- 翻译公司资讯
发布时间:2018-05-30 08:52 点击:
世联翻译公司完成新闻英文翻译00:00 具有唯一性。像这张纸币的冠子号码就是BB69798669.实际上,针对客户指证难的现象,人民银行已经要求银行业金融机构对所付出的100元现钞全部进行冠子号码记录。按照人民银行的时间表,银行业金融机构必须在2013年底前,确保ATM付出的100元现钞人民币冠子号码可查询。在2014年底前,存取款一体机付出的100元现钞人民币冠子号码可查询,在2015年底前,银行业金融机构付出的100元现钞人民币冠子号码可查询
Every note number is unique. Like this note, its number is BB69798669. Actually, according to the difficulty of allegation, People’s Bank of China has already asked all the banking and financial institutes to make sure all the RMB 100 note number from ATM traceable by the end of 2013, all the RMB 100 note number from CRS traceable by the end of 2014 and all the RMB 100 note number and counters traceable by the end of 2015.
00:41 现在我们还正在推行,把二维码技术与冠子号码信息追溯结合在一起的应用。那么我们可以在存款或取款或者ATM机配钞的时候,把这些所有的信息,冠子号码的信息加密成二维码,那么在银行处理业务的时候,把这个二维码的信息,直接就打印出来。其中有一张给客户的时候,把这张凭条交给他。
Now we are also approaching QR code in originating the data in application. So, when we withdraw, save or quota ATM, all the information together with note numbers will be coded in forms of QR codes. Then, the QR code report will be printed and presented to clients.
01:10 客户拿着有附有二维码的凭条,通过货币反假自助终端,查询到所关联到每一张交易的纸币冠子号码以及交易信息。这是在货币图像传感器上,为客户的利益提供的又一重要保障。Clients with the QR code can trace all the tracks of their deals via anti-fake-money self-service terminals. So it is important security insurance upon with currency detectors.
To average people, although the possibility of encountering fake money is rather low, they will have to burden a 100% loss once they meet. Obviously, each consumer cannot carry a currency detector all the way, to deal with this, joint effort among shopping malls, catering places and especially for the banking service terminals. Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务,专业的全球语言翻译与信息解决方案供应商,专业翻译机构品牌。无论在本地,国内还是海外,我们的专业、星级体贴服务,为您的事业加速!世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 专业翻译公司,北京翻译公司,上海翻译公司,英文翻译,日文翻译,韩语翻译,翻译公司排行榜,翻译公司收费价格表,翻译公司收费标准,翻译公司北京,翻译公司上海。- 上一篇:赴日就医需要注意哪些问题?
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