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发布时间:2018-08-10 10:20  点击:

Ø  人事部二级口译证书
Ø  英语专业八级证书
2009.9-     同传、交传
2005.8-2009.8  上海交大国际合作与交流处翻译

•           7.28 上海艾迪逊酒店预开业培训
•           7.25-27  2018全球授权展•中国站——授权研讨会(3天)
•           7.20 HRoot招聘与选才论坛
•           7.19 基于渔业水域使用权的海洋渔业管理国际研讨会
•           7.18 国合会海洋治理特别政策研究专家咨询会
•           7.17 邦迪管路(TI Automotive)中国管理层会议
•           7.13 如何进行高效谈判——沃顿商学院斯图尔特·戴蒙德
•           7.11 第46界国际艾美奖半决赛中国地区评选活动
•           6.15 AMRO 2018年东亚经济展望报告发布会
•           6.12-13 CHAT中国酒店及旅游业论坛(2天)
•           6.7-8 2018建成遗产保护技术国际研讨会——面向空间再生的保护技术(2天)
•           6.6 天猫新零售公开课
•           5.29 第一届宁波杭州湾新区龙湾论坛
•           5.27 下午“未来生活”设计论坛暨第六期“平行物语”上海市青年创意分享季
•           5.27 上午 2018 SIIFC绿色金融支持绿色发展国际论坛
•           5.26 IFI国际室内设计日2018
•           5.25 桥梁建设养护技术发展国际学术报告会
•           5.24 2018惠而浦全球研发中心暨中国总部启用仪式
•           5.23 2018独角兽加速计划移动出行专场
•           5.18 2018中国城市品牌与环境标识设计峰会
•           5.17 南京大学商学院EMBA课程——企业责任与道德
•           5.15 德纳中国供应商大会
•           5.13 2018航空工程高峰论坛
•           5.11 2018全球诺贝尔奖科学家论坛新闻发布会
•           5.10 辉瑞客户参与旅程培训工作坊
•           5.8 2018宁商(上海)大会
•           5.4 RICS首届国际全过程工程咨询峰会
•           5.2 与达能董事会主席兼首席执行官范易谋先生零距离交流
•           4.28 “领航丝路 共创繁荣”桑给巴尔投资促进会
•           4.27 2018 亚太化工绿色生产峰会
•           4.26 巴斯夫化工有限公司抗氧化剂漕泾工厂奠基典礼
•           4.25 第五届全球投资并购峰会暨晨哨智能全球股权交易撮合系统发布会
•           4.24 中国尼龙城推介会
•           4.20 辉瑞制药与浙江省食品药品监督管理局贝伐珠单抗注册沟通会
•           4.19 中国康复论坛
•           4.13复旦大学中华文明国际研究中心工作坊:“国际视野里的儒家文明:道德传统与近代中国的跨文化交流”
•           4.12 JMP数据分析新领域分论坛
•           4.11 寻找中国阿隆索新闻发布会
•           4.11 2018 中国国际机床展德马吉森精机(DMG MORI)新闻圆桌采访
•           3.28 上汽通用车联分享会
•           3.27 金砖国家工商理事会2018中期会议——农业经济工作小组会议(耳语)
•           3.23 乔空间“艺术赞助人”大型展览展前交流会
•           3.14-15 中国国际家用纺织品及辅料博览会——面料及色彩趋势论坛(2天)
•           3.10 2018上海国际仲裁周高峰论坛
•           3.7 阿克苏诺贝尔供应商大会
•           3.6 海尔智慧家庭服务机器人发布会
•           3.5 尼克戴什博士与阿迪达斯运动眼镜共享胜利之旅专场讲座
•           2.11-13 江南模塑科技股份有限公司2017年终总结大会(3天)
•           2.5 2018数字王国“真实世界”论坛
•           2.1-2 2018年环宇国际再生纤维质量研讨会(2天)
•           1.31 雅培代理商优化及利润率提高项目讨论
•           1.29-30 山鹰国际2018年产业发展论坛(2天)
•           1.23-25 Rolls-Royce(罗罗)供应商零缺陷培训(3天)
•           1.19 “见者的书信”博伊斯/白南准作品展览新闻发布会暨研讨会
•           1.15 2018中美康复医学与研究论坛
•           1.9 PTC Asia 2018合作与发展研讨会(耳语同传)
•           1.6 2018中国首席经济学家论坛年会
•           1.5 普华永道一带一路全景平台系列活动——携手探索土耳其商业潜力
•           12.15万里丝路众行致远——丝路跑者Mr. Kai Markus Xiong主题分享会
•           12.12 博格华纳2017中国供应商大会
•           12.6 国际大都会新畅想-万豪中国区豪华品牌运营副总裁Rainer Burkle耳语同传
•           12.5 2017中国饭店业互联网峰会
•           12.4 国际饭店与参观协会第53界年会暨一带一路国际饭店业合作大会
•           12.1 2017亚洲国际创新论坛(亚洲企业商会主办)
•           11.28-29 客户体验管理中国峰会(2天)
•           11.21 康美笑脸包GOOD TO GO全球首发仪式
•           11.18 WER2017世锦赛开幕式及能力风暴全球合作伙伴大会
•           11.17 迪尔玛茶学院基础知识认证课程
•           11.16 下午 “一带一路”食品产业发展高峰论坛
•           11.16 上午 上海智能交通与绿色交通发展现状与展望报告
•           11.15 欧盟委员会“创意之路”主题研讨会——创意创业与城市挑战
•           11.13-14 第四届国际清洁技术合作与投资峰会(2天)
•           11.10 2017迅达中国电梯供应商峰会
•           11.9 2017 IFS 中国主题日
•           11.8下午 弢盛资产管理有限公司投资人汇报
•           11.8 上午 优傲机器人公司《2017人机协作机器人蓝皮书》发布会
•           11.7 生物制品法规与技术交流会
•           10.31-11.2 2017年乔治费歇尔(GF)公司管理层培训(3天)
•           10.28-29 MINI城市最迷人系列论坛(2天)
•           10/26-27长江与莱茵河历史文化比较研讨会(2天)
•           10/24第八届上海市中美全科医学论坛
•           10/19-20 凯爱瑞配料卫生设计培训(2天)
•           10/16-18 凯爱瑞配料清洁卫生食品安全培训(3天)
•           10/14 同济大学桥梁管理讲座
•           10/10-11 上海国际内衣泳装原辅料展潮流论坛(2天)
•           9/28 首届原产地论坛——咖啡产业链全面剖析
•           9/26 2017国际低碳(镇江)大会开幕式暨高峰论坛
•           9/25 法国医疗创新中国行
•           9/22  2017晨兴创投投资人年度会议
•           9/21  2017年安道拓亚太法务合作峰会
•           9/19-20  2017年安道拓中国管理会议(2天)
•           9/16 上海杨浦国际标准化与创新创业论坛
•           9/15 下午 2018法兰克福春季国际消费品展览会(Ambiente)新闻发布会
•            9/15 上午 2017上海时尚家具展设计论坛
•           9/13 南京生物医药产业创新发展高峰论坛
•           9/12 下午 繁荣之路——第二届亚洲家具发展论坛
•           9/12 上午 杜库姆经济特区暨中国-阿曼(杜库姆)产业园推介会
•           9/9 上午 华为新影像大赛启动仪式
•           9/8 加中贸易理事会欢迎新斯科舍省省长史蒂芬·麦克尼尔阁下欢迎晚宴
•           9/6-7第五届全球云计算大会暨国际网络通讯展览会中国站(2天)
•           9/5华特迪士尼大中华区2018启动会议
•           8/24-25 2017 HOSCON亚洲医疗设施发展与创新高峰论坛(2天)
•           8/23 戴安娜宠物食品嘉宾研讨会
•           8/22 拉加代尔体育集团新闻发布会
•           8/17-18 第八届中国医疗器械监督管理国际论坛 (2天)
•           8/7-8 2017蒙特梭利大会在上海 (2天)
•           8/4 2017 BMW中国文化之旅湖南非遗探访闭幕式
•           7/29-31 上海国际绿色电影周——绿色DNA系列论坛(3天)
•           7/26 下午武田员工大会——与CEO面对面
•           7/26 上午 上美集团与屈臣氏战略规划沟通会
•           7/18-20 2017全球授权展•中国站——授权研讨会(3天)
•           7/16朗迪金融科技峰会——保险科技论坛
•           7/15朗迪金融科技峰会——中国互金资产生态论坛
•           7/14 智能汽车投资对接及嘉定工业园区推介会
•           7/12 2017上海绿色建筑国际论坛——城市有机更新
•           7/6-7 亚太地区旅游市场营销评估研讨会
•           7/5 墨西哥航空公司新增航班媒体及同业发布会
•           7/2 上海(金山)国际创新峰会
•           6/29 垃圾焚烧国际论坛
•           6/27 顺丰2017年中海外及国内区总会议
•           6/22 下午 微软加速器-上海一期成果演示日
•           6/22 上午ASTM中国路演活动
•           6/18-21 绿叶制药集团年中管理层会议 (4天)
•           6/17 文化创新与数据科学:新媒体、新传播、新格局
•           6/8 2017中国国际生态景观规划与营建学术论坛
•           6/7 2017 进口商品推介会
•           6/6 2017城市生态与节能论坛——聚焦土壤生态环境评价与修复技术
•           5/26-27 通用磨坊销售业绩总结及战略计划沟通会
•           5/25 后硬件时代的中国机遇高峰论坛
•           5/23-24 国际影视内容高峰论坛
•           5/15-20 强生安视优隐形眼镜市场调研深访(6天)
•           5/12 “一带一路”仲裁规则研讨会
•           5/11 马瑞利2017亚太供应商大会
•           4/27 悟与行的设计之旅系列——中外设计师高峰论坛
•           4/26 已知与未知——酒店空间的设计探索与反思
•           4/25 中国政商关系与政府事务公关技巧
•           4/21 国际轻量化材料自冲铆紧固技术高端论坛
•           4/20 上海世界旅游博览会旅游趋势论坛
•           4/19 雪佛兰全功能运动概念车FNR-X发布会
•           4/18 2017中国国际纺织品数码印花高峰论坛
•           4/13 2017国际城市管理青岛年会
•           4/10-11 2017年浙江大学博物馆认知与传播国际学术研讨会
•           4/9 浙江大学文化遗产学科发展联盟成立仪式
•           3/31无菌药品的生产与放行
•           3/29 TI Automotive 2017 亚太供应商会议日
•           3/15 2017 Nuance 中国汽车论坛
•           3/11 上海公济医院全质量管理双月论坛
•           3/8-10 TCT亚洲峰会(3D打印、增材制造)
•           3/7全球数码印刷行业高峰论坛
•           3/5 2017上海国际仲裁论坛
•           2/28-3/1 阿里巴巴全球领导力培训课程
•           2/24 2017年度北京福田康明斯供应商大会
•           1/25 2017 江阴模塑集团表彰大会
•           1/24江南模塑科技股份有限公司2016年终总结大会
•           1/22-23 山鹰纸业2017年产业发展论坛
•           1/18 2017 国际双创交流合作研讨会
•           1/16 乐享互联-腾讯百事互联网会议
•           1/10无菌工艺保障技术交流会
•           1/8 2017遂生健身客户答谢会
•           1/7 安斯泰来前列腺癌专家讨论会
•           2016制冷空调换热器技术联盟论坛(2天)
•           上海福斯电影推介会
•           汽车零部件试制专场会议
•           瑞萨网站设计市场调研
•           第二届3D打印产业大会暨首届SAMA国际论坛
•           汞污染监测技术论坛 (Tekran公司)
•           腾讯-百事互联网会议
•           联合利华Digination活动系列主题演讲(4天)
•           2016世界工业设计大会服务设计主旨论坛
•           第二届中国汽车企业走出去战略高峰论坛
•           东航数据化决策论坛
•           2016镇江国际低碳技术产品交易展示会开幕式及高峰论坛(2天)
•           2016艾默生智汇冷暖年度盛典
•           2016福布斯-静安南京路论坛
•           2016城市风险管理国际学术研讨会
•           UNDER ARMOUR产品订货会
•           Re:verb全球咖啡精英论坛
•           Freeman XP上海启动仪式
•           2016消防与应急救援国际学术研讨会
•           全球人工智能大会
•           制造业行业解决方案体验
•           全球食品安全倡议(GFSI)中国能力建设座谈会
•           2016客户体验管理峰会-中国站(2天)
•           2016世界物联网无锡峰会
•           传感器技术与产业发展国际高峰论坛
•           电影特效国际高峰论坛
•           中国CFO城市论坛-上海站 2016重启美国资本市场的机遇窗口
•           “社会保障前沿问题”国际高峰论坛
•           经济开发区推动经济走廊、价值链和生产网络培训(2天)
•           颂拓可穿戴追踪设备市场调研
•           第三届中国低成本航空高峰会议(2天)
•           2016年国际废纸品质研讨会(2天)
•           2016晨星资本CEO峰会(2天)
•           晨兴创投投资人年度会议
•           浦江创新论坛——企业创新模式的新发展
•           浦江创新论坛——智能网联汽车
•           浦江创新论坛——智能制造与工业大数据
•           海岛度假产品创新论坛
•           国际海岛旅游舟山论坛
•           2016国际海岛旅游大会开幕式
•           中国重汽成立六十周年发展论坛暨中国重汽智能网联卡车战略发布会
•           第六届世界木材与木制品贸易大会
•           华特迪士尼大中华区2017启动会议
•           2016上海崇明生态岛国际论坛
•           第二届(2016)美标“梦想浴室”设计大赛启动仪式
•           第三届中国宠物医院管理层年会
•           2016国际宠物业高峰论坛暨亚洲CEO峰会
•           2016国际艾美奖半决赛中国区评选
•           第十四届世界交通大会——中国“旅游天堂”杭州的交通创新
•           2030沙特阿拉伯投资论坛
•           众益时代——互联网公益论坛
•           凯捷2016全球电力行业论坛
•           2016中国东方航空大师论坛-大数据与航空产业
•           第三届亚洲LGBT里程碑大奖暨企业D&I高峰商务论坛
•           2016世界淀粉产业大会
•           熙颐影业年度新闻发布会
•           危化品物流的发展趋势及机遇
•           卢森堡货运航空新闻发布会
•           卡塔尔航空货运新闻发布会
•           2016中国石油化工发展与创新论坛分论坛A-中国煤化工转型与创新
•           2016中国石油化工发展与创新论坛(主会)
•           2016高等教育创新年会
•           IMPPOSIBLE I-1全新一次成像相机亚洲发布会
•           亚洲航运财富论坛(2天)
•           中日领导力会议
•           2016中国数字阅读大会
•           第十一届中国(上海)国际木塑发展高峰论坛
•           亚开迪亚洲合伙人会议
•           TCT亚洲峰会——3D打印、增材制造展览会(3天)
•           2016中童翡冷翠高峰论坛之国际童装设计发展趋势论坛
•           TI Automotive 2016 亚太供应商会议日
•           山特维克2016中国供应商大会
•           世邦魏理仕2016年亚太房地产市场展望
•           阿里巴巴云栖大会上海峰会
•           中国首档跨国创投真人秀《寻找独角兽》节目录制(初赛、复赛、决赛共8天)
•           中国跨境直接投资峰会暨盈科外服开业仪式
•           亚太酒店管理与技术峰会-中国站
•           2015 (第三届)中国环保技术与产业发展推进会
•           中荷健康养老及医疗领域公司合作研讨会
•           第七届中日物流技术交流会
•           2015中国国际齿轮产业大会
•           2015亚太食品饮料峰会
•           晨兴创投投资人年度会议
•           轨道交通无线网络大会2015 (2天)
•           安盛天平“中资企业海外风险解决经验交流会,第一站:非洲”
•           贝尔直升机安全研讨会
•           阿克苏诺贝尔电子解决方案发布会
•           “势在众为”2015一汽大众品牌经销商投资人峰会
•           零售商食谱(零售大师约翰.霍尔纳分享会)
•           2015第二届国际航空工程高峰论坛
•           2015荷兰设计周第三日”从理念到市场化产品”圆桌会议
•           法国加湿器制造商Devatec与中远船厂技术问题解决会议 
•           2015中国汽车造型设计学术研讨会暨第24届中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组年会
•           2015中国会议与旅游产业发展论坛
•           船舶经纪人(2014)上海会议
•           2014年中国Bauma展特雷克斯新闻发布会
•           中国民营医院发展年会
•           迪堡金融设备有限公司销售培训 (4天)
•           兰州新区城市建设国际研讨会
•           敦煌论坛:丝绸之路的商业文明
•           SGS第二届全球燃油及润滑油年会
•           2014北京国际空中交通管制展览暨研讨会
•           航空保险和航空发展论坛
•           中国民用直升机发展论坛
•           尼泊尔新媒体发展高级研修班培训
•           中粮集团与丹麦农业和食品委员会座谈会
•           中国畜牧业协会与丹麦农业和食品委员会座谈会
•           未来5G信息通信技术峰会大会
•           中国乳业协会与丹麦农业和食品委员会座谈会
•           上海昕萤商务咨询有限公司星巴克LTO项目调研
•           三星公司中国电信业务介绍会
•           中国人保集团与世界著名保险公司AIG GROUP合资公司成立大会
•           河南郑州市金水区区情介绍暨金水科教园区推介会
•           2014中国汽车造型设计学术交流高峰论坛
•           影响城市之声音乐节研讨会
•           2013中国汽车造型设计学术交流高峰论坛
•           雪铁龙DS SUV内饰设计深访
•           菲亚特实车展示竞品调研座谈会
•           益普索&奇瑞汽车欧洲6国经销商会谈
•           益普索&凯迪拉克焦点座谈会
•           本田Acura(讴歌)TL技术解析及媒体试驾
•           波士顿战略咨询集团:LCV轻型商用车中国入市调查
•           福特公司新产品调研讨论会
•           强生公司头脑风暴(日用品销售)
•           ABB 变压器运输物流研讨会 
•           中国国际工业博览会《绿色可持续化工技术发展》专题论坛
•           家乐福供应商大会
•           2012天津消费金融论坛
•           微软云服务湖南推介会
•           2012国际公益福利以及博彩业高峰论坛
•           第三届中国国际羽绒节
•           第二届中国国家能源局中美能源合作项目工作会议
•           上海国际营养、健康食品博览会
•           第二十届世界手工艺大会
•           中国农业部与丹麦农业和食品委员会座谈会
•           2012年中国国际食品安全与质量控制会议
•           2012中国互联网大会分会场
•           2012可再生能源并网与储能大会亚洲
•           “创意与产业”论坛
•           RSA信息安全大会2012
•           2012年度创新工场开发投资基金合伙人大会
•           第三届全球绿色经济财富论坛
•           2012中国国际能源发展会议
•           2018.7.23 苏州越城建筑设计德珂斯太仓项目投标沟通会
•           2018.7.12 Mofun向海伦尔赛高层汇报露华浓美发品牌电商推广计划
•           2018.7.8第三届夏季音乐节之上海交响乐团/纽约爱乐乐团小作曲家工作坊音乐会 (英文主持+现场交传)
•           2018.6.14 凯迪思全球总裁拜访阿里巴巴及菜鸟高层
•           2018.5.31 鸿鹄律师事务所与锦天城律师事务所合作讨论会知识产权分场
•           2018.5.14 2018第六届上海国际航空航天技术与设备展览会开幕式
•           2018.4.23 威娜洗护产品研发团队沙龙调研
•           2018.3.29-30 蓝玛秀集团供应商见面会(2天)
•           2018.3.20-22 中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会沙龙及论坛活动(3天)
•           2018.3.8 AEG中国品牌上市晚宴
•           2018.1.16 上海市第一康复医院与美国内布拉斯大学合作讨论会
•           2017.11.21 威娜烫发产品研发团队沙龙调研
•           2017.10.31美国EDB公司与阿里云电话沟通会议
•           2017.10.25长江与莱茵河历史文化比较研讨会欢迎晚宴
•           2017.9.9 下午 2017 BWM摩托车文化节(中国)媒体专访
•           2017.8.29-31 威娜KiraKira项目第二阶段(3天)
•           2017.8.22 拉加代尔体育集团高管媒体专访
•           2017.8.14/16 阿里鱼与维密秀制作团队合作会谈
•           2017.8.9-10 高德纳(Gartner)数字化保险/金融转型分析会(众安保险、平安科技、大地保险、交通银行信用卡中心)
•           2017.7.25 安弗施苏州生产基地开业庆典及媒体见面会
•           2017.7.8第二届夏季音乐节之上海交响乐团/纽约爱乐乐团小作曲家工作坊音乐会 (英文主持人+现场交传)
•           2017.6.12-16 威娜KiraKira项目(5天)
•           2017.5.10 英国Flybrid公司与徐州徐工挖掘机械有限公司技术讨论会
•           2017.5.9 英国Flybrid公司与三一重工集团技术讨论会
•           2017.5.4 东航与Rolls-Royce代表团大数据应用讨论会
•           2017.4.28 2017智能城市发展及设计论坛
•           2017.4.26 上海知识产权情况通报会
•           2017.4.19 中船集团与必维国际检验集团新产业发展研讨会
•           2017.4.12 蓝玛秀集团重大改革沟通会
•           2017.3.22-23 中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会-地毯设计论坛
•           2017.3.21中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会-奢华品牌顶级手工地毯秀开幕式(中英双语主持+致辞交传)
•           2017.2.15 美国Gradiant公司(水处理)与上海申能集团技术讨论会
•           2017.1.19-20 甲骨文大学亚太区总经理格莱格.埃布尔森甲骨文(湖南)人才产业基地中心开幕式致辞及与常德市政府高层会谈
•           2016.11.23 艾默生商住解决方案部门高管媒体访问会
•           2016.11.22 拓路程(发展)有限公司与三一重工集团技术讨论会
•           2016.11.21 拓路程(发展)有限公司与雷沃工程机械合作机会拓展
•           2016.11.17 中国国家知识产权局局长会见波兰专利局局长
•           2016.11.11 拓路程(发展)有限公司与中国龙工控股有限公司合作机会拓展
•           2016.11.10 施耐德销售业务总结及展望会
•           2016.10.28 GS1代表团访问上海东方医院
•           2016.10.25 法国欧开蒂童装品牌集团培训师课程
•           2016.10.24 中荷商务晚宴
•           2016.9.20-21 SentientScience公司讲座—助力中国轴承制造商进军国际风电市场
•           2016.9.1-3 威娜铜级演讲及促进式培训技巧课程
•           2016.8.26 上海设计之都活动周之中荷设计对话
•           2016.8.3-4威娜国际趋势奖冠军之路集训营
•           2016.7.19美国EDB公司与阿里云电话沟通会议
•           2016.7.15 NEC软件公司库存管理系统报告
•           2016.7.8夏季音乐节之上海交响乐团/纽约爱乐乐团小作曲家工作坊音乐会
•           2016.7.7 NEC软件公司POS、人力资源系统一体化解决方案报告
•           2016.6.29安弗施媒体专访
•           2016.6.20-21医药包装与药物给药系统峰会
•           2016.5.27《凡高书信全集》中文版首发仪式
•           2016.5.24华为智能光伏之夜晚宴
•           2016.5.11泰国盘谷银行接待中国政府高层代表团(上海市委书记韩正一行)
•           2016.5.9法国加湿器制造商德瓦泰克与富士康产品推介及技术问题澄清会议
•           Devatec与中远船厂技术问题解决会议
•           2016 SIAL中食展酒店及零售业论坛
•           2016.5.5 2016 SIAL中食展创新奖颁奖仪式
•           2016.5.4拓路程(发展)有限公司与陕西法士特汽车传动工程研究院合作机会拓展(机械式混合动力解决方案)
•           2016.5.3拓路程(发展)有限公司与三一重工集团(昆山)后续会议
•           2016.4.29汽车后市场国际峰会
•           2016.4.22连卡佛合作品牌ICNY设计师Michael Cherman专访
•           2016.4.17-2016中国医疗器械展荷兰Handshoe公司产品推广
•           2016.4.15超人扮演者、华为P9代言人亨利.卡维尔媒体专访
•           2016.3.7中科院上海巴斯德研究所-英国国家医学研究院科技部抗体药物联合中心签约仪式
•           2016.1.13甲骨文大学亚太区总经理格莱格.埃布尔森甲骨文(贵州)人才产业基地中心开幕式致辞
•           2016.1.12甲骨文亚太区总经理格莱格.埃布尔森与遵义市政府高层会谈
•           2015.12.13-22-2015年中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组汽车设计培训班 (胶带图阶段,10天)
•           2015.12.11南非夸省乌图凯拉大都市市长一行访问紫竹国家高新技术产业园区
•           2015.11.23-24奥地利格瑞纳公司合规访谈调查
•           2015.11.18大商学院领导与以色列特拉维夫大学代表会谈
•           2015.11.11拓路程(发展)有限公司与三一重工集团(昆山)合作机会拓展会议
•           2015.11.10拓路程(发展)有限公司与上海汽车变速器有限公司合作机会拓展(无级变速器、机械式混合动力解决方案)
•           2015.11.09拓路程(发展)有限公司与上海幸福摩托车有限公司合作机会拓展(无级变速器、机械式混合动力解决方案)
•           2015.11.09拓路程(发展)有限公司与无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司第二轮合作机会拓展(超级增压器、机械式混合动力解决方案)
•           2015.10.27以色列LiveU公司首席运营官、联合创始人Avi Cohen《创业者论坛》演讲
•           2015.10.20法国Leosphere公司与中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院会谈
•           2015.10.19法国Leosphere公司与中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所会谈
•           2015.10.16古驰“已然,未然”展艺术家曹斐媒体专访
•           2015.10.13-15电装投资株式会社热性能开发部全球峰会
•           2015.10.12利丰集团运营总监与美国合作伙伴电话会议
•           2015.10.12 NEC软件公司人力资源系统一体化解决方案报告
•           2015.9.26-27中国汽车自主品牌企业造型设计管理高级研修会
•           2015.9.17法国欧开蒂童装品牌集团店长销售工作规划培训
•           2015.9.04美国EnterpriseDB公司与阿里云商务会谈(云及数据库技术)
•           2015.8.3-8.292015年中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组汽车设计培训班 (四周)
•            2015.7.23绿之源集团与美国Darling国际配料公司商务谈判
•           2015.7.22 Entegris线上用户深度访谈(电话会议) 
•           2015.7.21维思达公务机、尊翔公务航空新闻发布会(中英双语主持加现场交替传译)及南通市领导会见沟通会议
•           2015.7.15派米雷集团携合作伙伴IBM智慧城市/BTC集团/ABC加速器与松江区政府会议
•           2015.7.15美国纽约 Seven Harbor 公司与TCL及京东方(BOE)电话会议
•           2015.7.14阿克苏诺贝尔电子解决方案发布会媒体专访
•           2015.6.18-19社会责任认证组织对必维申美商品检测公司见证审核(耳语同传)
•           2015.6.17“良辰美乐,赏心品艺”精品音乐艺术宴会(主办方:瑷懿文化传播有限公司、瑞丽杂志、伦敦爱乐乐团)
•           2015.6.5 3D技术完美跨界——互联网时代的家装设计革命论坛
•           2015.5.26-29-2015 荷兰设计周全程(荷兰王国驻沪总领事馆主办)
•           2015.5.25以色列特拉维夫大学Yossi Shain教授讲座:“宗教对文化的影响:宗教、民族主义和移民社群传统之间的关系”
•           2015.5.24新力洲悦奢华楼盘发布会
•           2015.5.15-18-2015中国医疗器械展荷兰Handshoe公司产品推广
•           2015.5.11-12潘多拉珠宝亚太有限公司IT团队与用友软件代表系统升级问题咨询(二)
•           2015.5.7推进原产地食品安全溯源研讨会
•           2015.5.2英国服装品牌 Long Clothing中方供应商考察
•           2015.4.28-5.1威娜专业美发培训师课程
•           2015.4.26-27新加坡KweeGee贸易公司货物合同纠纷协商
•           2015.4.24拓路程(发展)有限公司与无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司合作机会拓展(汽车涡轮增压、飞轮储能技术)
•           2015.4.19-22 2015中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组系列活动
•           2015.4.15茱莉亚艺术学院与诺德安格教育集团合作推出表演艺术课程新闻发布会
•           2015.4.13-14潘多拉珠宝亚太有限公司IT团队与用友软件代表系统升级问题咨询(一)
•           2015.3.30新加坡KweeGee贸易公司与上海凤凰律师事务所法律咨询
•           2015.3.29中国茶叶流通协会与October Multimedia公司合作可能性探讨
•           2015.3.26-3.27爱乐福商业设备有限公司厦门全资公司筹建会议
•           2015.3.25荷兰MasterMind 公司与上海水务局等会谈(水净化、污水处理)
•           2015.3.23-24爱乐福商业设备有限公司团队合作及企业文化培训
•           2015.3.20美国EnterpriseDB公司与天玑科技有限公司商务会谈
•           2015.3.19美国EnterpriseDB公司与阿里云商务会谈(云及数据库技术)
•           2015.3.2-3.13通快(中国)有限公司L20激光切割机产品培训
•           2015.3.1日本美尼康隐形眼镜 公司Miru新品发布会(交传兼中英主持)
•           2015.1.30上海蒂姆新材料科技有限公司意大利客户商务洽谈
•           2015.1.20-28劳伦斯组委会与上海市政府2015年劳伦斯颁奖典礼最终筹备会议
•           2015.1.8甲骨文亚太区总裁劳伦斯.捷利甲骨文(广西)人才产业基地中心开幕式致辞
•           2015.1.7甲骨文亚太区总裁劳伦斯.捷利与北海市政府高层会谈
•           2015.1.6甲骨文亚太区总裁劳伦斯.捷利与遵义市政府高层会谈
•           2014.12.22上海意耐玻璃钢有限公司投标技术澄清会
•           2014.12.8~12.20-2014年中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组汽车设计培训班 (第二阶段)
•           2014.11.26-2014年中国Bauma展特雷克斯吉尼SX-180媒体沟通会
•           2014.11.20建设银行信用卡中心与美国银行咨询项目讨论会
•           2014.11.9上海虹桥探伤设备有限公司与伊朗RTP公司采购经理会谈
•           2014.11.3-7/11-14通快(中国)有限公司L20激光切割机产品培训
•           2014.10.29-30甲骨文亚太区总裁劳伦斯.捷利与山东省政府(省长郭树清)高层会谈
•           2014.10.17/19劳伦斯组委会与上海市政府2015年劳伦斯颁奖典礼筹备会议
•           2014.9.23华晨宝马对上海虹桥探伤设备有限公司合同预验收
•           2014.9.22社会责任认证组织赴昆山工厂特别检查
•           2014.9.20~21中国汽车自主品牌企业造型设计管理高级研修会
•           2014.8.17~9.13 2014-2014年中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组汽车设计培训班 (交传、四周)
•           2014.7.19~23美国洛杉矶JWD设计公司、阿玛尼品牌与上海金源盛世有限公司合作机会讨论会(交传)
•           2014.7.18华晨宝马与上海虹桥探伤设备有限公司技术澄清会
•           2014.6.27-28加拿大国际谷物研究院上海考察
•           2014.6.19协助客户与澳方代表商务会谈(电话会议)
•           2014.6.11-12北面户外运动品牌公司重点经销商会议
•           2014.6.10劳伦斯新闻发布会总结会议
•           2014.6.9-2015年劳伦斯颁奖典礼新闻发布会
•           2014.5.22劳伦斯组委会与上海市政府2015年劳伦斯颁奖典礼新闻发布会筹备会议
•           2014.4.29恒源祥供应商大会-WGSN演讲
•           2014.4.17-4.23 -2014年中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组系列活动(四场汽车设计专业讲座)
•           2014.3.30-4.4武汉侨亚置业集团董事长访问荷兰与伯骏马业商务谈判
•           2014.3.26-27法国伊赛集团(全球虚拟现实技术领先企业)研讨峰会
•           2014.3.19上海亚舟工业设备有限公司商务会谈
•           2014.3.18上海通信管理局、上海移动等运营商迪士尼乐园无线建设方案联合评审
•           2014.3.5浙江国泰建设公司与费列罗公司招标技术澄清会
•           2014.2.17-2.21NMG咨询公司2014年再保险业务评估调研项目
•           2014.1.22上海蓝想材料科技有限公司与美国STR公司商务谈判
•           2014.1.17荷兰伯骏马业与武汉乔亚集团商务谈判
•           2013.12.17科瞻铁塔租赁公司潜在竞争者调研跟进会议
•           2013.12.10上海弘益实业有限公司总经理与格鲁吉亚设计师Zviad会谈
•           2013.11.6-12.7土耳其业主方上电培训项目机械维护专业
•           2013.10.27-2014国际加工与包装机械展览会推介会
•           2013.10.23-25科瞻铁塔租赁公司潜在竞争者调研
•           2013.10.18泛亚汽车技术有限公司模型总监与日本TOOLS公司洽谈
•           2013.9.29荷兰伯骏马业(精品马苑)CEO 拜访上海数家马术俱乐部
•           2013.9.26-28-2013年国际马博会荷兰皇家温血马协会
•           2013.9.13-18中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组中国汽车设计高管培训班
•           2013.9.8格鲁吉亚汽车设计师Zviad上汽工作派遣
•           2013.7.27福特新林肯车型设计师Erik Tuft拜访新日电动车厂会谈
•           2013.7.15~26 2013-2013年美国底特律创意研究院汽车设计研习班(两周)
•           2013.7.12奥迪前设计总监和田智拜访上汽会谈
•           2013.6.16~27格鲁吉亚汽车设计师Zviad上汽交流活动
•           2013.5.30《第一财经》杂志专访特百惠全球CEO雷克.格恩斯
•           2013.5.24日本TOOLS公司拜访日产中国设计中心
•           2013.4.23雷诺前设计副总裁夸蒙特车展参观
•           2013.4.22雷诺前设计副总裁夸蒙特赴上汽集团演讲
•           2013.4.19雷诺前设计副总裁夸蒙特赴北汽集团演讲
•           2013.3.31-2013中国城镇化高层国际论坛(宝山美兰湖)
•           2013.3.25-29 NMG咨询公司2013年再保险业务评估调研项目
•           2013.2.28中国汽车工程学会造型专业学组与梅赛德斯-奔驰中国高级设计中心副总裁奥利弗.布雷会谈
•           2012.12.23美国底特律创意研究院伊藤邦久教授赴天津一汽演讲
•           2012.11.20-21 Holophane(全球车灯玻璃第一大供应商)亚洲区销售经理会见常州地区潜在客户
•           2012.11.9荷兰OTC PHARMA与上海家化、国药控股等合作探索会晤
•           2012.11.1-2欧盟安全监察代表团访问上海出入境检验检疫局
•           2012年哈尔滨世界农业博览会系列活动(耳语同传)
•           2012上海大昌行仓储运输有限公司与意大利费列罗商务谈判
•           2012年国际马博会荷兰精品马苑谈判交传
•           2012麦格纳安徽芜湖汽车系统技术评审项目(项目历时2月)
•           2012美国底特律创意研究院汽车设计研习班
•           中荷医疗器械产业交流会
•           2012中国汽车造型设计学术交流高峰论坛
•           长安标致雪铁龙汽车有限公司DS事业部总经理赫博专访交传 
•           NMG咨询公司再保险业务评估调研项目交传
•           2012 NOVO MANIA服装展交传
•           微软-湖南省政府圆桌论坛交传
•           AVD媒体公司营销与技术讨论会交传
•           上海大众卓越一线项目江苏销售服务分中心深访(耳语同传)
•           瑞典Innovatum科技园代表团与上海科技创新中心、嘉定工业园区管理委员会、嘉定汽车城等会晤交传
•           美国底特律创意研究院副校长访问上海弘益实业陪同、交传(汽车油泥模型)
•           2011年国际马博会荷兰精品马苑谈判交传
•           通用汽车客户服务培训项目交传
•           英国领事馆商务展Prodrive汽车公司交传
•           博思企业咨询管理有限公司与益普索集团并购谈判交传
•           上海交大领导会见各国政要,如沙特石油部部长、泰国诗琳通公主殿下、德国萨尔州州长、各国驻沪领事等。
•           上海交大领导会见跨国企业高层,如福特汽车、戴尔、霍尼韦尔、微软、陶氏化工等
•           上海交大领导会见国外大学及机构领导,如美国密西根大学、佐治亚理工学院、英国华威大学、曼彻斯特大学、谢菲尔德大学、苏黎世联邦理工学院、德意志学术交流中心、德意志研究联合会等
l  美国汽车工程师协会(SAE)
l  益普索汽车(Ipsos Auto)
l  麦肯锡(McKinsey & Company)
l  罗兰·贝格(Roland Berger)
l  久谦(Meritco)
l  中国宋庆龄基金会
l  央视市场研究(CTR)
l  东方国际市场研究(EMR)
l  国家发改委(NDRC)
l  银监会(CBRC)
l  美国自然资源保护委员会(NRDC)
l  国旅运通 (CITS AMEX)
l  金元比联基金管理有限公司(KBC Goldstate)
l  清华大学(Tsing Hua University)
l  《艺术与投资》
l  中央电视台财经频道CCTV-2
l  2010上海世博会瑞士馆

Master of English, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)
Directly selected to work for the international department of the university after graduation
Ø  CATTI (Interpreter Level II)
Ø  English level: TEM 8 (Test for English Majors) (proficient)
Working Experience
2009.9-        Freelance simultaneous & consecutive interpreter
2005.8-2009.8  Interpreter/translator
Division of International Cooperation & Exchange, SJTU
Intern of Shanghai General Motor Co., Ltd.,
Responsible for translation and interpretation

Simultaneous Interpretation (Selective)
•           Jul.28 Pre-Opening Event of The Shanghai Edition
•           Jul.25-27 Licensing Expo China 2017---China Licensing Conference (3 days)
•           Jul.20 HRoot Staffing and Selection Forum
•           Jul.19 International Workshop on TURFs for Marine Fisheries Management
•           Jul.18 CCICED Living Marine Resource Management Consulting Workshop
•           Jul.17 TI Automotive China Management Meeting
•           Jul.13 Getting More from A Negotiation by Stuart Diamond from Warton School
•           Jul.11 Semi-Final Round of Judging 46th International Emmy Awards
•           Jun.15 AMRO Regional Economic Outlook Roadshow in China
•           Jun.12-13 CHAT China Hospitality and Tourism Industry Forum (2 days)
•           Jun.7-8 International Conference on Conservation Technology of Built Heritage
•           June.6 TMALL InTopic New Retail Open Class
•           May 29 The 1st Dragon Bay Forum in Ningbo Hangzhou Bay
•           May27 PM NICE 2035 Design Forum--- Living Line
•           May 27 AM 2018 SIIFC Shanghai Green Finance Conference
•           May 26 IFI International Interior Design Day-Design Without Boarder
•           May25 International Symposium on Technological Development of Bridge Construction and Maintenance
•           May 24 2018 Launching Ceremony of Whirlpool Global R&D Center and China HQ
•           May 23 2018 Unicorn Acceleration Program Mobility Batch by Play and Plug
•           May 18 2018 China City Brand and Environmental Sign Design Summit
•           May 17 Nanjing University EMBA Program---Corporate Responsibility and Ethics
•           May 15 Dana China Supplier Conference
•           May 13 2018 Aviation Engineering Summit
•           May 11 Press Conference of Global Nobel Prize Scientists Forum 2018
•           May 10 Pfizer Customer Engagement Journey Workshop
•           May 8 2018 Ningxia Chamber of Commerce (Shanghai) Conference
•           May 4 RICS First International Life Cycle Project Consulting Summit
•           May 2 Meeting Emmanuel Faber, Danone’s Chairman and CEO
•           Apr.28 Leading the Silk Road, Creating a New World---Invest in Zanzibar
•           Apr.27 Chemical Green Processing Asia 2018
•           Apr.26 BASF New Antioxidants Plant Groundbreaking Ceremony
•           Apr.25 The 5th Global Investment and M&A Summit
•           Apr.24 Chinese City of Nylon Promotion Conference
•           Apr.20 Communication Meeting between Pfizer and ZJ-FDA about Bevacizumab Registration in China 
•           Apr.19 China Rehabilitation Forum
•           Apr.13 Confucian Civilization in International Perspective: the Cross-cultural Communication between Moral Tradition and Modern China by Fudan University
•           Apr.12 JMP Data Analysis Discovery Summit
•           Apr.11 Searching for China’s Alonso Evening Event
•           Apr.11 2018 CCMT DMG MORI Press Round Table
•           Mar.28 SAIC-GM Connected Car Go-to-Market Workshop
•           Mar.27 BRICS Business Council 2018 Midterm Meeting -- Agribusiness Working Group Meeting (whisper)
•           Mar.23 “Art Patrons”Exhibition by Qiao Space & TANK Shanghai 
•           Mar.14-15 Intertextile Seminar---Fabric and Color Trends (2 days)
•           Mar.10 2018 Shanghai International Arbitration Forum
•           Mar.7 AkzoNobel Supplier Day
•           Mar.6 Haier Smart Home Service Robot Launch Event
•           Mar.5 Dr. Nick Dash and Adidas Eyewear---A Shared Journey to Win
•           Feb.13 2017 Awarding Conference of Jiangyin Mold & Plastics Group
•           Feb.11-12 2017 Summary Conference of Jiangnan Mold & Plastics Technology
•           Feb.5 2018 Digital Domain “True to Life” Forum (CC Talks)
•           Feb.1-2 2018 Cycle Link International Recycled Fibre Quality Conference (2 days)
•           Jan.31 Abbott Distributor Optimization & Margin Improvement Discussions
•           Jan.29-30 Shanying International 2018 Paper Industry Development Forum (2 days)
•           Jan.23-25 Rolls-Royce Supplier Zero Effect Training (3 days)
•           Jan.19 LETTRES DO VOYANT Press Conference & Seminar
•           Jan.15 2018 Sino-US Rehabilitation Medicine & Research Forum
•           Jan.9 PTC Asia 2018 Cooperation & Development Workshop (whisper SI)
•           Jan.6  New Era, New Strategy, New Journey-2018 China Chief Economist Forum
•           Jan.5  PwC’s Belt & Road United Series Event—Discover the Potential of Turkey
•           Dec.15 “Silkroad Runner” Kai Markus Xiong Keynote Speech & Sharing Session
•           Dec.12 Borgwarner 2017 China Supplier Day
•           Dec.6 Horwath HTL CHAT- whisper SI for Rainer Burkle, Marriot Luxury Brand AVP
•           Dec.5 2017 China Hospitality Industry Internet Summit
•           Dec.4 The 53rd Congress of IH&RA
•           Dec.1 International Innovation Summit 2017 (by Enterprise Asia)
•           Nov.28-29 Customer Experience Management China Summit (2 days)
•           Nov.21 SIG Combismile “GOOD TO GO”Global Premiere Ceremony
•           Nov.18 WER2017 Championship & Abilix International Partnership Meeting
•           Nov.17 Dilmah School of Tea Fundamental Certification Course
•           Nov.16 P.M. 2017 The Belt and Road Food Industry Development Summit
•           Nov.16 A.M. Shanghai Smart Traffic & Green Transportation Development Report
•           Nov.15 b.creative Shanghai 2017---Creative Entrepreneurship & Urban Challenges 
•           Nov.13-14 The 4th International Cleantech Cooperation and Investment Conference
•           Nov. 10 2017 SCK Supplier Summit
•           Nov.9 2017 IFS China Focus Day
•           Nov.8 P.M. Red Gate Asset Management Executive Summary
•           Nov.8 A.M. Cobots Blue Paper Launch Event by Universal Robots
•            Nov.7 Biopharmaceuticals Regulation and Technology Symposium
•            Oct.31-Nov.2  GF (Georg Fischer) Corporate Management Training 2017 (3 days)
•           Oct.28-29 Urban Matters by MINI Forums (2 days)
•           Oct.26-27 A Comparative Reflection about the Yangtze River and the Rhine (2 days)
•           Oct.24 The 8th Shanghai Sino-US General Medicine Forum
•           Oct.19-20 Kerry Sanitary Design Training (2 days)
•           Oct.16-18 Kerry Sanitation for Food Safety Training (3 days)
•           Oct.14 Bridge Management Lectures by Bojidar Yanev in Tongji University
•           Oct.10-11 Interfiliere Trend Forum (2 days)
•           Sept.28 Innovation in Origins---Coffee Industry Chain In-depth Analysis
•           Sept.26 Opening Ceremony & Plenary Forum of Zhenjiang International Low Carbon Expo 2017
•           Sept.25 France Healthcare New Tech Tour China
•           Sept.22 Morningside Venture Capital Annual General Meeting 2017
•           Sept. 21 2017 Adient APAC Legal Partnership Summit
•           Sept.19-20 Adient China Management Meeting (2 days)
•           Sept.16 Shanghai Yangpu District Standardization and Innovation Forum
•           Sept.15 P.M. Press Conference of Ambiente 2018
•           Sept.15 A.M.  Design Forum of Interior Lifestyle China 2017
•           Sept.13 Nanjing Biopharma Innovation & Development Summit
•           Sept.12 P.M. The 2nd  Asia Furniture Development Forum
•           Sept.12 A.M. Special Economic Zone in Duqm & China-Oman (Duqm) Industrial Park Promotion Meeting 
•           Sept.9 A.M.  HUAWEI Next-Image Awards Launch Ceremony
•           Sept.8 Canada China Business Council Business Gala Dinner with The Honorable Stephen McNeil, Premier of Nova Scotia
•           Sept.6-7 The 5th Introp China & Cloud Connect (2 days)
•           Sept.5 The Walt Disney Company Greater China 2017 Kick-off Meeting
•           Aug.24-25 2017 HOSCON Healthcare Facility Development and Innovation Summit
•           Aug.23 Diana Pet Food Client Workshop (2 days)
•           Aug.22 Lagardere Sports Press Conference
•           Aug.17-18 The 8th China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (2 days)
•           Aug.7-8 Montessori Conference in Shanghai 2017 (2 days)
•           Aug.4 BMW China Culture Journey’s Visit in Hunan—Closing Ceremony
•           Jul.29-31 Shanghai International Green Week---Green DNA Forums (3 days)
•           Jul.26 PM Takeda Employee Conference---Talk with CEO Face-to-Face
•           Jul.26 AM CHICMAX Strategic Plan Communication with Watson’s
•           Jul.18-20 Licensing Expo China 2017---Licensing Seminars (3 days)
•           Jul.16 Lendit Fintech Summit---Insurtech Workshop
•           Jul.15 Lendit Fintech Summit---Asset-based Finance Workshop
•           Jul.14 NEW TECH AUTO---Jiading Industrial Zone Matchmaking Conference
•           Jul.12 2017 Shanghai International Green Building Forum—Urban Organic Renewal
•           Jul.6-7 Asia-Pacific Tourism Marketing Evaluation Workshop
•           Jul.5 AEROMaxio Additional Frequencies Media and Industry Launch Event
•           Jul.2 Shanghai (Jinshan) International Innovation Forum
•           Jun.29 International Forum for Waste Incineration
•           Jun.27 SF Express 2017 Half-Year GM Conference
•           Jun.22 PM  Microsoft Accelerator Shanghai Demo Day
•           Jun.22 AM  ASTM China Roadshow Program
•           Jun.18-21 LUYE Pharma Group Min-Year Management Conference (4 days)
•           Jun.17 Cultural Innovation and Data Science: New Media, New Communication and New Lanscape
•           Jun.8 2017 China International Symposium on Ecological Landscape Planning
•           Jun.7 CCFA & WABEL China Summit
•           Jun.6 2017 Urban Ecology and Energy Conservation Forum (Soil Remediation)
•           May 26-27 General Mills Sales Summary and Strategic Plan Communication
•           May 25 Summit on Opportunities for China in Post-Hardware Era
•           May 23-24 MIP CHINA -Hangzhou
•           May 15-20 J&J ACUVUE Contact Lens Market Research (6 days)
•           May 12 Symposium on Belt & Road Arbitration Rules
•           May 11 Magneti Marelli APAC Supplier Convention 2017
•           Apr.27 International Building & Interior Design Forum
•           Apr.26 Known and Unknown---Hotel Interior Design Exploration
•           Apr.25 PR Skills for Corporate and Legal Affairs in China  
•           Apr.21 International Advanced Forum on SPAC Fastening Solutions for Lightweight Materials
•           Apr.20 SWTF(Shanghai World Travel Fair) Trend Forum
•           Apr.19 Chevrolet All Purpose Sports Concept Vehicle FNR-X Reveal
•           Apr.18 China Digital Textile Conference 2017
•           Apr.13 International City Management Qingdao Conference
•           Apr.10-11 International Conference of Cognition and Communication in Museums
•           Apr.9 Inauguration Ceremony of Zhejiang University Cultural Heritage Alliance
•           Mar.31 Production & Release of Sterile Drug Products
•           Mar.29 TI Automotive 2017 Asia Pacific Supplier Day
•           Mar.15 2017 Nuance China Automotive Forum
•           Mar.11 Shanghai Gongji Hospital Total Quality Management Monthly Forum
•           Mar.8-10 TCT Asia Summit (3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing) (3 days)
•           Mar.7 Global Digital Printing Industry Summit
•           Mar.5 2017 Shanghai International Arbitration Forum
•           Feb.28 Mar.1 Alibaba Global Leadership Program
•           Feb.24 2017 BFCEC Supplier Conference
•           Jan. 25 2016 Awarding Conference of Jiangyin Mold & Plastics Group
•           Jan.24 2016 Summary Conference of Jiangnan Mold & Plastics Technology
•           Jan.22-23 Shangying Paper 2017 Industrial Development Forum
•           Jan.18 2017 International Symposium for Innovation & Entrepreneurship Cooperation
•           Jan.16 The Fun Connections -Tencent & Pepsico Internet Conference
•           Jan.10 Aseptic Processing Improvement Symposium
•           Jan.8 2017 Unifitness Customer Appreciation Meeting
•           Jan.7 Prostate Cancer Expert Seminar by Astellas Pharma
•           2016 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Heat Exchanger Technology Alliance Forum (2 days)
•           Twentieth Century FOX Promotion Event
•           Auto Parts Prototyping Forum
•           Renesas Official Website Design Market Research
•           The 2nd 3D Printing Industry Conference & The 1st SAMA International Forum
•           Tencent & Pepsico Internet Conference
•           Uniliver Digination Keynote Speeches (4 days)
•           2016 World Industrial Design Conference-Service Design Forum
•           The 2nd Summit on Merger & Acquisition Strategies for Chinese Automotive Companies in the Overseas Markets
•           China Eastern Airline Data based Decision Making Forum
•           2016 Zhenjiang International Low Carbon Technology Expo (2 days)
•           2016 Emerson Connect Annual Event
•           2016 Forbes China-Jing’an Nanjing Road Forum
•           2016 International Symposium on Urban Risk Management
•           UDER ARMOUR Product Ordering Event
•           Re:verb Global Coffee Elites Forum
•           Freeman XP Shanghai Launch Ceremony
•           2016 International Symposium on Fire and Emergency Rescue
•           Global Artificial Intelligence Conference
•           Industry Solution Experiences for Manufacturing
•           GFSI China Capability Building Workshop
•           2016 China Customer Experience Management Summit (2 days)
•           2016 World IOT Wuxi Summit
•           International Summit of Sensor Technology and Industrial Development
•           International Summit Forum for Motion Picture Effects
•           CFO Salon-Shanghai Overseas M&A 2.0-Reset Your U.S. Market Strategy
•           International Forum on “Frontier Issues of Social Security”
•           Special Economic Zones (SEZs) as Catalyst for Economic Corridors, Value Chains and Production Networks Training (2 days)
•           SUUNTO Activity Tracker Market Research
•           The 3rd China Low Cost Carriers Summit (2 days)
•           2016 International Seminar on Recycled Paper Quality (2 days)
•           2016 Morningside CEO Summit (2 days)
•           Morningside Annual General Meeting
•           Pujiang Innovation Forum——New Development of Enterprise Innovation Mode
•           Pujiang Innovation Forum——Intelligent Connected Vehicles
•           Pujiang Innovation Forum——Intelligent Manufacturing and Industrial Big Data
•           Islands Vacation Products Innovation Forum
•           Zhoushan Forum on International Islands Tourism
•           Opening Ceremony of 2016 International Islands Tourism Conference
•           The 60th Anniversary of Sinotruck and Intelligent Connected Truck Strategy Release
•           The 6th China Global Wood Trade Conference
•           The Walt Disney Company Greater China 2017 Kick-off Meeting
•           2016 Chongming Eco-Island International Forum
•           The 2nd (2016) American Standard Dream Bathroom Design Competition
•           The 3rd Annual Meeting for Pet Hospital Management
•           2016 International Pet Industry Summit
•           SEMI-FINAL Round of Judging, 44th International Emmy Awards
•           14th World Conference on Transport Research-Transport Innovation in Hangzhou
•           Saudi Arabia Investment Forum
•           Philanthropy in the Face of Internet Era 
•           Global Electric Power Industry Conference
•           Victor Mayer Schonberger Lecture-Big Data & Aviation Industry
•           The 3rd LGBT Milestone Awards & Diversity Leadership Forum
•           2016 Global Starch Industry Conference
•           Bliss Media Annual Press Conference
•           Development Trends and Opportunities of China’s Hazardous Chemicals Logistics
•           Press Conference of Cargolux
•           Press Conference of Qatar Cargo
•           China Coal Chemical Industry Transformation & Innovation Forum
•           China Petrochemical Development & Innovation Summit 2016
•           Annual Conference for Higher Education Innovation 2016
•           IMPPOSIBLE I-1 Analog Instant Camera Release in Asia
•           Asia Shipping Fortune 2016 (2 days)
•           Japan-China Leadership Program
•           Digital Reading Conference China 2016
•           China International WPC Development Forum 2016
•           Jacadi Asia Partners Meeting
•           TCT & Personalize Asia (3D Printing & Additive Material) (3 days)
•           CMBC 2016--The International Development Trend of the Children’s Clothing
•           TI Automotive 2016 Asia Pacific Supplier Day
•           Supplier Day China 2016, Sandvik Mining and Sandvik Construction
•           CBRE 2016 Asia Pacific Real Estate Market Outlook
•           DT World (the Computing Conference, Shanghai )
•           China’s First Cross-Boarder Entrepreneur Reality Show “The Next Unicorn” (8 days)
•           China International Direct Investment Summit & Opening Ceremony of Yingke Vensco
•           APAC Hotel Management & Technology Summit-China Edition
•           2015(3rd) China Environmental Technological & Industrial Development Summit
•           Sino-Dutch “Healthy Aging & PPP in Health Care”Seminar
•           The 7th Sino-Japanese Logistics Technology Exchange Conference
•           China International Gear Industry Conference 2015
•           Asia Food & Beverage Conference 2015
•           Annual General Meeting of Morningside Venture Capital 
•           Transport Wireless Rail 2015 (2 days)
•           AXA Tianping “International Insurance Seminar, Station 1: Africa”
•           Bell Helicopter Safety Symposium
•           AzkoNobel E-Solutions Launch
•           “Gain Momentum Together” 2015 FAW-VW Brand Dealership Investor Summit 
•           Recipes for Retailers (Lecture by John Hoerner)
•           The 2nd International Aircraft Engineering Summit 2015
•           2015 Dutch Days (Day 3) “Concept to Consumer” Round-table Discussion
•           Technical Troubleshooting between Devatec Inc. and COSCO Shipyard (Humidifier)
•           2015 China Automotive Design Symposium & The 24th SAE-China Design Group Convention
•           2015 China Conference & Tourism Industry Development Forum
•           Shipbro Gathering 2014
•           Terex Corporation Press Conference on 2014 Bauma China 
•           2014 China Private Hospital Development Annual Conference
•           SOLVE-Diebold Sales Training (4 days)
•           International Seminar on Lanzhou New Area Urban Construction
•           Dunhuang Forum: Commercial Civilization along the Silk Road
•           2nd Annual SGS Conference in the Global Fuel and Lubricants Market
•           ATC GLOBAL 2014
•           Aviation Insurance and Aviation Development Forum
•           Civil Helicopter Forum
•           High-level Seminar on Nepal New Media Development
•           COFCO and Danish Agriculture& Food Council
•           CAAA and Danish Agriculture& Food Council
•           5G Mobile and Communication Technologies Workshop
•           China Dairy Association and Danish Agriculture& Food Council
•           TMRC Research-Starbucks LTO CHINA Project
•           China Telecom Business in Samsung Corporation
•           Signing Ceremony of PICC and AIG Joint Venture Group
•           Presentation of Jinshui District and Jinshui Science and Technology Park
•           2014.4.21 2014 China Automotive Design Summit
•           SI for Sound of the Xity Festival Seminar
•           2013 China Automotive Design Summit
•           Citroen (DS)Car Clinic IDI
•           FIAT Car Clinic FGD
•           IPSOS & Chery EU products in-depth survey
•           IPSOS & Cadillac FGD
•           Honda Acura TL Techinal Analysis & Meida Test Driving
•           Boston Consulting Group: Market Research on LCV
•           Ford China Market Entry Research & Discussion
•           Johnson & Johnson Brainstorm
•           ABB Transformer Transportation & Logistics Seminar
•           China International Industry Fair Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development
•           Carrefour Supplier Seminar
•           2012 Tianjin Consumer Finance Seminar
•           Microsoft Cloud Service Presentation Forum
•           The 2012 International Conference and Forum on Public Welfare and Gaming Industry
•           The 3rd international down festival
•           China-US Energy Cooperation Project Annual Meeting
•           International Nutrition and Healthy Food EXPO
•           The 20th World Handicraft Art Conference
•           MOA and Danish Agriculture& Food Council
•           China International Food Security and Quality Control Conference
•           China Internet conference 2012
•           2012 Asian Renewable Energy Grid Connection and Energy Storage
•           Innovation and Industry Seminar
•           RSA Conference China
•           IWDF Partners Conference
•           3rd Global Green Economy Prosperity Forum
•           2012 China International Energy Development Conference
Consecutive Interpretation
•           2018.7.23 Yuecheng Architectural Design Bidding for Tunkers Taicang Project
•           2018.7.12 E-commerce Business Plan Presentation from Mofun to Helen of Troy Executives on Revlon Hair Tools
•           2018.7.8 Very Young Composers Concert by Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and New York Philharmonic during 2018 Music Summer in Asia
•           2018.6.14 Global President of Arcadis Visit to Alibaba and Cainiao
•           2018.5.31 Bird & Bird Law Firm and AllBright Law Firm Workshop- IP Session
•           2018.5.14 Opening Ceremony of 2018 6th Shanghai International Aerospace Technology and Equipment Exhibition
•           2018.4.23 Wella R&D Wash & Care Team Salon Visit
•           2018.3.29-30 Landmark Group Supplier Meeting (2 days)
•           2018.3.20-22 DOMOTEX asia/CHINA FLOOR Salons & Forums (3 days)
•           2018.3.8 AEG Brand Launch Gala Dinner
•           2018.1.16 Collaboration Exploration between Shanghai 1st Rehabilitation Hospital and University of Nebraska, US.
•           2017.11.21 Wella R&D Perm Team Salon Visit
•           2017.10.31 Conference Call between EDB and Aliyun
•           2017.10.25 Welcome Dinner for the Yangtze River and the Rhine Comparative Study Symposium
•           2017.9.9 P.M. Media Interview of 2017 BMW Motorrad Days China
•           2017.8.29-31 Wella KiraKira Program Phase II(3 days)
•           2017.8.22 Lagardere Sports Executive Media Interview
•           2017.8.14/16 Discussion between Alifish and Victoria Secret Production Team
•           2017.8.9-10 Gartner Digital Transformation (Fintech/Insurtech) Workshop
•           2017.7.25 RFS Suzhou Manufacturing Base Opening Ceremony & Press Conference
•           2017.7.8 Very Young Composers Concert by Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and New York Philharmonic during 2017 Music Summer in Asia
•           2017.6.12-16 Wella KiraKira Program (5 days)
•           2017.5.10 Technology Discussion between Flybrid (UK) and XCMG Excavator
•           2017.5.9 Technology Discussion between Flybrid (UK) and Sany Group
•           2017.5.4 Discussion on Big Data Applications between China Eastern and Rolls-Royce
•           2017.4.28 2017 Smart City Development and Design Forum
•           2017.4.26 Briefing on Intellectual Property Development in Shanghai
•           2017.4.19 Seminar on the Development of New Industries between CSSC and BV
•           2017.4.12 Landmark Group Major Reform Communication Meeting
•           2017.3.22-23 Domotex Asia/China Floor-Carpet Design Forum
•           2017.3.21 Domotex Asia/China Floor-Luxury Brands Top Handmade Rug Show Opening Ceremony (Bilingual MC & Consecutive Interpretation for Speeches)
•           2017.2.15 Technology Discussion between US Gradiant Corp. and Shenergy Group
•           2017.1.19-20 General Manager of Oracle University Asia Pacific Greg Ableson Speech on Oracle OAEC (Hunan) Opening Ceremony and Meeting with Leadership of Changde Municipal Government
•           2016.11.23 Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions Executives Interview
•           2016.11.22 Technology Discussion between TOROTRAK and Sany Group
•           2016.11.21 Cooperative Opportunity Exploration between TOROTRAK and LOVOL Construction Machinery
•           2016.11.17 Commissioner Meeting between State Intellectual Property Office of China and Poland Patent Management Office
•           2016.11.11 Cooperative Opportunity Exploration between TOROTRAK and Long King Shareholding.
•           2016.11.10 Schneider Sales Summary and Outlook
•           2016.10.28 GS1Delagation Visit to Shanghai East Hospital
•           2016.10.25 idschool (OKAIDI/OBAIBI) Training for Trainers
•           2016.10.24 Sino-Dutch Business Dinner
•           2016.9.20-21 SentientScience Presentation-Providing Chinese Bearing Quality to Enter and Compete in the Global Wind Turbine Market
•           2016.9.1-3 Wella Stagecraft and Facilitation Training Course (Bronze)
•           2016.8.26 Shanghai Design Week-- Sino-Dutch Design Talk
•           2016.8.3-4 Wella Trend Vision Award 2016
•           2016.7.19 Conference Call between EDB and Aliyun
•           2016.7.15 NEC Inventory Management System Presentation
•           2016.7.8 Very Young Composers Concert by Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and New York Philharmonic during 2016 Music Summer in Asia
•           2016.7.7 NEC POS & HR System Solution Presentation
•           2016.6.29 Media Interview of RFS (Radio Frequency Systems)
•           2016.6.20-21 International Summit for Pharmaceutical Packaging & Drug Delivery System
•           2016.5.27 Launching Ceremony of Vincent Van Gogh Letters (Chinese Edition)
•           2016.5.24 Huawei FusionSolar Gala Dinner
•           2016.5.11 Bangkok Bank Special Meeting with China’s High-Level Delegation
•           2016.5.9 Devatec Product Introduction and Technical Clearance to Foxconn
•           2016.5.5 SIAL 2016 Innovation Award Ceremony
•           2016.5.4 Cooperative Opportunity Exploration between TOROTRAK and Shaanxi FAST Auto Drive Engineering Research Institute (Flybrid KERS)
•           2016.5.3 Follow-up Meeting between TOROTRAK and Sany Group (Flybrid KERS)
•           2016.4.29 2016 International Auto Aftermarket Summit
•           2016.4.22 Interviews with Michael Cherman, Designers of ICNY Brand,Lane Crawford Partner
•           2016.4.17-20 2016 CMEF-Handshoe Product Promotion
•           2016.4.15 Interviews with Superman Henry Cavill
•           2016.3.7 Signing Ceremony of the IPS-MRCT Joint Center of Therapeutic Antibody
•           2016.1.13 General Manager of Oracle University Asia Pacific Greg Ableson Speech on Oracle OAEC (Guizhou) Opening Ceremony
•           2016.1.12 General Manager of Oracle University Asia Pacific Greg Ableson Meeting with Leadership of Zunyi Municipal Government
•           2015.12.13-22 2015 SAE-China Design Group Automotive Design Training
•           Program(Tape Drawing Phase, 10 days)
•           2015.12.11 Delegation of uThukela District Municipality, South Africa Visit to Zizhu High-tech Park
•           2015.11.23-24 Compliance Investigation of Greiner Extrusionstechnik Austria
•           2015.11.18 Meeting between Dashang Business School and Tel Aviv University
•           2015.11.11 Cooperative Opportunity Exploration between TOROTRAK and Sany Group (IVT, Flybrid KERS)
•           2015.11.10 Cooperative Opportunity Exploration between TOROTRAK and Shanghai Automobile Gear Works
•           2015.11.09 Cooperative Opportunity Exploration between TOROTRAK and Shanghai Xingfu Motorcycle Co., Ltd.
•           2015.11.09 Second Round Cooperative Opportunity Exploration between TOROTRAK and WEIFU Group
•           2015.10.27 LiveU Presentation by COO & Co-founder Avi Cohen on Entrepreneur Forum
•           2015.10.20 Leosphere Meeting with Anhui Institute of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
•           2015.10.19 Leosphere Meeting with Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences
•           2015.10.16 Press Interview with Artist CAO FEI during GUCCI “No Longer, Not Yet” Exhibition
•           2015.10.13-15 2015 Global Summit of Thermal Performance Development Departments, DENSO
•           2015.10.12 Li & Fung COO Conference Call with US partners
•           2015.10.12 NEC HR System Solution Presentation
•           2015.9.26-27 SAE-China Design Group Advanced Workshop for Chinese Design Directors
•           2015.9.17 idschool (OKAIDI/OBAIBI) Sales Training
•           2015.9.04 Business Negotiation between EnterpriseDB and Aliyun (cloud and database technology)
•           2015.8.3-8.29 2015 SAE-China Design Group Automotive Design Training
•           Program(Four weeks)
•           2015.7.23 Business Negotiation between Green Source Group and Darling
•           International
•           2015.7.22 Entegris IDI by Rosetta (Con Call)
•           2015.7.21 VistaJet-Apex Air Press Conference and Meeting with Nandong Municipal Government (Bilingual MC & Interpreter)
•           2015.7.15 Premier/IBM Smart Cities/BTC/ABC Accelerator Meeting with Songjiang District Government
•           2015.7.15 Con-Call between Seven Harbor New York & TCL/BOE
•           2015.7.14 AzkoNobel E-Solutions Launch Media Interview
•           2015.6.18-19 Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) Witness Audit on Bureau Veritas (whisper simultaneous interpretation)
•           2015.6.17 "Elaboration Art Feast" Organized by AI-EQUAL Cultural Communication Co., Ltd, Rayli Magazine and The Philharmonia Orchestra
•           2015.6.5 3D Technology Crossover——BDHOME and Dassault Forum
•           2015.5.26-29 2015 Dutch Days (speeches, presentations and panel discussions)
•           2015.5.25 How Does Religion Influence Culture: Between Religion, Nationalism and Diaspora Traditions by Professor Yossi Shain, Tel Aviv University
•           2015.5.24 “A World Tops Your Joy” Top Mansion Release
•           2015.5.15-18 2015 CMEF-Handshoe Product Promotion
•           2015.5.11-12 IT system upgrading consultation between IT Team of PANDORA Jewelry Asia-Pacific Limited and Yonyou Software
•           2015.5.7 Promotion of Food Safety Traceability Seminar
•           2015.5.2 Long Clothing Investigation to Chinese Suppliers
•           2015.4.28-5.1 Wella Professionals TTT Program
•           2015.4.26-27 KweeGee Pte Ltd Dispute Resolution
•           2015.4.24 Cooperative Opportunity Exploration between TOROTRAK and WEIFU Group
•           2015.4.19-22 2015 SAE-China Automotive Design Events
•           2015.4.15 Press Conference of Performing Art Program Launched Jointly by Julliard and Nord Anglia Education
•           2015.4.13-14 IT system upgrading consultation between IT Team of PANDORA Jewelry Asia-Pacific Limited and Yonyou Software
•           2015.3.30 KweeGee Trading Company Legal Affairs Consulting with Shanghai Phoenix Law Firm
•           2015.3.29 Cooperation Possibility Exploration between China Tea Marketing Association and October Multimedia Co., Ltd.
•           2015.3.26-3.27 Eyelevel Xiamen WOFE Setup Meetings
•           2015.3.25 MasterMind Company’s Visit to Shanghai Water Authority (water purification and sewerage treatment)
•           2015.3.23-24 Eyelevel Teamwork and Corporate Culture Training
•           2015.3.20 Business Negotiation between EnterpriseDB and DragonNet (cloud and database technology)
•           2015.3.19 Business Negotiation between EnterpriseDB and Aliyun (cloud and database technology)
•           2015.3.2-3.13 TRUMF Trulaser L20 Product Training
•           2015.3.1 Miru New Product Launch(CI/Bilingual MC)
•           2015.1.30 Business Negotiation between Shanghai DM New Material Technology Co., Ltd. and its Italian supplier
•           2015.1.20-28 Event Build-up Meetings between Laureus Delegation & Shanghai Municipal Government
•           2015.1.8 President of Oracle Asia Pacific Lawrence Jelley Speech on Oracle OAEC/WDP Guangxi Center
•           2015.1.7 President of Oracle Asia Pacific Lawrence Jelley Meeting with Leadership of Beihai Municipal Government
•           2015.1.6 President of Oracle Asia Pacific Lawrence Jelley Meeting with Leadership of Zunyi Municipal Government
•           2014.12.22 Shanghai YiNai FRP CO., LTD Bidding Technology Clarification
•           2014.12.8~12.20 2014 SAE-China Design Group Automotive Design Training Program (Phase 2)
•           2014.11.26 Terex Genie SX-180 Media Communication on 2014 Bauma China
•           Terex Corporation Press Conference on 2014 Bauma China
•           2014.11.20 CCB Credit Card Center and BAC Consulting Project Review
•           2014.11.9 Shanghai Hongqiao NDT Business Meeting with RTP, Iran
•           2014.11.3-7/11-14 TRUMF Trulaser L20 Product Training
•           2014.10.29-30 President of Oracle Asia Pacific Lawrence Jelley Meeting with Leadership of Shandong Provincial Government
•           2014.10.17/19 Laureus Awarding Ceremony Build-up Meeting between Laureus Members & Shanghai Municipal Government
•           2014.9.23  Contract Pre-acceptance of BMW Brilliance Auto on Shanghai Hongqiao NDT
•           2014.9.22 Social Accountability Accreditation Services Special Check
•           2014.9.20~21 SAE-China Design Group Advanced Workshop for Chinese Design Directors
•           2014.8.17~9.13 2014 SAE-China Design Group Automotive Design Training Program(CI, four weeks)
•           2014.7.19~23 Collaborative Possibility Discussion between JWD, Armani and Golden Union 
•           2014.7.18 Technical Clarification between BMW Brilliance Auto and Shanghai Hongqiao NDT 
•           2014.6.27-28 Cigi(Canadian International Grains Institute) Investigation in Shanghai 
•           2014.6.19 Business Negotiation with Mr. David Goodwin, Director of Australian Wild Game Exports / Interport Cargo (Tele Conference)
•           2014.6.11-12 Key Dealers Meeting of The North Face (TNF)  
•           2014.6.10 Laureus Press Conference Summary 
•           2014.6.9 Press Conference of 2015 Laureus Awards Ceremony 
•           2014.5.22 Press Conference Build-up Meeting between Laureus Members & Shanghai Municipal Government 
•           2014.4.29 Hengyuanxiang Dealers Convention-WGSN Presentation 
•           2014.4.17-4.23 2014 SAE-China Design Group Events (CI/4 Lectures)
•           2014.3.30-4.4 Wuhan Qiaoya Realty Group Chairman’s Visit to Holland and Business Negotiation with DPH 
•           2014.3.26-27 ESI Group Discussion Summit
•           2014.3.19 Business Negotiation between Shanghai Arjoin Industry Trading Co,.LTD and potential acquirer 
•           2014.3.18 Wireless Construction Plan Joint Review for Disneyland Park 
•           2014.3.5 Negotiation for Bidding Technical Comments between Zhejiang Guotai Construction Company and Ferrero 
•           2014.2.17-2.21 NMG 2014 Consulting Reinsurance Evaluation Project 
•           2014.1.22 Business Negotiation between Shanghai Blue Dream Material Technology Co., Ltd. and STR  
•           2014.1.17 Business Negotiation between DPH and Wuhan Qiaoya Group 
•           2013.12.17 Q Tower Potential Competitor Survey Follow-up 
•           2013.12.10 Meeting between General Manager of Shy-Tools and Georgian Designer Zviad 
•           2013.11.6-12.7 CPI Power Plant Training (Mechanical Maintenance) for Turkey Owner  
•           2013.10.27 2014 Dusseldorf Germany Interpack Presentation
•           2013.10.23-25 Q Tower Potential Competitor Survey
•           2013.10.18 Negotiation between PATAC Modeling Director Daniel Robar & TOOLS Corporation 
•           2013.9.29 CEO of DPH Visit to Equestrian Clubs in Shanghai  
•           2013.9.26-28 International Horse Fair——KWPN 
•           2013.9.13-18 SAE-China Design Group Design Executive Workshop 
•           2013.9.8 Auto Designer Zviad (Gorgia) Contracted Work in SAIC 
•           2013.7.27 Erik Tuft, Auto Designer of New Lincoln Visit to Sunra 
•           2013.7.15~26 2013 CCS-Shy-tools Automotive Design Workshop (2-week program) 
•           2013.7.12 Satoshi Wada’s Visit to SAIC 
•           2013.6.16~27 Auto Designer Zviad (Gorgia) Short-term Work in SAIC  
•           2013.5.30 CNN Exclusive Interview with Rick Goings, CEO of Tupperware Brands  
•           2013.5.24 TOOLS Corp. Visit to Nissan Design China
•           2013.4.23 Former Senior Vice President of Renault Mr. Patrick le Quément Visit to Shanghai International Motor Show  
•           2013.4.22 Former Senior Vice President of Renault Mr. Patrick le Quément Speech in SAIC Group  
•           2013.4.19 Former Senior Vice President of Renault Mr. Patrick le Quément Speech in BAIC Group  
•           2013.3.31 2013 China Urbanization International Forum 
•           2013.3.25-29 NMG 2013 Consulting Reinsurance Evaluation Project 
•           2013.2.28 SAE-China Design Group Meeting with Mr. Olivier Boulay, Vice President of Mercedes-Benz Advanced Design Center China 
•           2012.12.23 CCS (College for Creative Study) Professor Kuni Ito Speech in Tianjin FAW 
•           2012.11.20-21 Asia Area Sales Manager of Holophane Meetings with Potential Customers in Changzhou 
•           2012.11.9 OTC PHARMA International match-making meetings with Shanghai Jahwa, Sinopharm Group, etc.
•           EU delegation’s visit to Shanghai Exit-Entry Inspection & Quarantine Bureau (PROSAFE Joint Action)    
•           Events of Agriculture & Food Expo Harbin 2012 (CI / whisper SI)
•           2012-Negotiation between Shanghai Dachanghang Warehousing & Transportation Co., Ltd. and Ferreor Rocher 
•           2012 International Horse Fair——Dutch Premium Horses 
•           2012 MAGNA Project (technology evaluation) for a car manufacturer in Wuhu, Anhui (2 months)
•           2012 NOVO MANIA
•           2012 CCS Automotive Design Workshop (3-week program) 
•           Sino-Dutch Medical Instrument Industry Match-making Event 
•           2012 China Auto Design Summit
•           Exclusive interview with Arnaud Ribault, General Manager of DS BU, Changan PSA 
•           NMG Consulting Reinsurance Evaluation Project 
•           Citroen (DS)Car Clinic IDI (SI)
•           Microsoft-Hunan Government Roundtable Forum 
•           AVD Media Co., Ltd. marketing and technology discussions 
•           Shanghai Volkswagen FEE In-depth Interview with Jiangsu RSSC (Whisper SI)
•           Innovatum (a science park in Sweden) delegation’s visit to Shanghai and meetings with Shanghai S & T Innovation Center, Jiading Industrial Zone Management Commission, Jiading Automotive City, etc. 
•           Prof. Molnar (Dean of College for Creative Studies, Detroit)’s visit to Shanghai Shy-tools 
•           2011 International Horse Fair——Dutch Premium Horses 
•           Consecutive Interpreter for GM ‘Customer-focus’ training program 
•           UKTI Showcase Event——Prodrive Automobile Co., Ltd. 
•           Negotiation between B.Thinking (current IPSOS AUTO) and IPSOS high management for acquisition issues 
•           Meetings between SJTU leaders and political figures of foreign countries, including H.E. Ali I. Al-Naimi, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Saudi Arabia; Princess Maha Chakri·Sirindhorn of the Kingdom of Thailand; Peter Mueller, Prime Minister of the German Federal State of Saarland, consuls, etc. 
•           Meetings between SJTU leaders and executives of multinational companies like Ford, Dell, Honeywell, Microsoft, Dow, etc. 
•           Meetings between SJTU leaders and delegates from a great number of world-renowned universities and institutions including the University of Michigan, Georgia Institute of Science & Technology, , University of Warwick, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, ETH Zürich, DAAD, DFG, etc. 

Translation Experience:
Publication (translation)
          Wood Construction, South of the Yangtze,
August 2009, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press
Long engaged and skilled in the translation work of various industries including laws, health care, economy, art, automobile, market consulting, etc.
Long-term cooperation with
l  Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
l  Ipsos Auto
l  McKinsey & Company
l  Roland Berger
l  Meritco
l  China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (CSCLF)
l  CTR Market Research
l  EMR Market Research
l  National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)
l  China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)
l  The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
l  KBC Goldstate
l  Tsing Hua University
Art & Investment Magazine
l  CCTV-2
l  2010 Shanghai World-- Switzerland Pavilion

Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务,专业的全球语言翻译与信息解决方案供应商,专业翻译机构品牌。无论在本地,国内还是海外,我们的专业、星级体贴服务,为您的事业加速!世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 专业翻译公司,北京翻译公司,上海翻译公司,英文翻译,日文翻译,韩语翻译,翻译公司排行榜,翻译公司收费价格表,翻译公司收费标准,翻译公司北京,翻译公司上海。
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  • “我单位是一家总部位于丹麦的高科技企业,和世联翻译第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,得到了国外合作伙伴的认可!”


  • “我公司是一家荷兰驻华分公司,主要致力于行为学研究软件、仪器和集成系统的开发和销售工作,所需翻译的英文说明书专业性强,翻译难度较大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。”


  • “为我司在东南亚地区的业务开拓提供小语种翻译服务中,翻译稿件格式美观整洁,能最大程度的还原原文的样式,同时翻译质量和速度也得到我司的肯定和好评!”


  • “在此之前,我们公司和其他翻译公司有过合作,但是翻译质量实在不敢恭维,所以当我认识刘颖洁以后,对她的专业性和贵公司翻译的质量非常满意,随即签署了长期合作合同。”


  • “我行自2017年与世联翻译合作,合作过程中十分愉快。特别感谢Jasmine Liu, 态度热情亲切,有耐心,对我行提出的要求落实到位,体现了非常高的专业性。”


  • “与我公司对接的世联翻译客服经理,可以及时对我们的要求进行反馈,也会尽量满足我们临时紧急的文件翻译要求。热情周到的服务给我们留下深刻印象!”


  • “翻译金融行业文件各式各样版式复杂,试译多家翻译公司,后经过比价、比服务、比质量等流程下来,最终敲定了世联翻译。非常感谢你们提供的优质服务。”


  • “我司所需翻译的资料专业性强,涉及面广,翻译难度大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。在一次业主单位对完工资料质量的抽查中,我司因为俄文翻译质量过关而受到了好评。”


  • “我司在2014年与贵公司建立合作关系,贵公司的翻译服务质量高、速度快、态度好,赢得了我司各部门的一致好评。贵司经理工作认真踏实,特此致以诚挚的感谢!”


  • “我们需要的翻译人员,不论是笔译还是口译,都需要具有很强的专业性,贵公司的德文翻译稿件和现场的同声传译都得到了我公司和合作伙伴的充分肯定。”


  • “在这5年中,世联翻译公司人员对工作的认真、负责、热情、周到深深的打动了我。不仅译件质量好,交稿时间及时,还能在我司资金周转紧张时给予体谅。”


  • “我公司与世联翻译一直保持着长期合作关系,这家公司报价合理,质量可靠,效率又高。他们翻译的译文发到国外公司,对方也很认可。”


  • “贵公司翻译的译文质量很高,语言表达流畅、排版格式规范、专业术语翻译到位、翻译的速度非常快、后期服务热情。我司翻译了大量的专业文件,经过长久合作,名副其实,值得信赖。”


  • “针对我们农业科研论文写作要求,尽量寻找专业对口的专家为我提供翻译服务,最后又按照学术期刊的要求,提供润色原稿和相关的证明文件。非常感谢世联翻译公司!”


  • “世联的客服经理态度热情亲切,对我们提出的要求都落实到位,回答我们的问题也非常有耐心。译员十分专业,工作尽职尽责,获得与其共事的公司总部同事们的一致高度认可。”


  • “我公司与马来西亚政府有相关业务往来,急需翻译项目报备材料。在经过对各个翻译公司的服务水平和质量的权衡下,我们选择了世联翻译公司。翻译很成功,公司领导非常满意。”


  • “客服经理能一贯热情负责的完成每一次翻译工作的组织及沟通。为客户与译员之间搭起顺畅的沟通桥梁。能协助我方建立专业词库,并向译员准确传达落实,准确及高效的完成统一风格。”


  • “贵公司与我社对翻译项目进行了几次详细的会谈,期间公司负责人和廖小姐还亲自来我社拜访,对待工作热情,专业度高,我们双方达成了很好的共识。对贵公司的服务给予好评!”


  • “非常感谢世联翻译!我们对此次缅甸语访谈翻译项目非常满意,世联在充分了解我司项目的翻译意图情况下,即高效又保质地完成了译文。”


  • “在合作过程中,世联翻译保质、保量、及时的完成我们交给的翻译工作。客户经理工作积极,服务热情、周到,能全面的了解客户的需求,在此表示特别的感谢。”


  • “我们通过图书翻译项目与你们相识乃至建立友谊,你们报价合理、服务细致、翻译质量可靠。请允许我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢!”


  • “很满意世联的翻译质量,交稿准时,中英互译都比较好,措辞和句式结构都比较地道,译文忠实于原文。TNC是一家国际环保组织,发给我们美国总部的同事后,他们反应也不错。”


  • “原英国首相布莱尔来访,需要非常专业的同声传译服务,因是第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,但是贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,给我们留下了非常深刻的印象。”


  • “在与世联翻译合作期间,世联秉承着“上善若水、厚德载物”的文化理念,以上乘的品质和质量,信守对客户的承诺,出色地完成了我公司交予的翻译工作。”


  • “由于项目要求时间相当紧凑,所以世联在保证质量的前提下,尽力按照时间完成任务。使我们在世博会俄罗斯馆日活动中准备充足,并受到一致好评。”


  • “贵公司针对客户需要,挑选优秀的译员承接项目,翻译过程客户随时查看中途稿,并且与客户沟通术语方面的知识,能够更准确的了解到客户的需求,确保稿件高质量。”
