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发布时间:2018-04-03 08:42  点击:

I. Economic performance of the building materials industry in 2012
1. The development was slow yet steady, yet the growth rate fell down by a large margin
Throughout 2012, enterprises above the designated scale in the building materials industry realized total output value of 3.93 trillion yuan, increased by 14.6% from the previous year; the added value realized, calculated on the basis of comparable price, increased by 13.8% from that in 2011, with the growth rate falling down by 18 percentage points compared that in 2011.
--- Traditional industries saw declined production growth. The added value growth in cement, flat glass and building sanitary ceramics industries was less than 10%, while the added value growth in brick and tile and building block manufacturing industries dropped by 20% from the previous year.
--- Product industry and deep processing industry enjoyed good development momentum. The added value growth in concrete and cement product industry and technical glass, light building materials and building stone processing and manufacturing industry were more than 20%, contributing to nearly 7 percentage points of growth of the building materials industry, 4 percentage points higher than the contribution made by the five major traditional industries of cement, flat glass, building sanitary ceramics, brick and tiles and building blocks, and glass fiber.
--- The central and western regions became main support for the stable growth of the building materials industry. In the eastern region of China, enterprises above the designated scale realized added value growth of 11.5% on a year-on-year basis, while the figures in the central and western regions were respectively 17.4% and 16.2%. The share of the central and western regions in the building materials industry reached 52.5%, up by 2.3 percentage points from that in 2011.
--- Main product output experienced declined growth. Nationwide cement output was 2.21 billion tons, grew by 5.6%, with the growth rate dropped by 5.4 percentage points; flat glass output was 760 million weight boxes, declined by 4.2%; ceramic tile output was 9.3 billion square meters, grew by 1%, with the growth rate dropped by 13 percentage points; sanitary ceramics output was 153 million pieces, declined by 7.2%; glass fiber yarn output was 2.88 million tons, grew by 3%, with the growth rate dropped by 6 percentage points; plaster board output was 2.3 billion square meters, declined by 5.3%; brick output was 343 billion, grew by 9.5%, with the growth rate dropping by 35 percentage points.
2. The export situation was not optimistic
In 2012, the export value of building material commodities was 26.9 billion yuan, growing by 11.2%, with the growth rate dropping by 14 percentage points compared with that in 2011. Actually, export growth of building material commodities has been slowing in recent two years, which was especially the case in 2012, indicating that the international market demand has been shrinking, the demand structure has been undergoing new changes, and the export has been facing increasingly high pressure.
--- Export value of main commodities maintained growth, and that of individual commodities grew fast. Building sanitary ceramics saw an export value of $7.6 billion, increased by 31.5% from that in 2011, boasting the largest export volume and fastest export growth among all building material commodities; concrete and cement products saw export growth of over 20%; architectural technical glass, cement and cement clinker saw export growth of over 10%; building stone, glass fiber and products respectively saw export growth of 4% and 6%.
--- The structure of export commodities has been optimized and upgraded. In 2012, the export growth of building material commodities was more manifested in the rise of price, as the export FOB price of building material commodities rose by 9.3% compared with that in 2011. The export of technical glass with high technology content, stone-carving products with high added value and distinctive characteristics and high quality fiber glass deep-processing products still maintained relatively fast growth.
--- Trade partners became more diversified. In 2012, export of building materials to the United States, Japan and the European Union declined, while that to ASEAN, Africa and BRIC countries maintained fast growth, up by 2%, 1.5% and 0.3% respectively from the previous year.
3. Product industry and deep processing industry have growing stronger, and new economic growth points have been fostered
In 2012, the building materials industry has invested 1.13 trillion yuan in fixed assets, increased by 17.5% from the previous year, with the growth rate dropping by 14 percentage points. In particular, fixed assets investment in traditional industries of cement and building sanitary ceramics respectively declined by 4.2% and 1.5%; fixed assets investment in concrete and cement product industry was 185.1 billion yuan, increased by 22.1% from the previous year, boasting the largest fixed assets investment scale in the building materials industry; fixed asset investments in technical glass manufacturing industry, light building materials manufacturing industry and building stone processing industry respectively increased by 31.7%, 45.7% and 23%, and the investment structure has been inclining to the product industry and deep processing industry.
In 2012, concrete and cement product industry, building stone processing industry and light building materials manufacturing industry saw total profit growth of over 20%, offsetting in a certain degree the negative influence of the significant total profit decline of the cement and flat glass manufacturing industry on the entire building materials industry.
4. The market competition was intense, and the ex-factory price level was generally lower than that in 2011
In 2012, the average ex-factory price of building material products declined by 2.2% from that in 2011, while the average ex-factory price of nationwide industrial producer over the same period declined by 1.7%. In 2012, the ex-factory price of cement and cement clinker dropped by 8.8%; that of technical glass dropped by 4.8%; that of glass fiber dropped by 2%; and that of concrete and cement products and light building material products dropped by about 1%.
II. Main problems in the economic operation of the industry
1. Sales revenue maintained rapid growth, yet the economic efficiency declined
In 2012, enterprises above the designated scale in the building materials industry realized main business revenue growth of 12.9%, yet their total profits declined by 6.3%, and their sales profit rate dropped by 1 percentage points compared with the previous year. Large margin of total profits decline in the cement and flat glass manufacturing industry was the main reason leading to the decline of the total profits of the building materials industry.
2. Enterprise interest expense, net accounts receivable and total debt grew fast, causing financial strain
In 2012, enterprises above the designated scale in the building materials industry saw 20.6% increase in their financial expenses, including 22% increase in interest expense, 26.3% increase in net accounts receivable, and 15.2% increase in total debt by the end of December 2012. The growths of interest expense, net accounts receivable and total debt were all faster than the growth of the main business revenue. The asset-liability ratio of these enterprises by the end of December 2012 was 55%, up by 0.2 percentage points than the previous year. Particularly, the asset-liability ratios of cement, architectural technical glass, brick and tile and building block, building stone mining and processing, and waterproof materials industries were on the rise.
3. The contradiction of oversupply became more outstanding, and prices of some products experienced large margin of decline
In 2012, the total investment in fixed asset grew by 20.3%, with the growth rate dropped by3.5 percentage points compared with the previous year. In particular, growth of investment in real estate development fell by 12 percentage points, especially, the new housing construction area declined by 7.3%, compared with the 16.2% increase in 2011. As the market demand growth slowed, the contradiction of oversupply became extremely outstanding in some products, the sales of which became difficult and the prices of which kept lingering at the low level, further intensifying the competition between enterprises, especially competition in homogeneous products.
4. Rapid export growth was hard to be maintained
In 2012, the export of building material commodities maintained a growth of 11.2%, yet after deducting the factor of price rise, the actual growth was only 2%. The world economy still lacks the driving force for development, and this, together with various uncertainties, will bring challenges for the export of building material commodities.
III. Outlook for the development of the building materials industry in 2013
The year 2013 is a key year in implementing the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, when a large number of key projects will be launched in succession. In addition, to actively and steadily promote urbanization and improve the quality of urbanization will be one of the main tasks of the economic work this year. The acceleration of urbanization construction may stimulate small margin of increase in real estate investment, thus, in a certain degree, increasing demand for building material products. Meanwhile, the economic growth stimulating mechanism with domestic demand as the main support also cannot function well without building material products.
However, the overall economic situation is still not optimistic. The shrinking of external demand and slowdown of domestic demand coexist with each other; the slow growth of effective demand and the contradiction of oversupply interact with each other, and the oversupply situation will not change in the short term; the cost raw materials and fuels still stands at a high level; competition between homogeneous products remains intense, vicious competition between enterprises has not been addressed effectively, and reform is yet to be further deepened to establish fair competition order.
By comprehensively analyzing various favorable conditions and unfavorable factors and taking all of them into account, it is expected that the operation environment of the building materials industry in 2013 will be better than that in 2012, and the market demand for building material products will grow as compared with that in 2012. Traditional building materials industries will maintain relatively slow growth, while concrete and cement product industry, building stone processing industry and light building materials industry will maintain relatively rapid growth with two-digit percentage points of growth rate.世联翻译公司完成建材领域英文翻译

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  • “贵司提交的稿件专业词汇用词准确,语言表达流畅,排版规范, 且服务态度好。在贵司的帮助下,我司的编制周期得以缩短,稿件语言的表达质量得到很大提升”


  • “我单位是一家总部位于丹麦的高科技企业,和世联翻译第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,得到了国外合作伙伴的认可!”


  • “我公司是一家荷兰驻华分公司,主要致力于行为学研究软件、仪器和集成系统的开发和销售工作,所需翻译的英文说明书专业性强,翻译难度较大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。”


  • “为我司在东南亚地区的业务开拓提供小语种翻译服务中,翻译稿件格式美观整洁,能最大程度的还原原文的样式,同时翻译质量和速度也得到我司的肯定和好评!”


  • “在此之前,我们公司和其他翻译公司有过合作,但是翻译质量实在不敢恭维,所以当我认识刘颖洁以后,对她的专业性和贵公司翻译的质量非常满意,随即签署了长期合作合同。”


  • “我行自2017年与世联翻译合作,合作过程中十分愉快。特别感谢Jasmine Liu, 态度热情亲切,有耐心,对我行提出的要求落实到位,体现了非常高的专业性。”


  • “与我公司对接的世联翻译客服经理,可以及时对我们的要求进行反馈,也会尽量满足我们临时紧急的文件翻译要求。热情周到的服务给我们留下深刻印象!”


  • “翻译金融行业文件各式各样版式复杂,试译多家翻译公司,后经过比价、比服务、比质量等流程下来,最终敲定了世联翻译。非常感谢你们提供的优质服务。”


  • “我司所需翻译的资料专业性强,涉及面广,翻译难度大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。在一次业主单位对完工资料质量的抽查中,我司因为俄文翻译质量过关而受到了好评。”


  • “我司在2014年与贵公司建立合作关系,贵公司的翻译服务质量高、速度快、态度好,赢得了我司各部门的一致好评。贵司经理工作认真踏实,特此致以诚挚的感谢!”


  • “我们需要的翻译人员,不论是笔译还是口译,都需要具有很强的专业性,贵公司的德文翻译稿件和现场的同声传译都得到了我公司和合作伙伴的充分肯定。”


  • “在这5年中,世联翻译公司人员对工作的认真、负责、热情、周到深深的打动了我。不仅译件质量好,交稿时间及时,还能在我司资金周转紧张时给予体谅。”


  • “我公司与世联翻译一直保持着长期合作关系,这家公司报价合理,质量可靠,效率又高。他们翻译的译文发到国外公司,对方也很认可。”


  • “贵公司翻译的译文质量很高,语言表达流畅、排版格式规范、专业术语翻译到位、翻译的速度非常快、后期服务热情。我司翻译了大量的专业文件,经过长久合作,名副其实,值得信赖。”


  • “针对我们农业科研论文写作要求,尽量寻找专业对口的专家为我提供翻译服务,最后又按照学术期刊的要求,提供润色原稿和相关的证明文件。非常感谢世联翻译公司!”


  • “世联的客服经理态度热情亲切,对我们提出的要求都落实到位,回答我们的问题也非常有耐心。译员十分专业,工作尽职尽责,获得与其共事的公司总部同事们的一致高度认可。”


  • “我公司与马来西亚政府有相关业务往来,急需翻译项目报备材料。在经过对各个翻译公司的服务水平和质量的权衡下,我们选择了世联翻译公司。翻译很成功,公司领导非常满意。”


  • “客服经理能一贯热情负责的完成每一次翻译工作的组织及沟通。为客户与译员之间搭起顺畅的沟通桥梁。能协助我方建立专业词库,并向译员准确传达落实,准确及高效的完成统一风格。”


  • “贵公司与我社对翻译项目进行了几次详细的会谈,期间公司负责人和廖小姐还亲自来我社拜访,对待工作热情,专业度高,我们双方达成了很好的共识。对贵公司的服务给予好评!”


  • “非常感谢世联翻译!我们对此次缅甸语访谈翻译项目非常满意,世联在充分了解我司项目的翻译意图情况下,即高效又保质地完成了译文。”


  • “在合作过程中,世联翻译保质、保量、及时的完成我们交给的翻译工作。客户经理工作积极,服务热情、周到,能全面的了解客户的需求,在此表示特别的感谢。”


  • “我们通过图书翻译项目与你们相识乃至建立友谊,你们报价合理、服务细致、翻译质量可靠。请允许我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢!”


  • “很满意世联的翻译质量,交稿准时,中英互译都比较好,措辞和句式结构都比较地道,译文忠实于原文。TNC是一家国际环保组织,发给我们美国总部的同事后,他们反应也不错。”


  • “原英国首相布莱尔来访,需要非常专业的同声传译服务,因是第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,但是贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,给我们留下了非常深刻的印象。”


  • “在与世联翻译合作期间,世联秉承着“上善若水、厚德载物”的文化理念,以上乘的品质和质量,信守对客户的承诺,出色地完成了我公司交予的翻译工作。”


  • “由于项目要求时间相当紧凑,所以世联在保证质量的前提下,尽力按照时间完成任务。使我们在世博会俄罗斯馆日活动中准备充足,并受到一致好评。”


  • “贵公司针对客户需要,挑选优秀的译员承接项目,翻译过程客户随时查看中途稿,并且与客户沟通术语方面的知识,能够更准确的了解到客户的需求,确保稿件高质量。”
