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(a) Manpower
(b) Material
(c) Equipment
Abu Dhabi Police GHQ- Police Projects Committee intends to construct the main infrastructure of the new  Training  Village  at  Al  Hafar.  The pro 丿 ect site is  approximately  1.0  km  by  2.0 km located
approximately 6 km north of Abu Dhabi - Al Ain highway, refer to site location map & Key plan drawings contained in Vol.4 of the tender documents. The project consists of the following zones:
. ZONE A -  Main Administration
. ZONE B - Maintenance and Services
. ZONE C - lndoo 「 Ranges
. ZONE D -  Public Order
. ZONE E - Arms and Explosives
. ZONE F -  Urban Zone
. ZONE G -  Prison Zone
. ZONE I - Anti Narcotics
. ZONE J - Crime Scene ZONE K - Dog Training ZONE L -  F7 Zone
. ZONE M -  Driver Training
. ZONE 0-AirWing Zone
The scope of work includes supply, install, construct, test and commission of the main infrastructure which includes the following disciplines:
The earthwork for the entire project was part of a separate contract, however Contractor is required to undertake the earthwork related to the installation of the specific infrastructure as per the Tender Documents and the authorities general and standa「ds and guidelines.
The scope of work is detailed further in the following sections.
Contractor shall read this document in conjunction with the full set of the Tender Documents which includes Tender Drawings and shall comply in all respect to the requirements of the relevant service departments/authorities for these wo「ks.
The existing services, if shown, on the drawings are for information purposes only and do not necessarily show exact locations, depths, spacing, smaller branches of utilities and services which are not normally indicated on such drawings, nor the possible existence of other underground utilities and services.
The Contractor shall be responsible for investigating the soil / ground conditions and shall make all the necessary soil investigation and subsurface investigation as he may require to fully familiarize himself  with the  properties  of  the  soil and  shall be deemed  to  have included  in  his  tender all
materials, plant services, labour and provisions as may be required for all earthwork to complete the Works.
The Contractor shall provide all necessary protection for the existing services as may be requ「i ed by his works operations and to the satisfaction of the owning authorities and the Engineer
The Contractor shall carry out all the necessary tests to establish the suitability of the borrow materials, the placed borrow material and the ground exposed as a result of the cut operation shall be evenly compacted in accordance with the relevant terms of the specifications and as directed by the engineers
Infrastructure Disciplines:
1. Road Works
Abu Dhabi Police Training Village (ADPTV) will be constructed on pre-graded area of approximately 1.00km x 2.00km. Grading of village is part of separate contract. Road works include tying into existing road, earthwork, signs and marking, roadside furniture, footpath/sidewalk and other related
construction. Construction shall be according to the drawings & specification included with this tender.
Roadway construction shall consist of asphaltic wearing course, asphalt binder course, asphalt concrete base course, aggregate base and granular sub-base. Signage to be provided shall include warning, regulatory signs appropriate to traffic construction: in addition to temporary sign required during construction period. Roadway construction is under this tender is only limited to the entrance of each zone/plot, any details inside the plots even if shown on the drawing shall be considered fo 「information only.
Summary of scope of road works includes but not limited to the following
13.00 km of single carriageway
1.20 km of dual carriageway with
1.60 km of access road to utilities building
2 no. new access from exiting/upgraded road to ADPTV.
2.00m wide footpath/walkway along the road.
30 no.s raised pedestrian crossings
48 no.s of speed control hump
Road signs and marking
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TE巳ODIN M.E . Ltd.
2. Telecom and Electrical Works
2.1 11kV Network
Supply, install, test and commission the 3CX300 Cu/XLPE 11KV cable as per ADDC specifications, from 33/11kV primary station outside the village up to Ring main unit in each distribution substation as per the drawings.
Supply, install, test and commission the 3CX120 Cu/XLPE 11kV cable as per ADDC 的 m Ring main unit up to the transformer as per the d「awings.
Supply, install , test and commission 32 core Fibre optic cable from 33/11 kV primary station outside the village up to Ring main unit in each distribution substation as per the drawings.
Supply and install the Fiber optic cable chambers as per the drawings and as per ADDC standards.
Preparation of shop drawings and as-built drawings as per the requirements of ADDC, client and other authorities.
All the substation equipments, as per pro 」ect requirement shall be supplied and installed by the contractor as per ADDC requirement.
Supply, install, test and commission distribution transformers, RMUs, earthing of the equipments, and all necessary fitments including connections to the EFls as per ADDC specification and drawings.
All the protection requirements including but not limited to protection setting calculations shall be provided by the contractor as per ADDC specifications.
2.2 Street Lighting System
Supply, install, test and comm1ss1on the 3CX10 Cu/XLPE cable as per ADM specifications from street lighting control cabinet to street lighting poles as per the drawings.
Supply, install, test and commission the street lighting system including street lighting control cabinets, street lighting poles and light fixtures with all the necessary fitments as per ADM specifications, as pe 「 the drawings.
Preparation of shop drawings and as-built drawings as per the requirements of ADM, client and other authorities.
Street lighting system should be fed from the substationTRM04/M. All the LV cables required to be laid between the substation LV panel and the service cabinets should be supplied and installed by the contractor.
All the substation equipments shall be supplied and installed by the contractor as per ADDC requirement and as per project requirements.
2.3 Telecom
Supply and install the 4-way telecom ducts as per the drawings
Supply and install the JRC-12 and JRC-14 manholes as per the drawings
Contractor shall supply and install all the cables of telecom system.
Preparation of shop drawings and as-built drawings as per the requirements of Etisalat and client.
2.4 Structured Cabling System
Supply and install the 9-way security ducts, JRC-12 and JRC-14 manholes and all the cables of structured cabling system as pe「 the drawings and specifications.
Construct the Police Main IT building as per the details indicated in the specification and drawings as per project requirement including but not limited to raised floor, cable trays, etc. as
pe「 GHQ specifications as per project requirements.
Contractor shall supply, install, test and commission Tetra tower system with all the associated works including the power as per the drawings, specification and project requirement.
Preparation of shop drawings and as-built drawings as per the client's requirements.
2.5 LV Network
Supply, install, test and commission LV service cabinets including earthing and necessary fitments as per ADDC specifications and drawings. The arrangement to feed the  service cabinets from the LV panel in TRM-04 M is also included in the SCOPE. This shall also include supply install test and commission the LV cables as per the ADDC specifications and RSB guide lines. All the necessary calculation to justify the cable size shall be provided by the contractor
Supply, install, test and commission 4CX95 Cu/XLPE cables as per ADDC/ADM specifications to feed the street lights control cabinets from the service cabinets as per the drawings and as per the drawings.
Preparation of shop drawings and as-built drawings as per the requirements of ADDC, client and other authorities.
3. Water Works
The scope of for water works shall include but not limited to the following:
Supply, installation and construction of new 0D250 HOPE Pipeline within the approved pipeline route as per the details indicated in the Tender Documents including all necessary fittings, Isolation Valves, Washouts, etc., including associated Civil and Earth Works as per the details indicated in the specification and drawings
Supply, installation and construction of new 0D180 HOPE Pipeline within the approved pipeline route as per the details indicated in the Tender Documents with all necessary fittings, Isolation Valves, Washouts, etc., including associated Civil and Earth Works.
Supply, installation and construction of new 0D160 HOPE Pipeline of within the approved pipeline route as pe 「 the details indicated in the Tender Documents with all necessary fittings, Isolation Valves, Washouts, etc., including associated Civil and Earth Works.
Supply, installation and construction of new 00110 HOPE Pipeline within the approved pipeline route as per the details indicated in the Tender Documents with all necessary fittings, Isolation Valves, Washouts, etc., including associated Civil and Earth Works.
Supply  and installation  of  all  necessary  fittings,  gate  valves,  contro.l  valves ,  Electromagneitc flow meters and 闲 ated accessories as per the details indicated in the Tender Documents.
Supply and construction of Road Crossing ducts (concrete encased GRP ducts) as per the details indicated in the Tender Documents.
All necessary connections/disconnections to be made between the new/relocated waterlines and the existing system as per the details indicated in the Tender Documents
Construction  of  Civil  works  including  valve  chambers,  bulk  consume「  chambers, fire hydrant boxes, protection slabs, water ducts at road crossings, sign posts and marker posts all as pe 「the details indicated in the Tender Documents.
Supply and construction of reinforced concrete slabs for waterline under roads and parking areas as per the details indicated in the Tender Documents and/o「 directed by the ENGINEER.
Carryout all required safety measures and temporary facilities for pedestrian and vehicles according to HSE requirements and procedures to ensure public safety during the execution of the project.
Removal, shifting or transplantation of the trees/plants in conflict with waterline route to the locations as approved by the concerned authorities
Removal and reinstatement of tiles, green and asphalt area, etc.
Successfully conducting the preliminary and final hydraulic pressure testing, disinfecting and flushing of the completed waterlines prior to commissioning and connection/disconnection to the existing water network system.
With respect to construction, testing, sterilising and commissioning etc. the following shall be taken into consideration:
o All construction work shall be conducted with the minimum possible disturbance of the water supply serving consumers who are already connected to the existing system.
o The CONTRACTOR shall liaise fully with the ENGINEER and ADDC in order to temporarily shut down existing live pipelines  if necessa ry, in order to carry out the WORKS.
All other associated works necessary to successfully  complete all above works
4. Storm Water
The objective of the storm wate 「 system of Abu Dhabi Police Training Village is to provide cost efficient means of collecting and disposing storm water run-off to a suitable location (Pond / Lagoon) to prevent flooding as a result of rainfall event as shown in the Tender Documents and bill of quantities.
There is existing storm water system (collection & disposal) within and adjacent to the project area and a proposed storm water system to be provided in the future. Howeve 「 Contractor is responsible to examine the area and obtain any information from the authorities on potential existing utilities
befo「e excavation.
4.1 Storm water system - Pipes & Manholes
The storm water system mainly is divided to two pipelines connected to each others:
Collection Lines:
Normally have pipe dia. of 300mm with average slope of 0.5%. The collection lines shall have rectangular chambers to be installed as inlets. Majorly, two types of inlets are available in network; Inlet chamber & Catch-basins. Both chambers shall have it own arrangement  in supply, excavation & installation. The required chambers a「 e proposed to be installed in two different locations, on curb edge as kerb inlet and the other within road way as flush inlet
Main Lines: Varies as followinq:
1. 300, 400 & 500mm diameters-uPVC at average depths of 1.0 - 4.0m with average slope of 0.25%, 0.17% & 0.15%, respectively. The manholes proposed along these pipes are storm water circular manholes (Type-4) with internal dia. of 1.1m. the average distances between manholes aren't exceeding 1OOm , maximum.
2. 600, 700 & 800mm diameters-GRP at average depths of 1.0 - 3.0m with average slope of 0.14%. The manholes proposed along these pipes a「 e storm water rectangular manholes with circular  shafts (Type-5)  with internal dia. of 1.1m and intermediate slap as per ADM
standa「ds. The average distances between manholes aren't exceeding 120m, maximum.
4.2 Retention / Infiltration Pond:
The proposed SW pond is located at North/East corner of PTV area. The pon.d shall work as retention / infiltration pond for the expected amount of flow conveyed through SW pipelines. The out fall pipe discha 「 ging to the pond shall has non-return valve (Flap valve) at its open end. uPVC perforated  pipes  are proposed  surrounding  the  pond  circumference in  order  to  filtrate  SW into
su「r ounding natural ground.
5. Sewerage Works
The sewerage network of ADPTV is designed to deal with the estimated peak flow  from all zones and to collect the sewage into the temporary proposed holding tank. The collected sewage shall be transferred by tankers to the nearest existing STP in coordinatoi n and approval of the ADSSC.
Sewage generated from each zone wilt be collected via manholes insfalled at each zone boundary, then discharging the collected sewage by a system of gravity sewers and manholes into the holding tank. Due to the excessive depth of the inlet pipe of the holding tank, a lifting station is proposed to lift the sewage and discha「ge into the holding tank.
The sewerage network contains the following components:
5.1 Sewerage Pipelines and Manholes
The material of sewerage pipelines is uPVC with diameter varies from  160mm  to 300mm. One typical manhole with internal diamete「 of 1.50m is used.
The contractor shall provide / include in his construction works the main supply pipe up to the boundary limit (fence) of the current development providing end cap for future connection
5.2 Pump Stations
One pumping station is required. The pumping station has 1 duty and 1 standby sub mersible pump installed within a wet well receiving sewerage from a gravity collection network and discharging the flow into the discharge chamber then throughgravity sewers to the holding tank.
The type of the station will be type 1 as the flow is less than 100 I/sec.
The pumps are selected to delive 「 the required flow at calculated total head. Pumps are of submersible type with non-clogging mixed-flow impellers. Pumps and motor drives are selected to satisfy the final design flow. The internal diameter of the wet well will be 3.2 m as shown in tender drawings.
5.3 Holding tank
A temporary holding tank is to be constructed in the north side of ADPTV. The holding tank is divided into two compartments.  It will be furnished with inlet pipe receiving flow from the discharge chamber In addition, outlet pipe will be provided and furnished with end cap/plug to allow for future connection once the planned sewerage treatment plant is completed and operated
6. Irrigation Works
lrriHation Network
The scope of works comprises the installation and testing of the irrigation network of the training village as detailed in the Tender Documents. Contractor shall install all the necessary irrigation appurtenances complete in all respect as per drawing details and specificationas follows:
1. DN250mm dia. Pipe Class-D (1O")
2. DN200mm dia. Pipe Class-D (8")
3. DN100mm dia. Pipe Class-D C4")
4. DN75mm dia. Pipe Class-D (3")
5. DN50mm d旧.Pipe Class-D (2")
6. DN38mm dia. Pipe Class-D (1-1/2")
7. DN25mm dia. Pipe Class-E (1")
8. DN250mm gate valve (1O")
9. DN200mm gate valves (8")
10. DN100mm gate valves (4")
11. DN100mm Zone demand points (4")
12. 2" Air-Vacuum valves
13. 4" Wash-out valves
14. Irrigation decoder cables (AWG #14)
15. 4 Station stand alone type controller at the main entrance roundabout
16. 1" solenoid valves along the main entrance road
17. Drippers and dripline tubing along the main entrance road lrriqation Tank and Pump Room:
The  irrigation  tank  and  pump  room  shall  be  for  future  installation,  howeve「, the  contractor  shall provide/ include in his construction works the main supply pipe (DN250mm) up to the boundary lim 仆(fence) of  the current development  and provide pvc end cap  fo 「 future connection
Additional Contractor's scope of work is installation/ construction of the following:
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1. DN75mm (3") pvc solenoid valve risers with end cap
2. DN25mm (1") pvc quick coupling valves risers/connection with end cap
3. Termination of decoder cables at the proposed location of decoder cont「olle「s and the proposed location of solenoid valve risers.
4. Provision, installation, testing and commissioning of standard 4 station cont 「 olle 「 at the main entrance road
5. p 「 ovision, installation, testing and commissioning of 1" solenoid valves at the main entrance road
6. Provision, installation, testing and commissioning of irrigation cables at the main entrance road
7. Provision, installation, testing and commissioning of drippers and dripline tubing at the main entrance road
The main irrigation network is for futu「e utilization in anticipation when treated sewage effluent (TSE) irrigation water shall become available at the fac小ty. The Contracto「 therefore, shall take every steps and consideration to install the main irrigation network in its fullness, whereby future excavation shall be avoided, except for the installation of the solenoid valves, the two (2) decoder controllers, quick coupling valves, the secondary and tertiary irrigation lines downstream of the solenoid valves.
7. Landscape Works
The landscape works shall comprise of soft and hardscape works. The quantity of the landscape drawings have been modified to address the unavailability of treated sewage effluent irrigation water. The modification involves the replacement of softscape with gravel mulching and ornamental pebbles.
The only place for softscape is in the main entrance  road of the tac 仆 ity. The 「 est of the previous  area of  softscaping  works are now replace with ornamental  pebbles and gravel mulching.
The softscape  works  at  the  main entrance road  comp「ises of  installation and maintaining  for one year the plantation as follows:
1. Palm Trees = 9 nos
2. Ornamental Trees = 26 nos
3. Shrubs and ground cover   = 785 m2
Estimate of the gravel mulching quantities to be laid in place of the softscape works are as follows:
1. Type 1 Ornamental Pebbles= 450 m3
2. Type 2 Ornamental Pebbles= 210 m3
3. Type 3 Ornamental Pebbles= 230 m3
4. Type 4 Ornamental pebbles= 270 m3
5. Type 1 Gravel mulch
6. Type 2 Gravel mulch
7. Type 3 Gravel mulch
= 2,270 m3
= 1,280 m3
= 650 m3
The ornamental pebbles and gravel mulch we「e estimated at a depth of 75mm and the above figures are indicative only. Con「t actor shall be responsible in verifying the quantities shown above.
Included in tender drawings are the original approved landscape drawings. Cont「actor shall take note to disregard the softscape design in these drawings, Contractor shall consider only the hardscape such as trash bins, benches, walkway and pavements, and water feature details as follows
1. Trash Bins details
2. Benches details
3. Roundabout pavement details
4. Pavement and walkway details
5. Water feature details
6. Fountain at the roundabout
7. Electrical landscape lighting at the main entrance of the facility
Contractor shall be responsible in assessing the practicality and complicity of the hardscape design on walkways, pavements, water fountain and water feature and accordingly produce its own shop drawings for final approval.
The Contractor shall in his own discretion and experience, consider in his bid items that are not shown / mention in any of the tender documents but are necessary in completing the irrigation and landscape works as envisioned in this tender.
Temporary offices at the site for government officials and the consultant Staff
Number of offices on the site is depending on the number of consultant's supervision staff. The offices area is as follows:
.Authority Representative
Soil Laboratory Room:
The area of soil laboratory shall be (18 m2) and the area of restroom shall be (2 m2) with add巾onal room of (20 m2) if needed. All the rooms shall be air-conditioned.
These areas do not include the corridors.
Offices furniture for government officials and the Consultant Staff
Government official Office
Large desk and desk chair +4 chairs + center table + corner table.
Project Manaqer Office
Large desk and desk chair+ 2 chair + Sofa set number 4+ center table + corner table + Documents cabinet.
su  ervision en  ineer or surve   or materials  en  ineer Offices: Desk and desk cha 「i + 2 chairs + corner table + Documents cabinet A small desk and cha 「i + Documents cabinet
Office and Office Chair + 2 chairs + Documents cabinet  
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Meetinq Room Table+ 8 Chairs
12 ft Refrigerator +2 Flame Cooker+ Plates Cabinet+ Cooking and plates tools to serve the supervision staff (minimum number of 6 people)
All offices are air-conditioned SPECIFICATION FOR SIGN BOARDS
The specification of the sign board shall be in accordance with the drawing that is enclosed in Contract Drawings Vol. 4.
1. The Bills of Quantities he 面 n, including all notes and instructions shall form an integral part of the CONTRACT. However, the descriptions contained in the Bills of Quantities for each item are not necessarily complete. The CONTRACTOR is referred to the CONTRACT and APPENDICES, SPECIFICATIONS and DRAWINGS as well as the relevant Standards and Codes of Practice for further information, as no claim or VARIATION will be considered on account  of the Contractor's failure  to do so.
2. The CONTRACTOR shall familiarize himself with all documents comprising the CONTRACT including, but not limited to, the DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS (o 「 any other information that can be reasonably inferred from any of them)  and  all obligations contained  in  the CONTRACT shall be included in the rates and prices entered herein, even if specific items relating to such obligations are not listed in the Bills of Quantities.
3. The CONTRACTOR'S unit rates shall be fully inclusive of the work described and must include all related work, accessories or consumable materials , incidental labou 「 , supervision, administration, tools, construction equipment, overheads,  profit and all costs and expenses  that may be required for the completion of the work described, together  with all costs and expenses in complying with all
genera「l isks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the CONTRACT
4. DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS and Bills of Quantities and all other CONTRACT Documents a 飞complementary and if any item is included in any of them, it shall be deemed included in all,
5. The CONTRACTOR'S lump sum price for the entire WORKS shall provide for the superv 阁 on of any or all t「 ades that are not intended to be performed with his own forces. No extra compensation for services as a General CONTRACTOR will be paid.
6, The lump sum amount entered by the CONTRACTOR  in  the Bills of Quantities shall constitute the entire claim for compensation fo 「 the WORKS under this CONTRACT in accordance with the conditions of contract. The WORKS shall not be re-measured  and  will be subject  to  adjustment  only as a result of VARIATIONS. The Bills of Quantities will therefore be used as a Schedule of Rates to enable pricing of VARIATIONS.
7. The CONTRACTOR  shall, prior to submission of his tende「, request w「itten clarification from the ENGINEER of any point he considers being a majo「 omission from the Bills of Quantities, and the ENGINEER shall issue instructions  in response to each  request.  Notwithstanding the  foregoing, the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that his Unit Rates and Lump Sum Price are inclusive of all discrepancies in description or quantity contained in these Bills of Quantities, as no adjustment to quantities will be made,
8. After submission of Tenders, it will be deemed that the value of  any  discrepancy  has  been included in the Tender sum, that all billed quantities are accepted as co 「 rect, sub 丿 ect to any adjustments  instructed  by the ENGINEER. Consequently,  no claim whatsoever will be entertained in respect of any discrepancy between individual Documents comprised in the CONTRACT.
9. The CONTRACTOR is required to check the numbers of the pages of the Bills of Quantities and should any be found missing or in duplicate or the figures or writing indistinc,t the CONTRACTOR shall  notify the  ENGINEER  at once and have the matter rectified before  the date of submission of
Tenders.  No  Liability  whatsoever  will  be  entertained  in  respect   of  a  y  c aim   or  error 1
CONTRACTOR'S  tender resulting from failures to comply with the foregoli: LY
10. Unit rates may be used reciprocally in the settlement of accounts unless conflict between them occurs. The CONTRACTOR is, therefore, to ensure that identical items occu 「 ring  in separate Bills are not priced at different rates unless this is his  deliberate intention.
11. The Bills of Quantities have been measured generally in accordance with the Rules of POM (I) (as here below defined). In any case in the Bill of Quantities where the  method  differs,  then  the method expressed must be accepted and measured in accordance therewith. Notwithstanding the above, the following Pricing P「 eambles are offered only as an amplification or clarification to billed descriptions.
12. Items in the Preambles Section of  these Bills of Quantities are deemed  to qualify and  to form part of every description of measu「ed work to which they refe「 including composite descriptions.
13. The CONTRACTOR shall not use the Bills of Quantities as a construction programme or for the purpose of ordering materials or a「 ranging SUBBCONTRACTS. The references for these activities shall be the DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS and instructions issued by the ENGINEER.
14. Should the CONTRACTOR consider any further items to the items described in the Bills of Quantities are necessary to complete his pricing then he should identify these  items and include them in his offer.
15. Any error in description or in quantity o 「 in omission of items from the Bills of Quantities shall not vitiate this CONTRACT nor release the CONTRACTOR from the execution of the whole  or  any  part of the WORKS comprised therein according to the DRAWINGS and  SPECIFICATIONS  o 「from any of his obligations or liabilities unde 「 the CONTRACT. Any error in or omissions from the Bills of Quantities shall not be corrected by a VARIATION  issued by the ENGINEER
16. Lump Sum shall not be given where unit rates are applicable
17. Amendments shall not be  made to the Bills of Quantities without the ENGINEE  written permission
18. In add 仆 ion   to  common abbreviations, the following have been adopted:
POM (I):
CONSTRUCTION dated June 1979 and published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, London
American Society for Testing Materials. British Standa「d,
Dia: diameter
Hr hou「
mm: millimetre
m; meter
m2: square meter
m3: cubic meter
No./Nr.: Number
Kg: kilog「am
Sq: squa飞
Ref: reference
PC Sum: Prime Cost Sum
PS: Provisional Sum
LS: Lump Sum
19, Rates shall be comprehensive and include for, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) All obligations imposed by the CONTRACT.
(b) Complying in every respect with the requirements of the CONTRACT
(c) Labou 「 and all costs in connection.
(d) Materials and goods and all costs in connection, including samples
(e) Fittings and fixing materials and goods in position including hoisting to any height
(f) Use of scaffolding, plant, equipment and tools
(g) Any additional labours usually associated with measured items.
(h) Establishment and overhead charges and profit.
(i) Laps, waste and trade or any allowance.
20. The pricing of materials shall take account of the following:
a. PRICING PREAMBLES and SPECIFICATIONS shall apply reciprocally between sections of the WORKS unless otherwise described.
b. Materials shall be of the quality specified unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER.
c. All materials shall be transported, handled, stored and fixed in accordance with the printed instructions or recommendations of their manufacturers or suppliers.
d. Protection of completed work, all casings and temporary coverings and  making  good, cleaning and polishing and clearing away upon completion
21. Where the word "allow" is used, the cost of such item shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
22. The amounts set against any items of profit shall include for all costs in connection with letters of credit, bank charges, interest charges and insurance after the materials come under the control of the CONTRACTOR.
PilinA / Secant piles:
Unless detailed otherwise, rates for piling shall include the following:
1. Cost of carrying out structural calculations and obtaining approval from local authority and the Engineer ,
2. Mobilization of piling equipments.
3. Setting up plant at each pile position including any levelling or site preparation required.
4. Supply of all materials including concrete, steel reinfo「cement,etc
5. Provision of testing equipments and carrying out the specified tests.
6. Cutting back piles to the formation levels and bending steel into pile caps.
7. Dc-mobilization of piling equipments.
Excavation and earth Works
Unless detailed otherwise, rates for excavation and earth works shall include the following:
1 Increase 1n bulk.
2. Excavation in any material including「ock.
3. Upholding sides of excavation with timber or steel sheeting o「 any other means.
4. Keeping excavation free from water
5. Backfilling where required with approved material compacted  as specified and  approved by the Engineer, all to reach the specified finished levels. Any loss in volume due to compaction and for additional materials required due to penetration  of the filling materials into the ground or any settlement o「 compaction of the original ground levels unde 「 the weight of the materials or due to methods of compaction or construction  traffic shall be accounted for in the rates,
6. Disposal of surplus materials to areas designated by Municipality and as approved by the Engineer.
7. Forming temporary spoil heaps where required and multiple handling.
8. Levelling  and  compacting   the  bottoms  of  all  excavations  to  receive  concrete  or  othe「 construction.
1. General
The Scope of Work, Specifications, Schedules of Prices and Drawings do not necessarily cove 「 all items to achieve the 「 equirementsof the AGREEMENT. The AGREEMENT rates, however, shall be deemed to include all costs to execute the specified works and all related works, which an experienced CONTRACTOR shall reasonably foresee. Costs of items described or implied in the Specifications and not specifically mentioned in the Schedules of Prices shall be deemed to be included in the rates and prices of other items.
Descriptions offered by ADDC/ENGINEER  shall be for  guidance  only. The CONTRACTOR  shall be fully responsible for determining items and quantities as necessary for reaching the lump-sum prices required for performing all the CONTRACTOR's obligations under the AGREEMENT .
The CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have included in his sums for all waste, bulking or compaction factors, dewatering, over pulling and all other like elements or operations required to complete the WORK(S), including all necessary measures to protect or preserve adjacent work or property during such operations, in accordance with the provisions of the AGREEMENT
Should any new areas of work transpire which ADDC/ENGINEER consider not envisaged as being part of this AGREEMENT, quantities shall be measured by ADDC/ ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall be given the opportunity, in such cases, to be present during the measurement. Prices for the new work, if any, shall be mutually agreed between ADDC/ENGINEERand  the CONTRACTOR.
No request shall be considered for an increase in the unit rates on the grounds that they shall be inadequate to carry out additional wo「k of a similar nature.
The CONTRACTOR shall be required to complete, in full, his pricing inclusions in the columns provided as listed in the Schedule of Prices. Items not priced by the CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to be included elsewhere.
Prices shall be quoted for each item, even when the quantity of that item is zero. This will enable variation order for unforeseen changes to route o 「 for unexpected obstacles to be priced. TENDERERS are cautioned in respect of the prices quoted for unit rates, as these will be taken into account during the evaluation of the submitted offer and excessive values will not be tolerates
The CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have included for all the necessary information, details, clarifications or drawings and documents of the CONTRACT.
The CONTRACTOR shall be 「 equired to take all measures necessary to ensure that the whole of the WORK(S) shall be executed in such a manner so as to minimize the generation of dust and other hazards.
The CONTRACTOR  shall execute the WORK(S) in accordance with the specifications, drawings,
ADDC/ENGINEER shall have the right to remove any item from the Scope of Work due to operational o「 safety 「 equirements and the appropriate value shall be deducted from the Contract Price without any claim from the CONTRACTOR.
No cutting away or welding of any parts of the WORK(S) shall be pe「mitted unless with the written consent of ADDC/ENGINEER.
The supply of electricity and water for construction purpose shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility.
The  TENDERER's  attention  is  directed  to  the  Price  Breakdown  Summary  Sheet,  Schedule of Prices, Progress Schedule, Schedule of Cash Flow, General Conditions, Special Conditions and Requirements,  Technical Specifications and Tender Drawings,  and all these documents are  to be
「 ead in conjunction with the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) and the relevant notes on the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities). Insofar as these notes on the Schedule of P 「 ices (Bills of Quantities) and Tender Drawings may affect the  execution and pricing  of the WORKS,  they shall be deemed to form part of the Conditions of CONTRACT.
General directions and desc 「 iptions of the WORKS and material are not necessarily repeated in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) and reference is to be made to the relevant articles of the various sections of the Tender Document for each item of the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities).
The TENDERER shall include but not by way of limitation all labou「, materials, tools, equipmen,t plants and appurtenances to perform all the WORKS as required for all water pipeline  work specified in these documents.
2. Prices
The TENDERER shall quote firm unit prices and based on these firm unit prices and on the estimated quantities, the TENDERER shall quote the total price for all materials C&F Abu Dhabi up to designated site stores and/or the ADDC's stores or other designated location. The C&F unit prices and total prices for all materials shall include, but not be limited to the following:
1. Design, manufacture, factory inspection and testing by an independent laboratory, supply, export packing and marking and all transport costs incurred until placing all materials on board the vessel, airplane or truck.
2. Freight from port of shipment to port of destination in the U.A.E.
3. Patent rights, trade marks, name or other protected rights, royalties etc.
4. Responsibility for any loss and/or damage until the material has been installed at the site or placed at the ADDC's storeyards.
5. Provision of clear on-board bills of lading.
7. Dock  dues  and  port  charges,  including  import  duties  at  port  of  destination,  permits, contributions, clearance of goods through customs, off-loading and all incidental expenses
8. Transportation to designated stores, unloading at store and storage at stores
9. Checking and verifying all shipmentsreceived against shipping documents and issuing receipt and damage report.
10. Certificate of origin, or any other documents issued in the country of shipmen,t or those required under Laws of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates.
11. All expenses of the CONTRACTOR'S personnel in connection with the discussion and/or co­ ordination meetings in the ADDC's offices and/or in the ENGINEER's offices in Abu Dhabi throughout the CONTRACT Period.
12. The cost of marine insurance from warehouse to warehouse
The cost of the Third Party Inspection Authority (TPIA) shall be paid by the ADDC.
The TENDERER shall quote firm unit prices for all further services in connection with local transpor,t insurance, facilities  for  the ADDC/ENGINEER  and for all expenses in connection  with erection , construction or exhumation, testing, commissioning or abandonment on the basis of estimated quantities. These unit prices shall be referred to as Local Expenses.
The price of the Local Expenses shall include but not be limited to the following:
a) Loading at store, transportation from store to the site, unloading at site, handling from site storage to the point of final installation.
b) Complete insurance comprising marine transport insurance from warehouse to warehouse, insurance of plant, workman's compensation insurance, third party, public liability and property damage insurance, CONTRACTOR's all risks insurances etc. in accordance with Tender requirement s.
c) Construction, erection, installation, exhumation, testing and commissioning or abandonmetn of works and all other expenses arising until Final Acceptance of the WORKS.
d) All costs associated with labour and living expenses.
e) Cost of local transportation of any indigenous equipment and/or materials
f) Costs of providing transport for the supervisory staff on site to carry them from the site office to the site of the WORKS and between the site offices of the Project.
g) Costs incurred in providing the services of an engineer, to be made available on site at ADDC's short notice during maintenance period.
h) The cost of providing manuals, progress photographs in colour and/or black & white etc. as per specification or as directed by ADDC/ENGINEER.
i) Cost of pipeline route survey and any other survey work 「 equ 「i ed fo 「 the execution of the WORKS as per the specification.
j) Cost of preparation and submission of pipeline profile drawings, layout drawings, detailed drawings and any other drawings deemed necessary for the construction of the WORKS.
k) All  prices  and  rates  shall  include  for  preparation  of  proposals,  drawings,  engineering, calculations, documentation, etc. as shall be「equ「i ed for approval procedure.
I}   Any other cost or expense contingently necessary for the proper completion of the WORKS
The TENDERER shall quote his prices by filling in the blanks in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) of this Section.
All prices quoted by the TENDERER shall not be affected by the increase in price level in any country. The lumpsum prices of those items for which a lumpsum has to be quoted and the unit prices (rates) to be entered in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) shall be firm prices.
3. Scaffolding, Trestles, Ladders, Etc.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide at his own cost, means of access to work using scaffolding, trestles, ladders, brackets or whatever equipment the circumstances dictate with "safe" wo「king as the major consideration. Where such access shall be erected or provided for the CONTRACTOR's activities, the CONTRACTOR shall permit reasonable utilisation and use of such facilities by others executing concurrent activities provided that such permission and use shall not cause delay or unreasonable hindrance o「 interruptionof the CONTRACTOR's own operations.
The CONTRACTOR's scaffolding and means of access shall be erected for a period prior to commencement of the work if required by ADDC/ENGINEER and shall remain until ADDC/ENGINEER inspection process shall be satisfactorily completed. The period in either case shall not exceed one week.
4. Lifting Tackles, Wire Ropes, Etc.
All lifting tackles, wire ropes, blocks, shackles etc. including any special equipment for executing the WORK(S) shall comply with the requirements of the appropriate British Standard Specification or equivalent and carry a valid test certificate. Under no circumstances shall chain slings be used.
Where there shall be a possibility of damage to material equipment, or its deformation due to slinging from more than one point, ample strutting shall be p「 ovided so as to ensure that perfectly vertical lift shall be obtained.
5. Climatic Conditions
The CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have allowed for all effects on the execution and progress Of WO「k s occasioned by climate and prevalent conditions and with specific reference to periods of high humidity and the incidence of wind/air borne dust occurring naturally.
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6. Removal of Debris
Accumulated debris or unusable materials shall be removed by the CONTRACTOR to a suitable location off site designated  by Municipality.  The cost of  cleaning  up and removal  shall be deemed to be included in the CONTRACTOR's rates.
7. Land Cutting and Filling
Where 仆 is necessary the part or all of the project area shall be levelled by means of balancedcut and  fill  with  use  of  the  original  materials  and  the  Contracto「  shall  adhere  to  the  following procedure:
a) The Contractor shall survey the original topography of the designated area and provide cross-sections at 25 m intervals and as directed at site by ADDC/ ENGINEER.
b) The said area shall be refe「red to a suitable fixed local temporarybenchmark and the cross­ sections shall be plotted on a preliminary drawing with sufficient accuracy to facilitate the future preparation of cross-section profiles after completion of the land cut/f曲 ng operation
c) On completion of land cut/filling a 「 esurvey of the designated area shall be made along the same cross-section grid to establish the finished profile and levels of the site as pe 「 the Contract Drawings.
d) All elevations shall be referred to the contract datum.
The rates and prices for the CONTRACT shall include all costs related to leveling of the pipeline route area by means of the balanced cut and fill that shall be carried out prio 「 to commencement  of excavation fo 「 layingthe pipes.
It shall therefore be the TENDERER(S)  sole responsibility to ensu「e that all the necessary information in this respect are duly gathered by him on site prior to establishing his rates and prices for the CONTRACT.
8. Embankments
In low lying areas where the balanced cuVfilling of the land can not be applied, it is necessary that the pipeline be laid in embankments/bund constructed  from approved imported  fill mate「ials, the CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the following procedure:
a) The   Contractor   shall   survey  the   original   topographical   contou「  along   the  proposed centreline of the pipeline and p 「 ovide cross sections at 10 m intervals, or as directed at site by ADDC/ENGINEER.
b) The said contour shall be 「 eferredto the corresponding elevation of the edge of the road or other notified refe 「 ence level and shall be plotted on a preliminary drawing with sufficient accuracy to facilitate  the future preparation  of cross section profiles  at 1O metres intervals
afte「 constructionof the embankments.
All elevation shall be referred to New Abu Dhabi Datum or as instructed by ADDC/ENGINEER
It shall therefore be the CONTRACTOR's sole responsibility to ensure that all the necessary information is duly recorded and certified by ADDC/ENGINEER, prior to the commencement of any work which, for purpose of any payment,  may require compliance  with  the  above mentioned
procedu 飞
If the existing surface level is found to 「 equire filling under the pipe in order to give a minimum cover of 1000 mm on top of the pipe, such filling shall be executed to the requiredbottom level of the pipe.
The supply, placing and compaction of imported fill material shall be measured per cum as placed into position after compaction.
9. Surveying
Surveying work shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant specifica tion, clauses and drawings. The cost for such work shall be deemed to be included in the rate of  the  respective  items. Surveying  work shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a) All labour, equipment and materials necessary for the survey and pegging out of  the pipelines and other structures and installations.
b) The surveying of the most suitable route bearing in mind the construction and site operating requirements, including trial hand excavation to locate existing unde「ground services etc
c) Any deviations or changes from the route or locations shown on the Tender Drawings whether  necessitated by local conditions  or by ADDC's/ENGINEER's requirements
d) The pegging out with approved conspicuous pegs at such intervals that when standing  at any peg, both the preceding and following pegs are in view, including maintenance and protection of the pegs.
e) The installation or marking and maintenance of a reference benchmark(s) on site, referenced to established site datum, as instructed by ADDC/ENGINEER.
f) The preparation of survey route cross section and profile drawings giving all necessary elevations, dimensions and data,「elatedback to the reference benchmark.
g) The provision of all necessary assistance, equipment transport etc to ADDC/ENGINEER as specified elsewhere.
10. Precast Concrete Items
Cost for all required precast concrete items and related works shall be deemed to be included in the rates of the respective items. Cost fo 「 precastitems such as, ARV and valve spindle protection chambers, marker posts, pipe sleepers, pipeline protection slabs, paving elements, kerbstones etc, and shall also include fo 「 the provision of samples if required of each precast item for quality review and approval, and for storage, handling transport, installation in position etc
The rates fo「 the chambe「 and valve spindle protection chambe「 shall be per unit and shall include for the supply and installation of all ancillary items as for reinforced concrete chambers.
Cost for marker posts shall include for stainless steel plates, painting, markings etc as detailed on the Tender Drawing.
The provisions of this clause shall apply equally to proprietary plastic protection or marker boards if approved as an alternative to precast concrete slabs.
Cost for paving elements such as concrete slabs, interlocking blocks or pavers etc, shall be inclusive of all retaining kerbs, haunching, bedding, jointing etc.
11. Discount
If a discount is offered by the CONTRACTOR it shall apply to all Schedules of Prices through establishing the discount percentage in respect of the relevant Agreement price and then applying this percentage to each of the items in the Schedule of Prices. Whenever a general discount is offered affecting the prices, the percentage of such a discount with respect to the total value of the schedule of prices shall be applied to all the items pro rata. Re-adjustment of the prices in any other  manner will not be acceptable.
12. Quantities And Rates
All the quant 仆 ie s stated in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) shall be treated as approximate only and are given to provide a common basis for tendering. The basis of payment shall be the actual quantities of supplied and installed material and works carried out, as measured and accepted by the ENGINEER or his representative and valued at the rates or prices quoted in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities).
The CONTRACTOR shall prepare detailed construction shop drawings based on the CONTRACT Plans  and as directed by the ENGINEER.  The CONTRACTOR  shall  carry  out extensive   field
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investigation and consider all existing conditions and obstructions for the preparation of shop drawings. Shop d 「 awings should in addition incorporate all required revisions to the CONTRACT Drawings including, but not limited to additions, deletions or route changes of the proposed lines  as directed by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall assess the preliminary quantity of materials to complete the WORKS based on the CONTRACT Drawings or shop drawings as considered appropriate by the CONTRACTOR to ensure procurementof materials as early as possible and as demanded by the CONTRACTOR's   construction   time   scheduling.   The   CONTRACTOR's   proposed   materials procurement list identifying the items and quantities should be submitted to the ENGINEER fo 「assessing the availability of 「f ee-issuematerials from the ADDC's con 「t acts and/or ADDC Stores, prior to ordering the materials.
The ADDC may supply certain materials as free issue from other contracts and/or from the ADDC stores, if such items are available as surplus. Prior to ordering the materials, the CONTRACTOR shall explore the availability of these free issue materials with the ENGINEER. If it is established that part of the materials are available for free issue, then the ENGINEER will issue the appropriate instructions to the CONTRACTOR for the CONTRACTOR to make a「「angementsto collect the materials and incorporate them into the WORKS. Such material will be in lieu of the materials to be supplied unde 「 BOO No. 1 and shall be transported/constructed/installed in accordance with the unit rates and prices quoted in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) fo「Construction and Installation.
After completion of the above steps, the CONTRACTOR should assess the quantities of the remaining materials required to complete the WORKS and, as soon as material data sheets are approved, should proceed with ordering the 「 emaining materials after accounting the free issue items and quantities. To lessen the possibility of procuring surplus materials, which may not be actually required for the WORKS, the CONTRACTOR should finalise and get approval for the shop drawings in a timely manner, prefe「ablyprior to ordering his materials
Payment for the CONTRACTOR supplied materials will be made only for the measured installed quantity. If there has been a 汜 vision to design ordered by the ADDC after approval of the shop drawings and after ordering the materials, consideration will be made on paying for the resulting surplus materials based on the ADDC's and/or ADDC's acceptance of a properly documented claim.
The responsibility for assessment of Materials Quantity is  with  the  CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR does not have to wait for either processing his shop drawings or quantity authorisation by the ADDC and/or ENGINEER, for ordering materials once the  material  data sheets are approved. Any material that becomes surplus, due to over estimation by the CONTRACTOR will not be paid for and such materials will be the property of the CONTRACTOR
It shall be the CONTRACTOR's sole responsibility to orde 「 a certain amount of material necessary for the uninterrupted completion of the WORKS to compensate for material losses due to cutting of pipes , wastage, at no extra cost to the ADDC
The TENDERER shall include extra costs, if any, associated with part ordering of materials.
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A separate price or rate shall be entered for each item of the Schedule of Prices  (Bills of Quantities) in figures. Items against which no price or rate is entered will be deemed to be covered by rates or prices of other items of the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities). No new items shall be added to the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) nor shall any alternatives be made thereto.
In case of discrepancy between the quoted unit rate or price and the total amount for any item of Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities), the unit rate or price shall be binding
The rates and prices entered in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) shall be inclusive of all costs incurred in any manner whatsoever in complying with the provisions of the Tender Documents , whether or not such items are specifically described in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities), including all labou「 cost, testing of materials by independent  laboratories, temporary works, erection, testing and commissioning, maintenance, insurance, taxes, duties,  every incidental and contingent cost and charges whatsoever.
The rates and prices entered in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) shall be inclusive of the cost of all ancillary work and materials not separately mentioned in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities), but which may  reasonably  be implied to be necessary by the Specification,  Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) or Drawings, or reasonably be inferred to be necessary there f「om, or which are usual or essential to the completion of the WORKS.
The prices and rates inserted in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) shall be the full inclusive value of the work described under the several items, including all costs and expenses which may be 「 equired in and for the construction and installation of all the work described completely , together with all general risks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the Tender Documents.
The rates quoted in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) shall include for all costs and shall be deemed to be complete in all respects conforming to the Tender Documents and normal acceptable construction practices fo「 all the WORKS until the date of Final Acceptance Certificate.
The work shall be measured net as executed and erected on site unless otherwise specified.
All materials brought onto the site by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the approved shop drawings are the ADDC's property and shall be in CONTRACTOR's custody fo 「 erection and installation.
The  ADDC  may provide certain materials  from ADDC's  stores and/or from ongoing  projects for
inco「poration in the WORKS. Such material will be in addition to or in lieu of the materials to be supplied unde「 BOQ No. 1 and shall be transported/constructe/dinstalled in accordance  with the unit rates and prices quoted in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) for Construction and Installation.
All materials ordered by the CONTRACTOR before the free issue of certain materials by the ADDC and become surplus due to the free issue, shall be assessed by the CONTRACTOR prior to their shipment to the U.A.E. and returned/deliveredby the CONTRACTOR directly to the ADDC's stores and/or other designated stores at no add仆ion al cost to the ADDC.
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All unused free issued and/o 「 approved surplus materials shall  be  cleaned/repaired at no extra cost to the ADDC, delive 「 ed and offloaded undamaged by the CONTRACTOR as and  when required by the ADDC to the ADDC's stores within 90 KM or any other place if required. The transportation cost of justified approved surplus materials will be paid in accordance with the relevant item in BOQ No. 3.
Should there be any discrepancy between unused free issued quantity, the approved surplus quantity and the quantity of undamaged materials delivered and taken over by the ADDC's Stores and/or other designated stores, then the difference shall be evaluated using the respective  rates and prices in the Schedules of Prices and the amount deducted from the CONTRACT PRICE.
13. Working Hours
ADDC's working hours at SITE are set out in the TENDER Documents. The CONTRACTOR  shall be allowed to work outside the site working hours and days at the disc 「 etion of ADDC/ENGINEER subject  to security  and  othe 「 rules  at  each  location.  All  extra  costs  incurred  through working
ove 巾 me shall be included in the CONTRACTOR's price. Such costs  shall include, but not limited to travel, overtime, supervision, food and all incidental expenses.
14. Safety Provisions
Unit Rates and Prices shall include for all site protection as per ADDC Safety Rules  and Regulations, T「 affic Police, Municipality, Oil Companies or other relevant Authorities, including but not limited to provision of metal screens and safety barriers and all measures necessary to protect adjacent structures, properties from the effects  of over spray, paint spatter or drainage  by impact of o「 introductioninto machinery of sand blasting material. All such measures shall be provided  to the satisfaction of ADDC/ENGINEER
15. Excavation and Backfilling
Unless specified otherwise, the rates given in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) fo 「excavation and backfilling of trenches, foundations, etc., shall include, but not be limited to:
1. All labour, equipment and materials necessary
2. Clearing and grubbing of the site and the pipeline route and「emoval of any obstruction.
3. Hand or machine digging and excavation in all type of ground, not specifically mentioned under separate BOQ items, and stacking the spoil adjacent to the excavations in an approved manner. No distinction shall be made between soft, hard or rocky ground even if any of the foundation areas or pipeline routes are changed from those shown on the CONTRACT Drawings to any othe「 route w咖 n the working area of this p「oject.
4. Construct   and  maintain  all  ramps,   temporary  access,  safety  barriers,   signs,   lights and
diversion「oads as required by the Traffic Police, Municipality, Oil Companies or other relevant Authorities.
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5. Dewatering of excavations and disposal of wate「 by any means  in an approved  manner as directed by the ADDC/ENGINEER and as per the requirements of the concerned Authority.
6. Double or multi-handling where necessary in connection with the removal and disposal of surplus o「 unsuitableexcavated materials to a location approved by the ADDC/ENGINEER.
7. Working around or under and protecting any ad丿ac ent structures, pipes, cables, ducts or other existing services and structures.
8. Any exploratory holes, trenches, etc. that may be required to locate services o「 to test soil characteristic.s
9. Supply and placing of pipeline bedding materia,l levelling and compacting the bottom of excavation,s trimming and shoring sides of excavation slopes and placing  backflil in compacted layers over and around the pipeline.
10. Completing the backfilling in compacted layers including the provision for importing  an approved backfill material as necessary and restoring the area as directed by the ENGINEER
11. Provision of fencing, lighting, watching, temporary reinstatement and maintenance of surfaces other than asphalt roads, parking areas, footpaths, e tc., and every other expense in strict conformity with the Specification.
12. Any additional excavation for buried valves, f「i e hydrants, fittings, etc.
13. Should the CONTRACTOR over excavate any part of the WORKS either depth wise o「 width wise, such over excavation shall be made good with approved backfill material at CONTRACTOR's  expense.
14. Excavation and trenches in the existing and/or proposed roads shall be backfilled to the grade level with thoroughly compacted material approved by the ENGINEER
15. Removing all su 「 plus excavated material and levelling and landscaping as directed by ENGINEER
16. Reinstatement of road surfaces,  green areas o「 any other buildings,  structures,  pipes, cables or any other services which has been removed or damaged in order to perform the WORKS
17. Obtaining necessary permit to work from Oil Companies, Defence/security areas, Traffic Police, Municipality or other Authorities that my be required to perform the wo「ks.
18. Provision of shoring and shutting to safeguard against side collapse of excavations and trenches.
19. All costs with respect to disturbance of green areas not covered by the 「 egulations of the Agriculture Department.
Measurement for excavation, dewate「ing and backfill shall be per metre run (MR) of trenchgiving a minimum cover to the pipe of  as specified in the tende 「 docur:i罕 and is ir「espective of the
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trench width for all operations till completion of the CONTRACT. Where add 仆 ion al excavation is necessary, it shall be measured for every additional 500mm depth specified, but shall only be considered valid when the continuous length of trench requiring additional excavation exceeds  thirty (30) metres at any individual location and more than one location along the excavation route shall not be measured cumulatively. Additional excavationless than 500mm shall be deemed to be included in the unit rate for excavation, dewatering and backfilling
Extra excavation, dewatering & backfilling required for construction of chambers, pits and thrust block s shall be included in the rates for construction, erection etc. of respectvi e items in BOO No. 2.
Excavation, dewatering and backf 曲 ng for any other excavation work as directed by the ENGINEER shall be per cubic metre (Cum) and as specified in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities)
The supply and placing of ex 「t a fill materials shall be measured per cubic metre (Cum) as placed into location afte 「 compactionand include transportof original material to a site approved by the ENGINEER.
In low lying areas where it is necessary that the pipeline be laid in embankmenst constructed from
approved  imported   fill   material,   the   rates  fo「  suppyl   of   fill   material   and  construction  of
embankments shall be per cubic metre (Cum). The CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the following procedure:
a) The CONTRACTOR shall survey the original topographical contour along the proposed centre line of the pipeline and provide cross sections at 25m intervals.
b) The said contour shall be related to the corresponding elevation of the edge of the road and shall be plotted on a preliminary drawing with sufficient accuracy to facilitate the  future preparation of cross section profiles at 25m intervals after construction of the embankments
c) On completion of the construction of the embankments a survey shall be made to determine the final contours, which shall then be plotted against the original contours to establish profiles at 25m intervals thus determiningthe final volume.
Irrespective of the method of measurement adopted by the CONTRACTOR, when preparing his invoices for fill material, the final quantities shall be defined from the results of the application of paragraphs a), b) and c) above.
It shall therefore be the CONTRACTOR's sole responsib 仆 ity to ensure that all the necessa ry informationis duly 「 ecorded and certified by the ENGINEER, prior to the commencement of any work,  which, for purposes of  any payment, shall require compliance  with  the above-mentioned procedure.
If the existing surface level is found to require filling under the pipe in order to give a minimum cover, as specified in the tender documen,t on top of the pipe , such filling shall be executed to the required bottom level of the pipe
Horizontally this filling shall be extended up to the nearest「oad ke「bstone, whenever this is 5m o「less from the pipeline. Unit rates for this operation shall include for the supply of suitable fill material.
Imported fill material required for embankments shall be measured from the existing surface level or from the bottom of pipe, whichever is the higher, up to the final road level, all as calculated from the results of the route survey mentioned above.
16. Concrete Works
The rates and prices for all concrete wo「ks shall include but not be limited to:
1. Any calculations, detailing and construction drawings, which in the opinion of the ENGINEER are necessary for the proper execution of the WORKS.
2. The supply of concrete, reinfo 「 cement, all-necessary labour, equipment and materials required fo「 the preparation, placing and protection of the concrete works.
3. The required excavation, backfilling, blinding, formwork, placing of concrete, compaction and vibrating and any additional formwork for the construction of joints, stop ends, building in fittings, pipes, conduits, bolts and the like, which although not specifically mentioned in the Tender Documents or shown on the drawings, are reasonably to be inferred from the specifications or  drawings  and  the ADDC's/ENGINEER'isnstruction.s
4. The supply and fixing of formwork and steel reinforcement in accordance with the drawings and specifications, includingall cutting, bending, fixing and provision of all necessary spac 「e bars, saddles, binding wire etc
5. Sampling and testing the characteristics of the concrete and concrete materials as per the specfiication.
6. The supply/application of protective coatings and waterproofing to cone「ete below ground or exposed to atmosphere as pe「 thespecification or shown on the drawings.
7. Supply and fixing of water stop at joints as per the specification or shown on the drawings.
In situ concrete shall be measured as the net volume shown on the drawings or variations to the drawings as directed by the ADDC/ENGINEERor his representative,sbut no deductions shall be made for  small chamfe「s,  steel work, reinfo「cement, bolt holes「equiredto be built in,  nor shall extra value be measured for splays or fillets.
17. Supply of Materials
Unless specified otherwise, the rates for the supply of all materials shall include all costs in respect of manufacturer's testing, testing by independent laboratory, C&F charges, clearance, all handling and transportation, storage, and any other costs incu「red under the obligations of the CONTRACT
The rates for the supply of pipes, valves, fittings etc. shall include for all lubricant, bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets, wheels, extension spindles , extension pieces, warning tapes, polyethylene sleeves, etc. and protective coatings as specified in the Tender Documents.
18. Storage, Warehousing, Etc.
The CONTRACTOR shall include for all temporary warehousing required by the CONTRACTOR to store his materials etc., in accordance with the CONTRACT, including Vendor's  storage instructions . The CONTRACTOR shall include for the protection and storage of sensitive material including pressurized and/or air-conditioned storage. The protection of all works and material shall be by the CONTRACTOR whether to installed or non-installeditems.
19. Pipe Construction
Unless otherwise specified or covered by separate BOQ items, the rates for pipe construction shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Supply of all labour, tools, equipment, plant and installation
2. The installation of polyethylene sleeve and placing of warning tape over the pipeline as per specification.
3. Costs for cleaning, jointing and cutting, trimming and otherv-Jise preparing the ends of pipes, hydrostatic pressure testing, flushing, disinfecting, sampling, commissioning and handing over of the completed WORKS.
4. All cost「elatedto collection and transportation of the water samples from site to the testing Laboratory and collection of Test results and submission to ADDC/ENGINEER's office
5. The water required for testing, flushing and disinfection shall be a「rangedby the Contractor at his  own  expenses.  Contractor  shall  be  responsible   to  arrange  all  ancillaries,  logistics, connections etc. for transmission of water from network point and tankers (certified for potable water) for transmission of water from supply station, if required.
The measurement for pipe construction shall be per metre length (MR) of pipeline including all valves and fittings, measured along the axis of the line before backfilling
20. Valves and Flowmeters
The supplies of gate valves and butterfly valves shall be measured per unit of each type and size. The prices for the supply of material shall be inclusive of, but not be limited to the following
1. A stem coupling of standard dimensions.
2. An extension spindle with standardised cap extending to approximately 150mm below the surface box cover.
3. Supply of hand wheel for butterfly valvesfor operation from inside the chamber.
4. Supply of bolts, nuts and washers or other approved bolt systems and rubber gaskets.
The TENDERER shall also include in his rates for the supply of 1 (one) number "tee" handled operating keys for every 10 (ten) valves supplied with a minimum of one.
The installation of valves, flow meter, flow control valves, etc. shall be measured extra over the appropriate item for installation of straight pipe for each type and size and shall include for installation of all accessories.
21. fittings
The supply of fittings shall be measured per unit of each type and size. Flanged items shall include all necessary bolts, nuts, washers and gaskets .
Should certain items described not be  available, the CONTRACTOR  shall propose  alternatives. The unit rates listed in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) for both supply and installation shall in these cases are deemed to cover all components of any such  proposed alternative. The alternative  proposals are subject to the ADDC's/ENGINEER'sapproval.
The installation of fittings shall be measured extra over the appropriate item for installation of straight pipe fo 「 eachtype and size fully installed and readyfor operation.
22. Covers and Surface Boxes
The supply of D. I. or Aluminium covers and surface boxes shall be measuredpe「 unit of each type and size complete with frame.
The rate shall include for lettering on covers and surface boxes, coating, supply of lifting keys, etc all as pe「 specificationand as shown on the drawings.
The cost of installation of covers, frames and surface boxes shall be included in the cost of the construction of the「elevantconcrete s「t ucture.
23. Crossing of Oil/Gas Pipelines
The crossing of oil/gas pipelines shall be per crossing of oil/gas pipeline measured ex 「t a over the appropriate item fo「 the installation of straight wate「 pipelinefor each size
The rates for the crossing of existing oil/gas pipelines shall included but not limited to taking all precautions   and   safety  measu「es  and   compliance   with  the  owner   of   the  oil/gas  pipeline requirements and as per the specification.
24. Non Disruptive Road Crossing (NDRC)
NDRC shall be paid by meter run (MR) of pipeline to be constructed by NDRC fo 「 each diameter as described in the BOO. The length of the pipeline shall be measured along the centre line of the casing pipe.
A maximum time period of 35 working days will be allowed for NDRC pits (with specific fencing) to remain open. The ADDC reserve the right to deduct an amount pro rata and in accordance  with the Schedule of Prices for each NDRC pit that remain open beyond the maximum 35 working days specified. This 35 days period includes for everything necessary to complete the whole work at each NDRC pit including site restoration.
The unit rates for NDRC works shall include for all soil investigation necessary prior/during the NDRC work, field testing, laboratory testing, submission of design and method statement for the NDRC work, obtaining No Objection form the concerned Authorities, obtaining existing utility information, p 「 eparation and submission of detailed construction drawings, surface movement points, fencing of working area and pit locations, construction of thrusUreception pits, installation of
D. I. restrained water pipeline including restraining set (as supplied unde 「 BOONo. 1), provision of bentonite slurry, supply and installation of approved casing pipe, provision of grouting for casing pipe, grouting of annular space between the water pipeline and casing pipe,  excavation, dewatering, backfilling, pressure testing and disinfection of completed pipeline sections  and surface reinstatement  all as per the specification.
25. Concrete Chambers and Boxes
25.1 Chambers for Valves
The unit rates for construction of reinforced concrete watertight chambers shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, excavation, dewatering, backfilling with approved materials in compacted  laye「s,  removal  from  the  site  of  excess  materia,l  preparation  of  foundation,  all measures to protect the existing waterlines du 「 ing construction, supply of all materials complete with precast concrete cove「 slab,factory applied fully epoxy coated lifting hooks, supports for valve spindle  extension  (if  required), bituminous painting,  waterproof membrane,  asphalt  hardboard, sealing compound etc.; casting in of anchor flange and sealing flange (waterstops) as supplied in BOO No. 1, casting in of access covers, frames and surface box as supplied in BOO No. 1, bolting of aluminium ladder as supplied in BOQ No. 1, all as shown on Tender Drawing but excluding D.I pipes, fittings, sleeves, valves, water meters, and strainers.  Details  of lifting hooks, ladder, vent pipe, waterstops & valve chamber protection are shown on the Tender Drawings. All concrete works shall be according to specification
25.2 Marker Posts for Chambers
The unit rate for marker posts shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, 100mm (4") dia. hot dipped galvanised steel pipe (950mmlong, wall thickness minimum 6mm) complete with painting, concrete foundation, filling of pipe with concrete, excavation, backfilling  etc. all as shown on Tender Drawing.
26. Concrete Slabs For Pipeline Protection
The unit rates for construction and installation of precast reinforced concrete slabs for protection of waterlines shall also include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, excavation to the required level, excavation to determine  the location of the waterline, dewatering, transport to the site, placing of slabs, installation of warning tape, backfilling with approved  fill  material  in compacted layers to the required grade, all as per specification and shown on Tender Drawing.
27. Concrete Ducts for Waterlines
27.1 Circular Ducts
The unit rate for construction of reinforced concrete encased 450mm, 600mm, 800mm, 1000mm, 1200mm & 1500mm diameter G.R.P. ducts shall include but not be limited to submission of structural design calculations fo 「 ADDC/ENGINEER approval, p「 ovision of construction drawings, supply   of  all  materials   inclusive   bituminous   coating,  excava tion,  dewatering,   backfilling   in compacted layers to the required grade as per specification, cutting into existing road surface and removal of debris. These ducts will be constructed and sealed at both ends in accordance with Tender Drawing.
27.2 Box  Ducts and Box Culverts
The unit rate for construction of reinforced concrete box ducts and box culverts shall include but not be limited to submission of structural design calculations for ADDC/ENGINEER approval, provision of constructiondrawings, supply of all materials inclusive bituminous coating, waterproof membrane, asphalt hardboard, waterstops at expansion joints, sealing compound, construction of access shafts, installation of auxiliary items (covers & frames, ladders, etc.), excavation, dewatering, backfilling in compacted layers to the required grade as per specification, cutting into existing road surface and removal of debris. These ducts/culverts will be constructed and sealed at both ends in accordance with Tender Drawing.
28. Concrete Slab for Protection of Surface Box
The unit rate for construction of reinforced concrete valve spindle protection slab, shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, installation of surface bo x as supplied in BOQ No. 1, supply and installation of valve spindle protection tube with dust cap, excavation and backfilling all as shown  on Tender Drawing
29. Instrumentation Devices for Sector Measuring Point
Unit price for the instrumentation devices required at each bulk consumer and sector-measu 「 ing point  shall  be  ente「ed in  the  Schedule  of  Prices  (Bills  of Quantities)  under  separate  items  for supply and installation. The unit rate per set shall include but not be limited to the items as in BOQ No. 1 and mentioned in the specifications for bulk consumer measuring point and for sector measuring point.
30. Unit Rates for Manpower Equipment and Material
Unit rates in the Day Works Bill shall only be applied in connection with any work, as may be
requ「i ed by ADDC/ENGINEER outside the contractual agreed price.
Unit rates in the Day Works Bill for manpower and equipment shall be completed by the TENDERER(S) and submitted together with and as part of his TENDER. The TENDERER($) shall extend these rates and enter total amounts based on the estimated quantities.
Labour rates shall include all wages, bonuses, allowances, supervision, overhead cost, social premiums, profits, insurance, travel and accommodation etc. The labour rates shall also include for all hand tools and appliances.
Unit rates for equipment shall include the operator, fuels, lubricants, auxiliary equipmen,t service and repairs, insurance, transport, etc. The CONTRACTOR shall fill in the size and type of equipment which are not listed under this CONTRACT and which he might be 「 equ 「i ed to use in the execution of the works.
Reimbursement for labour and equipment usage under these rates shall only be made if the work involved is authorised or instructed by ADDC/ENGINEER against signed labour and equipment return s. It shall be the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to ensure that all the necessary information is duly recorded and certified by ADDC/ ENGINEER during the progress  of  the relevant work.
Price s for materials supplied on unit rate basis shall include for all loading, transporting, unloading, storage, overhead and profits and all other associated costs. Prio「 approval of ADDC/ENGINEER shall be obtained for materials「equiredto be supplied for which no unit rates are ente「ed.
Under-utilizationor non-utilization of these unit rates shall not provide grounds for any claim by the CONTRACTOR in respect of reduction of the Contract Value.
31. Charges for  Disturbing And/Or Removal of Grass, Trees
The current regulations of the Agricultu「al Section of the Abu Dhabi Municipality dictate that before any pipe laying activities in green areas are allowed to start, charges at the current applicable rate for  disturbing,  removing  and  reinstallation  of  plantations shall  be paid  by  the CONTRACTOR
d「i ectly to the mentioned section.
Solely the representative of the Agricultural Section will determine the extent of affected green area.
The CONTRACTOR will be reimbursed the actual amounts paid, net, on presentation of proof of payment, subject to the ADDC's/ENGINEER's approval. All overheads, handling charges and all other costs involved shall be included in the other rates for local expenses. The Agricultural Section will perform removal, preservation if any, transportation and reinstallation of plantations as required.
The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the most recent regulations issued by concerned authorities regarding working in  the vicinityof planted areas
32. Reinstatement of Asphalt Road Surfaces
Unit 「 ate for reinstatement of asphalt road surfaces shall be measured per metre run with a maximum width of 2.0m and shall be paid as per CONTRACTOR'S quoted rate. The TENDERER's attention is drawn to Abu Dhabi Municipality Road Section regulations. The mentioned Section may order asphalt reinstatement to be carried out by specialised roadwork contractor approved by the Abu Dhabi Municipality. Contractor to price the item for reinstatement of existing asphalt road in accordance with the current practice being followed by the Abu Dhabi Municipality. The unit price  quoted  against  this item  shall  include for  mobilization/demobilization,  supply  of materials, reinstatement, protection works, detour, traffic control, warning systems, supervision by specialist consultant, main contractor's over head etc. The CONTRACTOR, while pricing this item, is deemed to be aware of the current practice and requirement of the Abu Dhabi Municipality for cut and reinstatement of existing asphalt road surfaces.
33. House Connection Arrangements
33.1 Concrete Water Meter Box
The unit rate for construction of reinforced concrete water mete「 boxes  shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, excavation, dewatering, backfilling with approved material in compacted layers, removal from site of excess materia,l preparation of foundation, supply of all materials complete with 160mm diameter uPVC inlet and outlet pipes with temporaryend caps, stainless steel or brass eye bolts for fastening the pulling rope, bituminous painting, transport to site, installation  of a watertight connection between 160mm diameter duct and water mete「 box, adjusting cover and frame (as supplied in BOO No. 1) to sidewalk level, providing drain opening with granular material etc., all as shown on the Tender Drawings.
33.2 Wall Mounted GRP Water Meter Box
The unit rates for the supply of wall mounted GRP water meter box shall include but not limited to the supply of stainless steel fixing bolts, lettering on the box in Arabic and English, lockable main door, lockable water meter reading door, provision of key for the lockable door, etc all as per the specification and as shown on the Tender Drawings.
The unit rate for installation of the wall mounted GRP water meter box shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, installation of the GRP box (as supplied in BOO No. 1) into position, replacement of tiles, bricks or concrete that is damaged during the box installation and
「epainting of the wall as all as per specification and shown on the Tender Drawings.
The unit rate for installation of large radius VC bend shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials , supply and installation of the uPVC bend into position, concrete work, bituminous painting, excavation, backfilling, end capping of the bend, supply and installation  of  protection tube, supply and installation of brass brackets, supply and installation of stainless steel fixing bolts, replacement of tiles, bricks or concrete that is damaged during the bend installation and repainting of the wall as required all as pe「 spec巾cation and shown on the Tender Drawing s
33.3 Concrete Stopvalve Box
The unit rate for construction of「einforced concrete stop valve box shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, excavation, dewatering, backfilling with approved material in compacted layers, preparation of foundation, supply of all materials complete with 110mm or 160mm diameter uPVC inlet and outlet pipes with temporary end caps, bituminous painting, transport to site, installation of a watertight connection between 110mm o「 160mm diameter duct and stop valve box, adjusting cover and f 「 ame (as supplied in BOQ No. 1) to sidewalk level, providing drain opening with granular material etc., all as shown on the Tender Drawing
33.4 Pulling Box
The unit rate fo 「 construction of reinforced concrete pulling box shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, excavation, dewatering, backfilling with approved material in compacted layers, removal from site of excess material, preparation of foundation, supply of all materials complete with 110mm o「 160mm diameteruPVC inlet and outlet pipes, stainless steel or brass eye bolts for fastening the pulling rope, bituminous painting, installation of a watertight connection between 110mm o「 160mm diameter duct and pulling box, adjusting cover and frame (as supplied in BOQ No. 1) to sidewalk level etc., all as shown on the Tende「 Drawing.
33.5 uPVC Ducts (0 110mm & 0 160mm)
The unit rate for construction of ducts shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, 110mm or 160mm diameter uPVC pipe complete with watertight joints, sealing of duct entrances with end caps, 10mm dia. nylon pulling rope for installation of polyethylene house connection pipes, excavation, dewatering, backf 曲 ng with approved material in compacted layers, removal from the site of excess material etc., all as shown on the Tender Drawing
33.6 Reinforced Concrete Encased uPVC Ducts (0 110mm & 0160mm}
The unit rate for construction of ducts shall include but not be limited to the supply of all materials, 110mm or 160mm diameter uPVC pipe complete with watertight joints, reinforced concrete encasemen,t bituminous painting, sealing of duct entrances with end caps, marking of duct ends with concrete blocks carrying the letter 'W", 10mm dia. nylon pulling rope for installation of polyethylene house connection pipes, excavation, dewatering, backfililng with approvedmaterial in compacted layers, removal from the site of excess material etc., all as shown on the Tender Drawing.
33.7 7 Polyethylene House Connection Pipes with Auxiliary Items
Rates for installation of house connections from distribution mains up to the consumer facility shall be entered in the Schedule of Prices (Billsof Quantities) as a unit rate.
No differentiation is made between the installation costs for½", ¾", 1" and 1½" diamet 「e house connections.
The unit rate shall include but is not limited to:
1. All costs related to providing under pressure-tapping machines inclusive spare parts as described in the specification.
2. All costs related to the acceptance tests as described in the specification.
3. Excavation necessary to locate the existing wate「 mainfor makni g the tapping.
4. Excavation , dewatering, backfilling, and under pressure installation of tapping, with stopcock and coupling, including supply and installation of the wrapping of the ferrule and the saddle strap.
5. Excavation, installation and backfill in compacted layers for the polyethylene pipes under unpaved areas between tapping and duct and/or between duct entrances.
6. Installation of polyethylene pipes through ducts to water meters; or through ducts and pulling boxes to water meter boxes.
7. Closing duct ends after installation of polyethylene pipes.
8. Installation of stop valve, non-return valves, lockablevalve, water meter, fittings, couplings etc in the relevant water meter boxes, all as shown on Tender Drawings.
9. Supply and installation of water meter support and watertight closing of 110mm or 160mm diameter outlet holes in water meter box wall
10. Testing, disinfection, flushing, commissioningetc. of polyethylene pipes including supply and installation of cap (temporary) at the end of the line.
11. Installation of warning tape (as supplied under BOQ No. 1) above polyethylene house connection pipes in unpaved areas.
12. All costs related to disconnection of existing consumer connection and connection of newly installed house connection to consumer premises, including mobilisation and demobilisation costs of the house connection crew.
The details of the tapping machine(s), which will be used by the CONTRACTOR, shall be submitted fo「 approval to the ADDC /ENGINEER.
33.8 Rate for Excavation to Locate Existing House Connections
The rates for excavations to locate the existing polyethylene pipes and ferrules for house connections shall be per linear metre given in the relevant Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities). The rate shall also include the preparation of drawings and sketches showing the locations of the existing house connection lines including the position of ferrules on the distribution lines and existing consumer water meter, tanks and pumps.
34. Exhumation, Reconditioning and Dumping of Pipes and Acces sories
The unit rate for exhumation shall include excavation, dewatering, recovery of pipes and fittings, cleaning of pipes and fittings by means of brush for initial inspection and backfilling of 「t enches and plugging off any D.I. o「 A.C. lines left in the ground as directed by the ADDC/ENGINEER. Whenever these excavations are made in the existing and/or proposed roads the backfilling shall be made with thoroughly compacted material approved by the ADDC/ENGINEER to the grade level of the road.
The unit rate for recond 几 ionin g shall include but not be limited to loading/unloading, packing and stacking at site stores, cleaning by means of brush, inspection of material, supply and application of coating/liningmaterial, sand blasting of material as directed by ADDC/ENGINEER
The unit rate for transportation of rejected pipeline materials to a Municipality approved dump site or other designated site shall include but not be limited to loading and unloading, costs related to obtaining permission of dumping on the dump site or any other designated site.
The unit rate for transportation of surplus o 「 exhumed pipeline materials to ADDC stores and/or ADDC approved site or othe 「 designated area shall include but not be limited to loading and unloading, prepa 「 ation for inspection, double handling, costs related to obtaining permission of dumping on the designated dump site or any other site.
The unit rates for collection and transportation to site ADDC free issued D.I. pipeline materials or other materials/accessoriesshall  include, but not be limited  to, loading  and unloading, multiple handling, packing and stacking, transportation to and from Contracto'rs workshop/store, cleaning by means of brush, inspection of material. The rates shall also include supply and application of coating/lining material for repairing/touch-up work upto max. 25% of the total working length/surface area of D.I. pipes and fittings and total area of other materials and accessories.
The quantities fo 「 the above mentioned unit rates shall be measured according to the working lengths (for example face to face dimensions for flanged valves).
35. Safeguarding of Materials
The TENDERER shall allow for all costs involved in safeguarding materials in the ground du 「 ing the period after construction and before the Provisiona l Acceptance Certification. All costs incurred in respect of insurance, secu 「 ity, fencing, lighting, watchman and such like shall be CONTRACTOR's responsib小ty, including for replacement of any materials damaged
36. Additional Works Due to Existing Pipework
The rates for the WORKS shall include for any costs incurred while liasing with the Operation and Maintenance and Field Services Sections of the ADDC in order to shut down existing live pipelines to carry out the WORKS.
37. Alternative Methods of Construction
The Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities) and drawings are based on an acceptable technical solution to the necessary works. The TENDERER shall price the WORKS in accordance with the specified details but he may also propose alternative details. For such alternatives a fully detailed and priced desc「iption of the work shall be incorporated with his Tende「
38. Provisional/Alternative Items
Certain items listed in the Bills of Quantities are identified as "开ovisional"or "Alternative" items. It is to be understood that these items may or may not be required to be carried out and shall require the written instruction of the ADDC/ENGINEER before being carried out. The non-utilisation of these items shall not provide grounds for any claim by the CONTRACTOR in respect of reduction of the CONTRACT value. The TENDERER shall enter prices o「 rates against these Provisional Items in accordance with other clauses of these preambles. All "Provisiona"l items shall be priced, extended and taken to the 间 evant summary for inclusion in the total price for the purpose of bid evaluations. For "Alternative" items, prices shall be mentioned in brackets, but it shall not be considered for inclusion in the totals; only the prices of the base item shall be considered for inclusion in the totals.
39. Rates Analysis
Upon request of the ADDC/ENGINEER, the TENDERER/CONTRACTOR shall produce a detailed analysis of any or all of his tendered and other rates within two working days  of  being  so requested. The rates inserted by the CONTRACTOR for the different items in the respective Schedule of Prices shall be used as basis for any additions/deletions of the respective items.
The CONTRACTOR shall, when directed by ADDC/ENGINEER, submit detailed supplementary schedules  breaking down  the rates for composite  units of wo「ks in the Schedules of Prices into their component elements in such detail as shall be required by ADDC/ENGINEER.
40. Cad   Drawings  & Word Processing  for  Specifications and Documents
Unless otherwise approved by ADDC/ENGINEERdrawings shall be prepared in AutoCAD drafting system conformable to ADDC GIS System in accordance with specifications. The cost items for as-built  drawings  shall  include  the  cost  of  required  prints,  transpa「encies  and  computer floppy diske ttes/CD for the same as detailed in the Schedule of Prices (Bills of Quantities).
The Operation and Maintenance Manual, Record Books, etc. shall be prepared as maximum as possible on MS Word or similar computer word processing
41. Pipeline Connection I Discinnection
The rate for connections / disconnections includes for additional excavations, dewatering, backfilling,  required  additional  working  hours, multiple  cuttings and  multiple  connections  in  any configuration on main and branch lines including removal of pipes, fittings, valves, flow meters, accessories etc., and transport to store, installation of pipes, fittings, valves, flow meters, accessories etc., and all associated works for each tie in point to the new pipeline
Pipeline connection / Disconnection shall include the items listed below:
The rates for these works shall include for any costs incurred in supporting/liaising with the Operations and Maintenance section of ADDC in order to temporarily shutdown or trial shutdown and carry out the Connection I Disconnection works to DI, HOPE, CS or AC pipelines.
In all cases the rates shall include for all costs associated with meeting the requirements of ADDC, Operation and Maintenance section of ADDC in respectof shutdown procedures and any restrictvi e timing for shutdown of pipelines.
The rate shall include the p「ov阁 on of lights, generator and any facility「equired for necessary works outside normal working hours.
The rates shall include for the provision of additional dewatering pumps and protected sump pits for the rapid removal of water during draining of the existing pipelines at the location of dewatering points.
The pipeline sizes mentioned in BOQ are for the main pipeline.
42. Construction, Installation and Commissioning of Above Ground Temporary Cs Pipeline
Construction of temporary above ground CS pipeline shall include for installation of all materials (C.S flanged pipes, tees, bends, reducers, valves, dismantling pieces, blank flanges, .. 舍 etc), construction of all concrete supports,  fixing  clamps, pipe cutting, welding, fabrication, including detailed design, preparation of detailed construction drawings, method statements, protection of existing  services, provision of bank  guarantee (if required), safety measures,  additional working
hours,  connection/disconnection,   dewatering,   pressure  testing  and  disinfection  of constructed
tempo 「 ary pipeline to successfully commission the temporary waterline and ensure secure water supply with minimum disturbance to the consumers.
43. Construction, Installation and Commissioning of Underground Temporary CS Pipeline
Construction of temporary underground CS pipeline shall include fo 「 installationof all materials (C.S flanged pipes, tees, bends, reducers, valves, dismantling pieces , blank flanges, ...etc), construction of road crossings, pipe protections excavation, backfilling, fixing clamps, pipe cutting, welding,  fabrication,  including  detailed  design,  preparation  of  detailed  construction  drawings, method statements, protection of existing services, provision of  bank  guarantee  (if  required}, safety measures, additional working hours, connection/disconnection, dewatering, pressure testing and disinfection of cons 「t ucted temporary pipeline to successfully  commission  the temporary waterline and ensure secure water supply with minimum disturbance to the consumers.
44. Removal/Dismantling and Transportation of Temporary Carbon Steel Pipeline
The rates and prices shall include for dismantling, removing and transportation of temporary above ground/undergroundpipes, fittings , valves and all accessories installed for the tempo「ary pipeline including any excavation, backfilling, reinstating of trenches, roads, parking and green areas, connections/disconnection,sdewatering, required additional working hours, multiple cutting, welding, handling, multi transportation, cleaning, repairing and painting where needed, and transportation of material to construction STAGE location within the project area, ADDC store and/or any other location within Abu Dhabi Island assigned by ADDC/ENGINEERas per the project plan and staging construction schedule approved by ADDC/ENGINEER to successfully complete the project scope indicated in the TENDER.
The payments for the CONTRACTOR will be equal  installments  for  each  STAGE  as per the project plan and staging construction schedule approved by ADDC/ENGINEER. Payments to the CONTRACTOR  for each stage shall be made only afte「 the successful commissioning of the new permanent waterline  of the intended STAGE.  The final/balance  payment  will be only made after the complete transportation of all materials used for the temporary WORKS to ADDC Store or any other location indicated by ADDC/ENGINEER within Abu Dhabi Island . All materials should be approved by ADDC/ENGINEERafte 「 inspection. The CONTRACTOR shall consider all necessary cleaning ,  repairing,  refurbishment  and  painting  of  the  materials  to  meet  ADDC/ENGINEER approval requirements.
PROJECT: Planning and
Development of Master Plan Project No.:
Infrastructure (MPIC) for Training Summary 1 of 1
Village I Al Hafar Region
Preamble to Bill of Quantities/Scheduleof Prices is a part of this specification and should be considered with this document
1) Labou「
2) Material
3) Plant
PROJECT: Planning and Development of Master Plan & Infrastructure (MPIC) for T「 aining Village / Al Hafar Region
Project No.· PPC/ Day Works Plot No.
1 of 2
No work carried out on a day basis will be measured unless, before starting work the Contractor  has obtained the written approval of the Engineer
1.01. 1  !Labour, non-skilled
1.01. 2 ILabour, semi-skilled (Assisting tradesman)
Hour Hour
1.01. 3   ILabour,   semi-skilled  (Operating  light power  operated
mechanical plant vis . rammers, concrete
breakers.) I   Hou r
1.01.  4  ISurveyor
1.01. 5  !Chain man
1.01. 6  !Carpenter
1.01.  7   ICarpenter's Mate
1.01. 8 !Trade man (Working with tools)
1.01.  9   IConcrete finisher
1.01. 10 ISteel bar bender or fixer
1.01. 11 IWelder or burner (Where not included with Plant)
1.01.  12 IBlacksmith
1.01. 13 IBlacksmith's mate
1.01. 14 IElectrician
1.01. 15 IElectrician's mate
1.01. 16 IF仆ter (Not engaged on plant maintenance)
1.01. 17 IFitter's mate
Hou「Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour
Hou「Hour Hour Hour Hour
1.01. 18 IPlumbe 「
No work carried out on a day basis will be measured unless, before starting work the Contractor  has obtained the written approval of the Engine 「e
No work carried out on a day basis will be measured unless, before starting wo 欢 the Contractor  has obtained the written approval of the Engineer
2.02  1  !Water, brackish Imp. Gals.
2.02 2   !Water , fresh Imp. Gals.
2.02  3   !Portland cement  ,  sulphate resisting portland  (with bags) 6 ton loads (metric tons)
2.02 4 !Reinforcing steel mild steel complying with Section V , Concrete Works (metric tons)
2.02 5 IPVC waterstop, complying with Section V, Concrete Works
2.02 6   IPreformed joint filler, 1.2cm thick, as specified I L.M
2.02 7   !Steel angles ,   tees,  channel sections   and plates not exceeding  6mm thickness,  (galvanised) complying with! Tons Section XII, Metal Works (metric tons
2.02 8   !Ditto, not exceeding 15mm thick I Tons
2.02 9   !Timber in planking and strutting ,  not exceeding 5cm thick (5cu. metre loads)
2.02 10 IDitto, exceeding 15cm thick (5cu. meter loads)
2.02 11 IExtra over timbe「 in planking and strutting left in place
2.02 12 !Timber in sawn formwork lining
2.02 13 !Lined formwork for surface texture specifiedtreatment as
2.02 14 IK-140 concrete delivered on site
2.02 15 IK-250 concrete delivered on site
2.02  16 IBorrow materia,l load bearing
2.02 17 IBorrow material non-load bearing
2.02 18 IRigid polyvinylchloride (PVC) conduit, 10cm d旧
2.02 19 IDitto, 15cm dia
No work carried out on a day basis will be measured unless , before starting wo 水 the Contractor has obtained the written approval of the Engineer
2.02 20 IDitto, 20cm dia
2.02 21 IPerforated Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe wrapped with filter fabric, 10cm dia.
2.2 22 IKerb paint
Day Works
No work carried out on a day basis will be measured unless, before starting work the Contractor has obtained the written approval of the Engineer
3.03. 10 IConcrete mixer (5.0 m 叮
3.03. 11 IConcrete prams
3.03. 12 IConcrete hand trucks
3.03. 13 IConcrete finisher, mechanical
3.03. 14 IConcrete vibrator, petrol or electric, with stinger CRANES (PETROL OR DIESEL)
3.03.  15 IMobile road type (10 ton)
3.03. 16 I D八to (20-ton) - Dragline
Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour
Hour Hour
No work carried out on a day basis will be measured unless, before starting work the Contractor  has obtained the written approval of the Engineer
3.03. 17 IDitto (50-ton)
3.03. 18 IDitto {150-ton)
3.03. 19 ICrane bucket (attachment) (under 1 m叮
3.03. 20 IDitto (5 m叮
3.03. 21 ICrane mounted on truck (20 ton)
Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour
3.03. 22 IMechanical, diesel, face shovels, skimmers, drag- lines or back - acters with single equipment
(Maker's rated capacity 0.5 m3) I  Hour
3.03. 23 IDitto {Maker's rated capacity 1.0 m3) I Hour
3.03. 24 IDitto (Maker's rated capacity 2.0 m3} I  Hour
GENERATING  SETS (Petrol or Diesel)
3.03.  25 IGenerating sets, complete (3 kVA)
3.03. 26 IDitto (10 kVA)
3.03. 27 IDitto (15 kVA)
3.03. 28 IBulldozer complete with bull or angling blade (Equivalent to Caterpillar D4)
3.03. 29 IBulldozer (Equivalent to Caterpilla「 06)
3.03. 30 IBulldozer complete with bull or angling blade (equivalent to Caterpillar 0 8)
3.03. 31 !Tractor type with heavy ripper (Equivalent to Caterpillar DSK/No8)
3.03. 32 ITrack-Type Loader , 1.15 m 3 bu c ket (Equivalent to Caterpillar 941 B)
3.03. 33 IWheel loader (Equivalentto Caterpillar 966)
No work earned out on a day basis will be measured unless, before starting work the Contractor  has obtained the written approval of the Engineer
3.03. 34 IDitto, 1.90 - 2.48 m3 bucket (Equivalent to Caterpillar 977 L)
3.03. 35 IWheel tractor-scraper, struck, capacity 16 m3 (Equivalent to Caterpillar 631 D)
3.03. 36 IDitto, 24.5 m3 (Equivalent to Caterpillar651 B)
3.03. 37 IMotor grader, flywheel h.p.-125 (Equivalent to Caterpillar 651 B)
3.03.  38 IDitto, h.p.-150 (Equivalent  to Caterpillar 140 G)
3.03. 39 IWheel loader, bucket range 1.15 -1.34 m3 (Equivalent to Caterpillar 920)
3.03. 40 IDitto, 3.45 - 4.20 m'(Equivalent to Caterpillar980B) RAMMERS  MECHANICAL
3.03.  41 IMechanical, power rammer
3.03.  42 ICompactor, (Equivalent to Caterpillar 816)
3.03. 43 ICompactor, vibratory type, (5000 cpm)
3.03. 44 IPump (submersible 2" to 6") RQLLERS (Petrol or Diesel Driven)
3.03. 45 IRubber tyre, (25-ton)
3.03. 46 ISteel roller, under 5 tons
3.03. 47 IDitto, over 5 tons
3.03. 48 IDouble drum sheep foot roller with tract rammer
3.03. 49 ICompactor, plate type TRUCKS  (Petrol  or Diesel)
Hour Hour
Hour Hour
Hour Hour
Hour Hour Hour Hour
Hour Hour
Hour _
PA .
3.03. 50 ILand rover or pick-up
3.03.  51 IPick-up (3 ton - long bed)
3.03. 52 IVan or similar utility vehicle (10-ton)
Hour Hour Hour
2 2 OCT 2012
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Day Works
No work carried out on a day basis will be measured unless, before starting work the Contractor  has obtained the written approval of the Engineer
3.03. 53 IDumper (1 m叮
3.03.  54 IDumper (4 m3)
3.03. 55 IDumper (8 m 叮
3.03. 56 IDumper (20 m 叮
3.03. 57 IDumper (30 m 叮
3.03. 58 ISelf-propelled water sprayer (1000 gal.) (including water)
3.03. 59 IWater tanker (3000 gal.)
3.03. 60 IWater tanker (5000 gal.)
3.03. 61 IUtility truck with 3-ton hoist
3.03. 62 IDumpy level, staff and ancillary equipment
3.03. 63 ITheodolite, staff and ancillary equipment
Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour
Hour Hour Hour Hour
Hour Hour
3.03.  64 IOxy-acetylene cutting and welding sets inclusive of oxygen and acetylene (excluding underwater
equipment) I   Hour
3.03. 65 IElectric welding set , 300 amp. including electrodes for single operator
3.03. 66 IDewatering equipment including pump, hoses, well points, earth drilling auger, etc. Dewaters up to 50 s.m.
Day Works

Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务,专业的全球语言翻译与信息解决方案供应商,专业翻译机构品牌。无论在本地,国内还是海外,我们的专业、星级体贴服务,为您的事业加速!世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 专业翻译公司,北京翻译公司,上海翻译公司,英文翻译,日文翻译,韩语翻译,翻译公司排行榜,翻译公司收费价格表,翻译公司收费标准,翻译公司北京,翻译公司上海。
  • “贵司提交的稿件专业词汇用词准确,语言表达流畅,排版规范, 且服务态度好。在贵司的帮助下,我司的编制周期得以缩短,稿件语言的表达质量得到很大提升”


  • “我单位是一家总部位于丹麦的高科技企业,和世联翻译第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,得到了国外合作伙伴的认可!”


  • “我公司是一家荷兰驻华分公司,主要致力于行为学研究软件、仪器和集成系统的开发和销售工作,所需翻译的英文说明书专业性强,翻译难度较大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。”


  • “为我司在东南亚地区的业务开拓提供小语种翻译服务中,翻译稿件格式美观整洁,能最大程度的还原原文的样式,同时翻译质量和速度也得到我司的肯定和好评!”


  • “在此之前,我们公司和其他翻译公司有过合作,但是翻译质量实在不敢恭维,所以当我认识刘颖洁以后,对她的专业性和贵公司翻译的质量非常满意,随即签署了长期合作合同。”


  • “我行自2017年与世联翻译合作,合作过程中十分愉快。特别感谢Jasmine Liu, 态度热情亲切,有耐心,对我行提出的要求落实到位,体现了非常高的专业性。”


  • “与我公司对接的世联翻译客服经理,可以及时对我们的要求进行反馈,也会尽量满足我们临时紧急的文件翻译要求。热情周到的服务给我们留下深刻印象!”


  • “翻译金融行业文件各式各样版式复杂,试译多家翻译公司,后经过比价、比服务、比质量等流程下来,最终敲定了世联翻译。非常感谢你们提供的优质服务。”


  • “我司所需翻译的资料专业性强,涉及面广,翻译难度大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。在一次业主单位对完工资料质量的抽查中,我司因为俄文翻译质量过关而受到了好评。”


  • “我司在2014年与贵公司建立合作关系,贵公司的翻译服务质量高、速度快、态度好,赢得了我司各部门的一致好评。贵司经理工作认真踏实,特此致以诚挚的感谢!”


  • “我们需要的翻译人员,不论是笔译还是口译,都需要具有很强的专业性,贵公司的德文翻译稿件和现场的同声传译都得到了我公司和合作伙伴的充分肯定。”


  • “在这5年中,世联翻译公司人员对工作的认真、负责、热情、周到深深的打动了我。不仅译件质量好,交稿时间及时,还能在我司资金周转紧张时给予体谅。”


  • “我公司与世联翻译一直保持着长期合作关系,这家公司报价合理,质量可靠,效率又高。他们翻译的译文发到国外公司,对方也很认可。”


  • “贵公司翻译的译文质量很高,语言表达流畅、排版格式规范、专业术语翻译到位、翻译的速度非常快、后期服务热情。我司翻译了大量的专业文件,经过长久合作,名副其实,值得信赖。”


  • “针对我们农业科研论文写作要求,尽量寻找专业对口的专家为我提供翻译服务,最后又按照学术期刊的要求,提供润色原稿和相关的证明文件。非常感谢世联翻译公司!”


  • “世联的客服经理态度热情亲切,对我们提出的要求都落实到位,回答我们的问题也非常有耐心。译员十分专业,工作尽职尽责,获得与其共事的公司总部同事们的一致高度认可。”


  • “我公司与马来西亚政府有相关业务往来,急需翻译项目报备材料。在经过对各个翻译公司的服务水平和质量的权衡下,我们选择了世联翻译公司。翻译很成功,公司领导非常满意。”


  • “客服经理能一贯热情负责的完成每一次翻译工作的组织及沟通。为客户与译员之间搭起顺畅的沟通桥梁。能协助我方建立专业词库,并向译员准确传达落实,准确及高效的完成统一风格。”


  • “贵公司与我社对翻译项目进行了几次详细的会谈,期间公司负责人和廖小姐还亲自来我社拜访,对待工作热情,专业度高,我们双方达成了很好的共识。对贵公司的服务给予好评!”


  • “非常感谢世联翻译!我们对此次缅甸语访谈翻译项目非常满意,世联在充分了解我司项目的翻译意图情况下,即高效又保质地完成了译文。”


  • “在合作过程中,世联翻译保质、保量、及时的完成我们交给的翻译工作。客户经理工作积极,服务热情、周到,能全面的了解客户的需求,在此表示特别的感谢。”


  • “我们通过图书翻译项目与你们相识乃至建立友谊,你们报价合理、服务细致、翻译质量可靠。请允许我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢!”


  • “很满意世联的翻译质量,交稿准时,中英互译都比较好,措辞和句式结构都比较地道,译文忠实于原文。TNC是一家国际环保组织,发给我们美国总部的同事后,他们反应也不错。”


  • “原英国首相布莱尔来访,需要非常专业的同声传译服务,因是第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,但是贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,给我们留下了非常深刻的印象。”


  • “在与世联翻译合作期间,世联秉承着“上善若水、厚德载物”的文化理念,以上乘的品质和质量,信守对客户的承诺,出色地完成了我公司交予的翻译工作。”


  • “由于项目要求时间相当紧凑,所以世联在保证质量的前提下,尽力按照时间完成任务。使我们在世博会俄罗斯馆日活动中准备充足,并受到一致好评。”


  • “贵公司针对客户需要,挑选优秀的译员承接项目,翻译过程客户随时查看中途稿,并且与客户沟通术语方面的知识,能够更准确的了解到客户的需求,确保稿件高质量。”
