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观书有感 (宋·朱熹)
The Book (By Zhu Xi)
There lies a glassy oblong pool,
Where light and shade pursue their course.
How can it be so clear and cool?
For water comes fresh from the source.
(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)这首诗的英文版学会了吗?
Since we were young, we have been told to read more books to broaden our horizons (视野). Reading is not only part of modern education but also advocated (倡导) by many ancient Chinese poets. Song Dynasty poet Zhu Xi (1130-1200) is one of them. His poem The Book illustrates (阐释) the importance of reading. 从小我们就知道读书可以帮助我们拓宽视野。其实“阅读”不光是现代人很重视的部分,在古诗中也有阐释读书的重要性。宋代诗人朱熹(1130-1200)就是其中之一。《观书有感》这首诗很好地阐释了阅读的重要性。 In the first two lines, the writer describes a beautiful scene. The oblong pool is as clear as a mirror, where people can see the light and shades reflected on it. 在诗的前两行中,作者描述了一个美丽的场景——方形的水池清澈如镜,光影斑驳。 But what makes the oblong pool so clear? In the last two lines, Zhu explains that it’s because a steady flow of water from a natural spring brings it fresh water. Here the poet wants to illustrate that only by continuing to read and learn new things can we improve ourselves constantly. 但是,是什么让这个方形的水池如此清澈美丽呢?在诗的最后两行中,朱熹解释说:这是因为天然泉水不断地流动为它带来了清澈的水源。在这里,诗人借此表达:只有不断地阅读和学习新事物,我们才能不断地提高自己,可见读书学习的重要性。 - 上一篇:世联翻译公司完成机械介绍中文翻译
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