blueprint to enable the company to offer an end-to-end platform as a flexible managed services solution. Moreover, Wincor Nixdorf is addressing the needs of the emerging markets in mobile money applications through a solution that enables people who have mobile telephones but no bank accounts to use ATMs to top up their mobile wallets, withdraw cash, and transfer funds to bank accounts or to other mobile wallets.
作为业务模块之一,Aevi货币覆盖了收购者和发行人的处理服务,如授权、交换和ATM 交易的汇款路径,包括ATM 网络的操作。为此,市场领先的软件被集成到德利多富公司的解决方案蓝图中,使该公司能够提供一个端到端的平台,来作为一个管理灵活的服务解决方案。此外,德利多富公司致力于解决移动支付应用程序新兴市场的需求,通过其一个解决方案,让有移动电话但没有银行账户的人使用自动取款机,进行手机充值,现金提取, 向银行账户转账或向其他移动账户转账。
Lastly, Wincor Nixdorf introduced its B2B app store-based software concept, the Aevi Marketplace. "Our goal is to build a platform for an integrated ecosystem and make applications available that enable a unique customer experience and can do more than just process payments," said, Miroslav Pekarek, Head of Cashless Payment Solutions. Examples include apps that retailers can use to re-order merchandise or that enable restaurant bills to be split easily.
最后,德利多富公司推出了基于门店的B2B应用软件概念——Aevi市场。无现金支付业务部主管米洛斯拉夫 皮卡里克说,“我们的目标是为一个完整的生态系统建立一个平台, 使应用程序具有实用性,使客户得到独特的使用体验而不仅仅是用来处理支付业务,” 例如有的应用程序,零售商可以用来进行商品再订购而有的应用程序可以方便餐厅进行账单结算。
In order to offer a variety of apps quickly, Wincor Nixdorf provides innovative software developers around the world with a software development kit, assumes responsibility for the quality and security of the apps, and ensures their distribution. Retailers or any other business customers can download the apps from the Aevi Marketplace platform onto "Albert" – a multifunctional, Android-based payment tablet and the first of its kind worldwide with an integrated card reader, receipt printer, and touchscreen module for encrypted PIN entry (Touch EPP).
为了快速提供各种各样的应用,德利多富公司为全球创新的软件开发商提供了一个软件开发工具包,而且为应用程序的质量和安全负责,并确保他们得到配发。零售商或其他商业客户可以从Aevi市场平台下载应用程序到“艾伯特”上——一个多功能的安卓系统支付平板电脑,该系统系全世界首款集内置读卡器,收据打印机、以及带触摸屏的进入识别加密模块 (EPP)。
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